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Fish Counter ...


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Just a question for all you out there ...


Im currently making an online fish counter you can sign up for ... this portion will be live for me and some friends(or whoever else wants to use it) .. storing : fish type, length, weight, lure/bait, location, other info section(weather, temps, etc ...) ....


This will also have a game built into it, with global leaderboards for users all over teh world, with a point system for fish.. this will be starting in ontario only(for mere simplicity to start with different types of fish, and tehre points...)



This will also be ported over to Android phones, and iPhone and be available in spring....


can i get some input on what everyone thinks the point system should be ?


type points only .. size will be awarded bonus points however(for the larger fish)



how would you order these fish?


The Trouts

Northern Pike


Large/Small mouth bass.



Pan fish(bluegill, rock bass, etc...)

Alternative Species(carp, catfish, etc ...)



thanks :)

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thats a great app! why hate on us blackberry users tho? lol


no offence .... Android is my business, iPhone, I hate, but, I have a buddy who codes for them, and Blackberry wants way too much money to program for there phones ...

you could always browse to the website on your Blackberry :)... lol.

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Been done here in Ontario in a dozen different manifestations and progressing technologies over the past 40 years. More recent would be Canadian Sportfishing's, OFAH Angler awards, OFC's team event.

Your app is same old thing just on a different delivery media, but becomes almost too vague if applied to a global setting.

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Been done here in Ontario in a dozen different manifestations and progressing technologies over the past 40 years. More recent would be Canadian Sportfishing's, OFAH Angler awards, OFC's team event.

Your app is same old thing just on a different delivery media, but becomes almost too vague if applied to a global setting.





i gave enough information to justify the question, nothing more ... but thanks for thinking my countless hours of work wouldn't go un-researched ... what a waste this time would have been if i were in fact stupid.

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I don't understand, so you want people to sign up in order to just write down the size and how many fish they catch after they go fishing? I'm not sure, now I am not crticizing you but don't you think people would just rather come onto a Message Board, and tell their story, show pictures and just mention the size of the fish and how many they may have caught that day. Haha if I wrote down the size of every fish I caught in a day I would write a chapter book, not sure, just seems like a lot of work for something people will probably eventually just become annoyed with. Good luck to you and your friends sir. Please if I have the wrong idea, explain it better to me. Once again I am not criticizing your idea I am just trying to make better sense of it and how it is different from everything else besides the phone aspect of it.





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I don't understand, so you want people to sign up in order to just write down the size and how many fish they catch after they go fishing? I'm not sure, now I am not crticizing you but don't you think people would just rather come onto a Message Board, and tell their story, show pictures and just mention the size of the fish and how many they may have caught that day. Haha if I wrote down the size of every fish I caught in a day I would write a chapter book, not sure, just seems like a lot of work for something people will probably eventually just become annoyed with. Good luck to you and your friends sir. Please if I have the wrong idea, explain it better to me. Once again I am not criticizing your idea I am just trying to make better sense of it and how it is different from everything else besides the phone aspect of it.






Possibly to tun pts in to $, or top 10 win prizes, blah blah. There's a lot more I'm sure to it than just submit measurements.


Regarding pt system I wouldn't really be able to help rank them for you except panfish being worth 0.01pt unless > 15". :sarcasm:

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I don't understand, so you want people to sign up in order to just write down the size and how many fish they catch after they go fishing? I'm not sure, now I am not crticizing you but don't you think people would just rather come onto a Message Board, and tell their story, show pictures and just mention the size of the fish and how many they may have caught that day. Haha if I wrote down the size of every fish I caught in a day I would write a chapter book, not sure, just seems like a lot of work for something people will probably eventually just become annoyed with. Good luck to you and your friends sir. Please if I have the wrong idea, explain it better to me. Once again I am not criticizing your idea I am just trying to make better sense of it and how it is different from everything else besides the phone aspect of it.






There is a lot more to it than just storing fish ..... its going to be a game, geo-caching, friends lists, fishing spot shares, leader boards, pictures, Google maps API integration, and a bunch more ... yes, a lot of it has been done, but essentially, I'll be taking all the other ideas, putting them together in one application, and adding quite a bit more ... also, as I said in the first post, this is for my friends, and whoever else wanted to use it .. its not for something huge for public use, that i anticipate will blow up, its for my friends, i was merely looking for what everyone thinks would be good for ranks on those fish ...


again, before anyone else says "hey, this has been done, i'll flame the post instead of actually attempting to help" .... I know its been done, I'm doing this for ME and MY friends, and what ever randoms want to do it ...

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