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Interesting "twist" to global warming


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I tried to resist but well, I just can't help myself so I'll keep it brief...


Firstly, "climate change" is the preferred name at this point as it is more accurate.


Secondly, anybody who has bothered to look at the evidence -- particularly those studies taking place in the north, will no doubt draw the same conclusions that I have. The level of CO2 entering the atmosphere due to humans is huge and to think that there are no consequences is ridiculous.


Wonder why Canada is so interested in claiming possession of the Northwest Passage lately?

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It's not just cows that produce methane as Irishfield should attest, and it's not just humans who expel CO2 that's polluting our atmosphere. The gases corrupting the ozone layer are a whole nuther story but that's for another day.


There's enough proof that our environment, including the climate, is changing to give short shrift to the conspiracy theorists in our midst. They can throw whatever spin they want at it, and cast all the silly aspersions they want, but I'm here to tell you, and I'm sure a few others here as well, that the world is different today then in my youth. I can still remember the frontyard rink in the early 50's being ready to skate on before Christmas, and even once in a while before my birthday at the end of November. There was snow for months. Christmas was always white, and it stayed that way until spring.


I have no idea what any of that means in the context of today's climate, but there's no question in my mind that the world's a different place today.



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hey, is that a dead horse over there?


Yup. It died of sunburn.


It's easy for us to laugh off the concerns but who really knows if there isn't a solution within our grasp. I'd hate to think that the planet imploded before my great great grandchildren had a chance at living. I'm not so sure my great great great grandchildren will be my kind of folks so I can't be worried about them. ;)



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It's not just cows that produce methane as Irishfield should attest, and it's not just humans who expel CO2 that's polluting our atmosphere. The gases corrupting the ozone layer are a whole nuther story but that's for another day.


There's enough proof that our environment, including the climate, is changing to give short shrift to the conspiracy theorists in our midst. They can throw whatever spin they want at it, and cast all the silly aspersions they want, but I'm here to tell you, and I'm sure a few others here as well, that the world is different today then in my youth. I can still remember the frontyard rink in the early 50's being ready to skate on before Christmas, and even once in a while before my birthday at the end of November. There was snow for months. Christmas was always white, and it stayed that way until spring.


I have no idea what any of that means in the context of today's climate, but there's no question in my mind that the world's a different place today.




thanks for posting that,..Im glad there is some common sense still left!!!

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After reading comments to my post, I have to apologize for not being precise enough

with my intentions in regards to posted links -( lack of time ).


Just to clarify the misunderstanding.

The links are not about:…..


1. “beating a dead horse”

2. “Northwest Passage”

3. “cows that produce methane”

4. “ harsh winters, mild winters or ….no-winters”

5. “lots of snow or no snow”

6. “human off gassing”

and other unexplained events


The links were about this ( I will put it in bold to avoid future confusion )


Apparently computer hackers get access to server of CRU (Climatic Research Unit) of

UEA (University of Eastern Anglia) and downloaded e-mails and documents created by scientists at CRU. CRU is a major supplier of scientific data to IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climat Change ) of UN. Mentioned documents show that

Phil Jones, director of the center and other scientist in his team were falsifying,

destroing, hiding, misrepresenting scientific data ( supplied to IPCC )in regards to climat research. Some documents indicate that this was happening since 1999 at cost of approx 25,000,000.00 in grants provided to CRU


That’s all nothing more, nothing less. I did not find any info about climatic events listed in 1-6, but if you wish to continue discuss them , please feel free to do it

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Love those "sources" LOL :lol:



Anybody who thinks humans have no influence on climate change needs to be better educated.


Blogs? et al? c'mon ;)


Personal agenda?


Lets fish........................just not on the net! :rolleyes:

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Someone got duped.



Guess I'll go scrape the frost off my windows,







it's 10 degrees at the end of November,


(I'm sure it's just a natural cycle)


No worries,


I'll peel my shirt off and catch a largie (and a tan!)


It's all good.


Just ignore the obvious.

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Scary stuff Keram,


I think thats meat of almost all global debate these days...

To much agenda and trickery in the past to trust any sources.


Its hard to get people to rally behind anything these days, and likewise hard to

swallow the info your fed with such a sour taste, and not knowing were it came from.

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Good job Keraml. The science is junk and the data has been fudged for years, this needs to be investigated. Seems big government has been financing the alarmists, it's all about the money. This isn't going to go away despite the name calling that has and will continue to come from the true believers. It hurts to be lied to.

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Thanks for posting this--


Here is just a thought, but I am sure all the intelligent people of this board all ready SHOULD know this---


The scam here is simple- Al Gore and many others are trying to take something that is Science and turn it around and make people pay for something created out of thin air--- Al has already invested millions if not billions on creating a company to sell CARBON CREDITS- ( more or less-- the same as what Ken Lay did with ENRON)

Those carbon credits will be purchased so that YOU can have heat, and other things--- My question is this:



What are they going to do with that money----( i know many will reply with-- it will create green projects) Thats fine--



If there were a OZONE store- where we can just simply buy more ---wouldn't we have already fixed this problem.



If the world was really serious about Climate Change--- then the world needs to TAX the corporations that are spewing the most pollution out. Tax them to pay for this NOT the people --- dont you all think we are taxed enough all ready?

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