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Lake Ontario Round 2

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Got out on Lake O yesterday with Spincast and Vinnimon, what a beautiful morning to be out on the water. Met them both last week on a trip out with Lloyd (Fishhunter), and, after a flurry of PM's this week, we decided to try it on our own in Rick's Starcraft.

With the three of us all living on the west side of Toronto we thought we would give Jordan a shot, so, at around 5:45 AM we launched the boat and headed out to try and find some fish. Rick has a couple manual downriggers, also set up one dipsey and a leadcore flatline (Rick had picked up the leadcore this week after seeing it in use on Lloyd's boat) went with spoons Michigan Stingers and Northern Kings to start the day. Within the first 45 minutes of trolling we found some fish, Rick went last on our other trip, so he was first up this time. After a good battle he landed a really nice rainbow of about 11 lbs on the leadcore.




Before the start of the day, we had decided if we did well we were going to release the majority of our fish, this one went home with Vinnimon for a date with a smoker.

I was up next, and, lost two...first one on the leadcore (spit the hooks way out), second one nailed the rigger shortly after changing lures to a black and white pattern. As I was grabbing my rod a big bow came flying out of the water behind the boat three times in a row, I felt the line go limp, reeled in to find my braid had broken (more than likely due to the fact that I had removed a crapload of spiny flea from it earlier with a sharp edge and had probably nicked the line)!!

On my third shot the leadcore (notice a pattern here!!) started bouncing, I reeled in a tiny bow (I thought Rick's salmon last week was small, LOL).

Vince was up next, lost one, before getting an about 3 lb Chinook...




We ended up losing 5 fish, landing the three, and missing five hits. Not bad results for our first time out. Of the thirteen or so hits, an astonishing 12 came on the leadcore, GREAT call on that one Rick!!!

All in all a good morning, weather co-operated, winds didn't get too nasty (actually calmed down late in the morning). Watch out for the spiny flea out there, really nasty on my 30 lb braid!!


My small bow and Vinnimon's chinook had a date with my BBQ last night, wish I would have taken a pic or two of them cooking, turned out awesome.


It has been said before, but, it is great meeting fellow board members, and, getting out for these excursions. Thanks, Rick for taking us out in the boat...looking forward to doing it again, I told Juli of your offer..."bring the Fishing Queen, next time"...she is up for it as long as the wind isn't too strong.

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A great bigclapping.gifclapping.gif for rick(spincast) and frank(frankie65),top notch guys,for sure!

But frank you forgot about something ,The little guyrofl2.gif flopping around the back of the boat.That was funnyrofl2.gif

I was sure it went back into the water,caught me by surprise!

Edited by vinnimon
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The last picture looks like an Atlantic From the spots on the slide and one on the gill cover. I could be wrong, Hard to tell on the picture. Nice fish boys. That fish sure will be tasty on the smoker.

Definitely a Chinook, black mouth and tongue. BBQ it last night...delicious.

Thanks! :D

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GREAT JOB!! Sorry I did not get back to you. I had some crap that hit the fan but all good now. Glad to see you had a good day. Keep up the good work!!

Thanks, Lloyd, I think we were all bit by the Lake O salmon/trout bug on your boat!! Juli still keeps telling me how awesome getting that 21 lb Chinook was.

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