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Split shot for steelhead


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I'm new to the board and new to steelhead fishing as well. I've done some searching here about split shot patterns and found some great links. My question is, is it proper technique to put split shot on the leader? Most of what I've read only describes placing shot between the float and swivel. Would appreciate any advice.

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you'll probably get a ton of different answers but it's mostly personal preference, nothing is written in stone.


clearer water you want more space between bait and the shot...in murky water or fast flowing you can get away with shot closer to the bait......the longer lead between shot and bait will allow your bait more room to wander in the current....


make sure you use round shot as the removable tabs will cause your shot to spin and put twist in your line

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There has to be some other info on this board somewhere regarding shot patters......did you try a search first?

Probably will find something, I have seen this topic before i think? Like bare foot wader said, you will get a ton of opinions on this one! I personally do, but some guys will argue not to, as some believe it will compromise the strength of your lead line?

Hope this helps!

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

given that there is such a variance in conditions, there is no specific technique for how you place steelhead shot. the suggestions on the raven tackle site are a reasonable starting point. what i have found to be of the most importance is making slight changes in each run you fish until you either begin to hit fish, or you can determine nothing is going to bite too willingly.


generally i'll drift the entire run over 10 casts or so, if I get nothing, i'll change my shot placement.


another indicator is how your float rides. until the float is cocked just right, your shot amount/placement is incorrect.

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There has to be some other info on this board somewhere regarding shot patters......did you try a search first?

Probably will find something, I have seen this topic before i think? Like bare foot wader said, you will get a ton of opinions on this one! I personally do, but some guys will argue not to, as some believe it will compromise the strength of your lead line?

Hope this helps!


Yes, I did try a search I did find some info on shot patterns, but as per my original post all the info I've read and diagrams I've viewed show the shot ABOVE the leader on the main line. My specific question is about placing shot on the leader BELOW the swivel. Thanks for the info regarding compromising leader strength.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

if that's the specific question, i personally do not put any shot below my swivel. anything that happens below my swivel is intended to be natural and invisible. adding weight close to the presentation accomplishes neither of these.

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From my extensive experience drifting floats for steelhead ( ! ), placing shot on the leader below the swivel is not done for the reasons the good Dr. explained above. Another good reason not to do this, is that you are weakening your already light leader by crimping shot onto it. Don't do it.

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Just to follow up..........I do put shot on my lead line if the current is quick, and I need to get my bait down quicker, or feel that my bait is riding too high, or over the strikezone. This is only when the water is very clear...because if it was not extremeley clear, I would just shorten my lead line, and put shot above the swivel. Hope this is understandable?

Edited by Shaynebow
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I shot my leader line all the time.........i dont bite too hard on the shot, just enough to get it closed on the line, then i dip it in the water and give them an initial slide in case i need to adjust them later making sure they arent too tight. I mainly use 6 lb flouro leaders and dont remember the last time i snapped a fish off. Ive also pulled out many a hang up with shot on my leader line and had my entire rig returned to me. Not all, but many.....and i cant say that the times i have snapped off were due to over crimped shot. In fact alot of times i get my shot pattern back, and the weak point was at the hook knot. (not enough spit on the knot).


I will say that on occasion i sometimes bite the shot too hard and snap lines when doing my test slide just after shotting......but its rare.


Having said all that, you probably wouldnt get away with this going anything under 6 lb.....


I think they should design a shot with a concave face on the inside instead of a straight "pac-man" profile so you can close the shot but then determine how tight it is on your line with bite strength lol

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everything in moderation craig. :unsure:


seriously though, does everyone use pliers to pinch on those little BB shot


I switched over to the Water Gremlin shots for most of my steelheading last spring…Size B and BB for most of my river fishing (Niagara I use the big ones)…They’re way easier to pinch onto the line by hand than the regular steelhead shots...I soak mine in vinegar overnight sometimes (it turns a powdery grey which turns some people off but I don’t really care)…Other people soak theirs in Draino to take off the shine (it turns black)…TBH I haven’t really noticed a difference in my catch rates between shiny VS dull finished split shots but others I know swear otherwise.


To the original poster, I normally use a longer leader than most (24-30 inches)…I find myself switching baits/jigs/flies, etc often and snip off the leader bit by bit. I’d rather just slide my float up than re-rig a new leader.LOL If I’m fishing frog water, I generally don’t put any shots on the leader…For the rest of the time I almost always have split shots crimped on the leader (usually 12 or more inches above the hook). Mind you, some of the shots available for steelheaders are quite hard and can damage your line when you slide them up or down…I’ve used Sure Shot and Water Gremlin shots without any problems even (dare I say) with 2lb leaders during the days I used to run a 14ft Hardy.

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Lead VS Drano.........Lead VS Drano....Hmmmmmmm?? :dunno:




You rinse it off after.LOL


You can use the vinegar option like I do, which is the tastier option if you don't rinse it off after and decide to bite it on :D

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i shot my leader all the time and I inspect all my break offs, never had one break at the shot...pinch it jsut enough to stay on the line, you'll lose a few here and there but you can easily slide without damaging your line....


I shot as close as 6" to my bait...in fast current or shoots where I want to get to bottom quickly(not quite 6" then, maybe 12") and in murky water when visibility is greatly reduced I shot 6" away....if visibility is reduced I'm targeting specific areas of the water where i think steelies are holding, with a long leader your bait will wander around....i want to know that my bait is exactly where I want it so i place shot closer to hold my bait to less wandering range


i wouldn't worry too much about what anybody else does...just do what it takes to catch fish and figure it out as you go

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