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Blue Lake north of Madoc. Warning


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If anyone is heading to Blue lake...which is a ministry stocked lake......if you are on the left side of the lake you are fine but if you head to the right kinda near the centre of the lake but only about 100 feet from shore beware...I was walking and sunk in ice and it started to sink so I ran for shore and almost ran into a patch about 2 feet wide of open ice, must be a under water spring or something....so I ran back the way I came and luckily did not go thru the ice. Please stay away from thsi area...stick to the left of the lake. If it hadn't been for me being a former high level sprinter I don't think I would have made it out of there alive, scariest thin gI ever went thru, and my first near miss on the ice. Was a bad day for me.....now I will tell you about the rest of the day. Started off and wanted to head near weslemkoon lake...well couldn't access the lake without a snowmobile (crap)....so the other lake is 45 minutes away so off I go, stop at a rest stop...get a pack of sandwiches...later on start eating the sandwich and taste something funny....entire sandwich is filled with mold, so I nearly puke my face off. So head to the lake and look for the road, of course not labelled....so I guess this rd with a boatlaunch is it so I head down there....and get stuck of course, find out its a snowmobile trail in the winter.....stuck there forever...totalled 10:30-2:30, in the middle of that I hitchhike into town and call a tow truck, of course I am in nowwhere and a tow truck guy wanted $280...ya ok. So the ower of North of 7 Restaurant gets his 4x 4 and goes down and finally gets me out and then I called and cancelled the tow truck...it was 2:45 by this time, I left where I was staying at 7AM, so by this time I am ticked off...and of course to go all that way and not fish would be insane, so I find the lake, drill a hole, nothing...move drill another and nothing...thats when I decided to head to a point and the whole ice thing happened, so I moved near my first spot but more left into shallow water of maybe 7 feet and ended up picking up my first ever 3 splakes in 10 minutes and then sat there for another 1.5 hours with nothing....ended up leaving with my 2 fish limit, I normally don't keep fish but with what I went thru I deserved it...LOL. Plus I spent like about $140 biulding an ice hut and went into a walmart in Peterborough and saw there ice huts for $90 down from $149...crap I said and bought one anyways. Sorry for the rant guys but just wanted to get the warning out!!!

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WOW...you had a very bad day with at least a sort of happy ending.. :blink: ...thats a very eventfull day,and you are very lucky to have not had a worse outcome,you made it back alive.....at least you caught a few fish after all that bad luck,and you got your truck out,and you didnt lose your equipment,or your life so even though you had a very bad day it could have been worse, :dunno: so take it easy and count your lucky stars....it could have hd a much worse outcome,well think of it this way your next trip will be alot better, so enjoy those fish you caught have a cold beer and relax...glad you are ok.....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Yikes.... .sounds like MY day wasn't so bad after hearing about yours :w00t:


Oh well, at least you got home safe and you've got the makings for a nice fish dinner, and things can only get better after a day like that.


Better luck on your next fish'n trip ;)

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ya it was bad...haven.t tasted the fish yet....should be tasty. I wish I had a truck...would have been able to get out...LOL I had a small old mazda.....I almost got out but near the top of the hill it starte spinning so I tried to slowly back down and try again...well the back tires hit a rutt and went straight into a ditch.....well thats when I had to hitchhick....LOL. Can't wait to try the fish thou....stocked fish from a isolated spring fed lake....yummy!

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Good lord, man.

Damn Tow truck driver, charging (or trying to) $280.00.

Darn Restaurant selling those past due sammiches.

People have no conscience.


Glad you were able to get those fish, and youself out alive.

Now, you are more experienced, and will have something worthwhile to talk about, at the bar.

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well the crappy thing is I looked at the expiry date and it said March 27th....maybe it was from last year....LOL

Thanks for the warm thoughts guys I appreciate it...I think I will head there in the summer with a canoe or float tube of some sort, nice and isolated

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Good to hear you got back to shore safely thats why they sell survival suits.After all that hassle good to hear you caught some fish.As for the tow truck driver you should let us know what towing service it was so none of the OFC ers gets ripped off by this crook.If he was towing you a 150kms I would understand but $280 just to tow you out of some deep snow.Give me a break. :wallbash: MTP

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ya he had to come like 50 kilometers to get me out, and that was just for coming out there....said it would be more depending on what he had to do...but I am glad I cancelled him....LOL It was a company in Perth...not gonna name names so I don't get into trouble. And I am glad I had a float suit on, and even more thankful I didn't go thru so I could do some fishing. Clampet.....I think i will wear my waders with the float suit after finding out the leeches...LOL Thanks SilveradoSheeriff for your concern...was a heart thumper for sure!

Edited by charlied
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