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Bell cell contract NF


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No easy way out of your predicament. Do you not have a spouse, child, girlfriend or whatever that could use the phone? Would be cheaper to subsidize someone else using the phone.

I got rid of Bell Mobility years ago when we had 2 phones, service was ridiculous, no help from them at all, had no contract but could not negotiate any better deals.

Funny thing was after we switched to Telus (3 Blackberry Mike phones, 3 Mike flip phones, Bells loss) Bell called my new number a few times wanting to know why we switched & offering a better deal, better rates, better service and my answer was....

"Why didn't you offer this to me when I was still your customer?"

Got rid of Bell Canada as well after 3 weeks of heavy static, intermittent phone service and numerous technicians trying to fix the problem. Mountain Cable now has our phone, fax & internet. Cheaper, more features & way better service, comeone on the line that you can understand.

Good Luck!

Edited by Baldy
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Bell Canada Enterprise stock prices are constantly rising, they must be doing something right. And why don't you guys ever get familiarized with the service before locking into a longterm agreement, I don't get it. You sign up for the free phone then you get upset that the contract is actually a contract. I'm in no way a Bell nuthugger, but I do have Bell Mobility and I did sign a contract with them, only because I liked their service not because I got suckered with a free phone deal. \rant

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The part that bothered me the most was the fact they can sign up 15 or 16 year old kids to contracts like this with the promise of a free phone. The plan they get signed up with usually ends up costing them two or three times as much as they understood because of all the exceptions and add-ons. Then they get lousy credit reports when they finally figure out they're getting hosed. And I"m not sure Bell's any worse than the rest of them. I just don't think that's right.

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Bell Canada Enterprise stock prices are constantly rising, they must be doing something right. And why don't you guys ever get familiarized with the service before locking into a longterm agreement, I don't get it. You sign up for the free phone then you get upset that the contract is actually a contract. I'm in no way a Bell nuthugger, but I do have Bell Mobility and I did sign a contract with them, only because I liked their service not because I got suckered with a free phone deal. \rant

If you read the original post, I was not bemoaning the fact that I had signed a long term contract. At the time of signing I had every intention of holding on to the phone I have. However in my case the situation has changed, and I need to adjust.

I have a phone that I will not need now because I am being supplied one by my new employer, and I was enquiring if anyone knew a way to break the contract at minimal cost. It turns out there is not. So be it. Now the challenge I face is to come up with a solution to the situation that is now at hand.

Pay out the contract.....$400.00.

Transfer it to someone else, ....they get stuck with a 3 year commitment as opposed to the two years left in my current commitment.

Keep useing it and have it added to my expense account,... employer must be willing to do this.

Have my daugther/son/wife start using the phone for the balance of the agreement.

Change it to a pay as you go, not sure if that works as well.

Like yourself I am a long time Bell customer....35+ years

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Didn't mean no harm HTHM you sound like a really cool dude. You won't be able to switch it to pay as you go for the remainder of the contract. If your employer wont take over the contract then I'd suggest trying to have someone take it over and have you offer them a phone and maybe some cash as incentive. Try on classified sites such as kijiji or craigslist. goodluck.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i will purchase my next phone with cash and never sign a contract again. i can't switch to rogers however because their coverage in my area is piss poor.

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I went through a very similar situation, Sue and I both had cell phones and I was paying Bell about $60.00 a month but we hardly used the phones, they were mostly for emergencies. There were just a couple of months left on our contract when I decided I wanted out of it; $400. early cancelation fee.It was cheaper to just keep the phones to the end of the contract.


As soon as we got out of the contract I called Virgin Mobile, they use the bell network so you get the same service coverage. I bought two phones, from them, $50.00 ea and they gave me back $35.00 worth of service on each of them. On top of that I bought $100.00 worth of air time, good for a year and at the end of the year any un used air time is carried forward. I set it up for automatic top up so I never worry about running out of air time. And instead of paying Bell about $700.00 a year I now pay $200.00.


Dealing with Virgin Mobile has been wonderful, nice friendly English speaking people with a good sense of humor. One of my phones got damaged a while back (actually Sue washed it when she heard me give my phone number to another woman). Walked into Walmart, $48.00 for a brand new Samsung camera phone and 10 minutes on the phone with Virgin Mobile and I was good to go again.

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Didn't mean no harm HTHM you sound like a really cool dude. You won't be able to switch it to pay as you go for the remainder of the contract. If your employer wont take over the contract then I'd suggest trying to have someone take it over and have you offer them a phone and maybe some cash as incentive. Try on classified sites such as kijiji or craigslist. goodluck.

No offense was taken.

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We have been owned by bell for quite a few years now,, at first I didn't mind ,but we have 4 phones with them and i needed a better one for business,i am counting the months to get rid of them, i am waiting on wind to come into the picture ,we pay to much for our cell service in canada,, the more choices we have in canada will hurt the scum that sucked us these past years,they will lose alot of customers,.. the only deal i get is with expresvu, i cancel with them and they offer 30 percent off in a heart beat,if you have them ,, just phone and do the usual cancel routine and say well i think it is to much for the service and you will be offered a deal ,i guaurntee it,, my buddy gets 40 off, this has been for 2 years now ,free pvr ,hd the whole shebang,, try it ,at least you'.l feel better about this one service while we bend over for there other service..

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