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The End of the Bass For '09


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So, desperate to catch one last bass before the deadline I leapt at Splashhopper's invitation to join him for one last kick at the can. I drug an old bass fishin' buddy along so he could buy the coffees. We met up at one of the ubiquitous Timmies, stocked up, and headed for the water. Ron (Splashhopper) called on the old Mod Chris as moral support (or protection) but fortunately Chris and I had already met over beers so we were cool. I explained my buddy's peculiar propensities (he steals yer women and scotch) in a quiet aside moment but they were both cool cuz they hadn't brought wimmen or scotch. When we got to the water after a hike that felt like an hour or more and a lot of stairs we took a breather pretending we cared while Ron gave us an overview of the water.


Once the three of us had collected our collective breath we had a shared "I'm okay now, and you?" moment and we told Ron to shut up and walk. Rob (my artist buddy) and I headed north with a kind of vague warning from Ron not to wade "beyond 2 short steps or you'll be ass-deep in muck". Rob naturally grabbed the first spot that looked good (I always give him the best spots cuz he is the one who brung me back to fishing after about 40 years and with the advantage of great coaching from OFNers like Garry 2rs I've learned so much about fishing that I feel like giving him a break but he always takes the first cast at every promising looking pool anyway) and I walked on the the next spot. I slipped and slid down to the water;s edge and, heeding Ron's admonitions not to got too far out, I gingerly stepped out to the safe limit and started working the deadfalls nearby. Nothing. But I got my casting arm loosened up so I grabbed my bag (the fishing one) and started back to the path where I immediately ran into Rob. We made an executive decision that this end sucked and started back to the start spot. We ran into Chris who'd given up on Ron's counsel and was looking for us. We had a cigarillo moment and then moved off in search of Ron.


After finding Ron we deliberated on who knew best where the fishies were. Ron suckered Rob into believing that there was success to be had by walking the long long very long path while Chris and I being older and wiser (okay, I'll admit I'm a lot older but perhaps a tad smarter) decided to get in the car and drive to an easier access spot.


Chris and I found a nice easy comfortable picnic table (did I say easy?) and geared up. In no time he stuck his hook into a nice little pike. I say he was lucky but he says he found it by utilising what he has gleaned from his role as an OFC mod and the hours of modding us philistines, especially GCD, but I have no idea what he meant by that Glen being the soul of equanimity and non-combativeness. I mean how can he be considered argumentative? He has the soul of an artist and I have the hand painted jigs to prove it. These things are just too pretty (sorry. Purty in redneck) to have been created by other than a beautiful soul. Anyway, if Chris hadn't cast where I told him to he'd have been lucky to catch a weed but hey, what do I know?


Anyway, my pike (that I let Chris hook into) was the only fish we caught. I'm sure he'll post one of the 40 or so pictures he forced me to take. He was having having elbow problems trying to emulate the TJ fish pose, you know, the one that makes the fish look like Moby Dick (not the socially transmitted disease) The poor pike was gasping for water by the time he spiked him head first into the mud along the shore line. I gotta say he did finally reach down and drag it outa the mud by it's tail and aim him toward the deep water with a quiet apology for his screwup.


Finally Chris gave up on my fish finding skills and said he heard his hottub calling. I said a fond farewell and fished by myself for the next hour to no avail. Later, after doing all my winter housekeeping on my assorted lures chucked into one box for ease of carrying, I started to work my way down the shore looking for the errant twosome. It wasn't long before I came across them straggling along the path. I knew as soon as I saw them they'd caught nothing. I told them Chris apologized but his arm was sore from hauling in pike and he'd left to soak his elbow in the hottub. They bought it.


So, all Bull aside, it was a nice day. My thanks to Ron for setting it up and Chris to showing me a fish for the day. Both of them are great guys. I'd go fishing with either of them any time, any place. Hopefully we'll get to make some runs after finny critters again. I'm waiting to see if my friend Rob joins OFC. He babbled all the way home about what great guys they were, so we'll see. He's kind of a luddite. Computers are to him something like sex to a 15 year old - mystifying. I may have to fill two glasses with scotch and lead him to my computer to introduce him properly to the mysteries of OFC. He'll fit in well. Just don't let him near yer wimmen. He's dangerous. And he can catch more bigger fish than anyone I've ever met with a cheap whippy rod and a $10 reel.


Okay, that's my report. I suspect Ron & Chris will post their own versions - but trust me, this one is the truth.



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I believe you John! (and not just because you said nice things about me either!) I don't know Rob or Ron, but I know that Chris guy (I've spent time in a boat with him)... he would rather climb to the top of a telephone pole to tell a fib, than stand on the ground and tell the truth! ;)


It sounds like a great time y'all had!... but I gotta tell ya, when you mentioned there wasn't any alcohol involved it made me shudder and a little nauseous :blink:

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Okay, that's my report. I suspect Ron & Chris will post their own versions - but trust me, this one is the truth.


Are you sure John??? Ya don't sound to convincing..... Somehow I don't believe you :lol: :lol: J/K :lol: :lol:

Sounds like you guys had fun sharing the water's edge!!!

That was a great read John B) You still got some more time before ice up ;)

Go get'em!!!

Thanks for sharing


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A truly splendid report, full of wit and wisdom and of coarse, I'm sure, the unvarnished truth.


Garry. You know me. Would I lie about one tiny pike, even if it was the only damned pike (let alone only fish) caught for the entire day?


How's my big wet front seat buddy Buck doin' down in Tamale World? Does he fart as bad on a Mexican food diet, or is he still blaming those on Vu?



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Are you sure John??? Ya don't sound to convincing..... Somehow I don't believe you :lol: :lol: J/K :lol: :lol:

Sounds like you guys had fun sharing the water's edge!!!

That was a great read John B) You still got some more time before ice up ;)

Go get'em!!!

Thanks for sharing



Our bass time down here expires on the 30th. I gotta work tomorrow unless I can talk the boss into the day off - oh wait, I'm the boss. Hmmmm.


Nah. It was a nice way to wind up the year. I'll settle for that. :D



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Well,without going into any great detail we had a interesting day. John pretty much told it the way it was exept the part about "spiking the pike head first into the mud" and I only want to clear that part up because I'm sure I'd here about it later if I didn't. It was a clean release and two pics were taken and for some odd reason they were identical like John double clicked or something....


Heres a pick of John casting right into my pike spot after shoving me out of the way.Geeezzz, what a sore head this guy is... :lol:


Anyways, good bunch of guys to fish with and I'm sure they will eventually get over being skunked today and having their behinds handed to them by yours truly..... :lol:


Cheers !!

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Well,without going into any great detail we had a interesting day. John pretty much told it the way it was exept the part about "spiking the pike head first into the mud" and I only want to clear that part up because I'm sure I'd here about it later if I didn't. It was a clean release and two pics were taken and for some odd reason they were identical like John double clicked or something....


Heres a pick of John casting right into my pike spot after shoving me out of the way.Geeezzz, what a sore head this guy is... :lol:


Anyways, good bunch of guys to fish with and I'm sure they will eventually get over being skunked today and having their behinds handed to them by yours truly..... :lol:


Cheers !!


Nice. Now I know why you took so long posting yer report. Good fiction takes a while to write, huh? :D



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When I saw this pic:




I instantly thought of this!






The pirate word was mentioned.


They were the only boots I had without felt soles. Looks kinda silly where I was standing in the pic but earlier we were stumbling around on greasy muddy slopes and I really didn't relish the idea of an ice water bath. The weather was around zero when we started so I had lotsa protection on. At least I wasn't wearing my rabbit fur ear lug hat.



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So, desperate to catch one last bass before the deadline I leapt at Splashhopper\'s invitation to join him for one last kick at the can. I drug an old bass fishin\' buddy along so he could buy the coffees. We met up at one of the ubiquitous Timmies, stocked up, and headed for the water. Ron (Splashhopper) called on the old Mod Chris as moral support (or protection) but fortunately Chris and I had already met over beers so we were cool. I explained my buddy\'s peculiar propensities (he steals yer women and scotch) in a quiet aside moment but they were both cool cuz they hadn\'t brought wimmen or scotch. When we got to the water after a hike that felt like an hour or more and a lot of stairs we took a breather pretending we cared while Ron gave us an overview of the water.


Hmmmffff,,, \" pretending you cared \"\' geeesh ... how am I ever gonan believe an OLD TIMER ever again,... you looked so interested :o


Once the three of us had collected our collective breath we had a shared \"I\'m okay now, and you?\" moment and we told Ron to shut up and walk. Rob (my artist buddy) and I headed north with a kind of vague warning from Ron not to wade \"beyond 2 short steps or you\'ll be ass-deep in muck\".

You forgot the part that one of you old geezers did get water right up to the top of his rubber boot... dang your memory is poor :P

Rob naturally grabbed the first spot that looked good (I always give him the best spots cuz he is the one who brung me back to fishing after about 40 years and with the advantage of great coaching from OFNers like Garry 2rs I\'ve learned so much about fishing that I feel like giving him a break but he always takes the first cast at every promising looking pool anyway) and I walked on the the next spot. I slipped and slid down to the water;s edge and, heeding Ron\'s admonitions not to got too far out, I gingerly stepped out to the safe limit and started working the deadfalls nearby. Nothing. But I got my casting arm loosened up so I grabbed my bag (the fishing one) and started back to the path where I immediately ran into Rob. We made an executive decision that this end sucked and started back to the start spot. We ran into Chris who\'d given up on Ron\'s counsel and was looking for us. We had a cigarillo moment and then moved off in search of Ron.

Like that was a LONG walk... 20 yards away behind some bushes


After finding Ron we deliberated on who knew best where the fishies were. Ron suckered Rob into believing that there was success to be had by walking the long long very long path while Chris and I being older and wiser (okay, I\'ll admit I\'m a lot older but perhaps a tad smarter) decided to get in the car and drive to an easier access spot.


After John told me that Rob was an artist and his medium was painting, I decided to take Rob up to an end of the lake where HE would appreciate the surroundings and possibly come back some day and do some painting :angel:

Chris and I found a nice easy comfortable picnic table (did I say easy?) and geared up.

I have called the township for a Laz Zee Boy for you next time !!!



In no time he stuck his hook into a nice little pike. I say he was lucky but he says he found it by utilising what he has gleaned from his role as an OFC mod and the hours of modding us philistines, especially GCD, but I have no idea what he meant by that Glen being the soul of equanimity and non-combativeness. I mean how can he be considered argumentative? He has the soul of an artist and I have the hand painted jigs to prove it. These things are just too pretty (sorry. Purty in redneck) to have been created by other than a beautiful soul. Anyway, if Chris hadn\'t cast where I told him to he\'d have been lucky to catch a weed but hey, what do I know?


Did you all notice \"how \" Chris held that fish... sure hope he doesn\'t tick and yankees off with that one :whistling:


Anyway, my pike (that I let Chris hook into) was the only fish we caught. I\'m sure he\'ll post one of the 40 or so pictures he forced me to take. He was having having elbow problems trying to emulate the TJ fish pose, you know, the one that makes the fish look like Moby Dick (not the socially transmitted disease) The poor pike was gasping for water by the time he spiked him head first into the mud along the shore line. I gotta say he did finally reach down and drag it outa the mud by it\'s tail and aim him toward the deep water with a quiet apology for his screwup.


Finally Chris gave up on my fish finding skills and said he heard his hottub calling. I said a fond farewell and fished by myself for the next hour to no avail. Later, after doing all my winter housekeeping on my assorted lures chucked into one box for ease of carrying, I started to work my way down the shore looking for the errant twosome.


It wasn\'t long before I came across them straggling along the path.

He describes this like it was a Hike or something..... man... your aging process is affecting your distance reading... it was a 100 yards tops ;)

I knew as soon as I saw them they\'d caught nothing.

About the ONLY truth in this post so far btw :P

I told them Chris apologized but his arm was sore from hauling in pike and he\'d left to soak his elbow in the hottub. They bought it. :rolleyes:


So, all Bull aside, it was a nice day. My thanks to Ron for setting it up and Chris to showing me a fish for the day. Both of them are great guys. I\'d go fishing with either of them any time, any place.


Me too... and I will bring your girlfriend with us too ! B)


Hopefully we\'ll get to make some runs after finny critters again. I\'m waiting to see if my friend Rob joins OFC. He babbled all the way home about what great guys they were, so we\'ll see. He\'s kind of a luddite. Computers are to him something like sex to a 15 year old - mystifying. I may have to fill two glasses with scotch and lead him to my computer to introduce him properly to the mysteries of OFC. He\'ll fit in well. Just don\'t let him near yer wimmen. He\'s dangerous. And he can catch more bigger fish than anyone I\'ve ever met with a cheap whippy rod and a $10 reel.


Okay, that\'s my report. I suspect Ron & Chris will post their own versions - but trust me, this one is the truth.


One line of a long diatribe does not make it true.... but hey... it\'s on the \"iNTERNET\" it must be true :spam:



Edited by splashhopper
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So what's yer point? :P




I enjoyed ROB's company :P


next time,. we will go when the weeds are THICK and try to catch some of these >>



That pic was taken at the end of September ... note the weeds behind me..





PS.. if ya wanna head up trout fishing... lets grab Chris, soon, by the scruff of the neck and MAKE him take us to his spots on his river ;)

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I enjoyed ROB's company :P


next time,. we will go when the weeds are THICK and try to catch some of these >>



That pic was taken at the end of September ... note the weeds behind me..





PS.. if ya wanna head up trout fishing... lets grab Chris, soon, by the scruff of the neck and MAKE him take us to his spots on his river ;)



WHAO man theres a hog!!!

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WHAO man theres a hog!!!


and here is the one from Last Sunday at the same place I took the two ol geezers to >>



and these two on the same day with my other friend.. that they met too ;) >>






But this is how I really like to fish this place... choked with weeds >>>



and .... the area that I took Rob ( johns friend) to in the back section has pike that can do this>>>



So JohnBoy..... :P





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