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NF storing hunting gear NF


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I know this isnt fishing, but with all the people out here someone must have some tips for keeping their gear, i'am going for a wk in mid oct , moose,deer,bear hunting and i've heard lots of stories about body odour and how it affects the success of your hunt.

so my question is how do you store or prepare your gear for up comming hunt, do you put the clothes in a bin with pine bows? or just use spray? how about new gear do you wash it couple times first and leave on the cloths line ? or just throw it on from the closet?

any input would be great, thanks :D

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BUSTER to answer your question, my gear never gets washed and is stored year round in a room in my basement in plastic containers until fall. I, like you, get out every year for a week of hunting and try to keep it away from any human scent as possible while out at camp when I'm not wearing.


Out on the hunt will spray different scent products onto my clothing to try and cover my human odor to give me a better chance at not being detected by deer.... and god knows that deer or any big game animals have the most advance sense detector LOL


While out for a week, there comes a time when one must wash itself and my saying is "when your underpants gets sticking..... it's time for a cleaning" :blink::lol: So use an odorless soap for that.


That is what I do out there and is the only tips that I can give you.

Hope this helps


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Guest gbfisher

Bow hunting. Sent loc clothing and a Sent loc bag to keep it in.

Or keep your regular hunting cloths separate in a sent loc bag. Use cover sprays and play the wind.

It doesnt matter what you smell like when deer are being pushed. As long as you are on one of their trials.

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every since buying my clothing I got a nice size rubbermaid and folded them all in with about 3 earth wafers. Everytime i open it the smell of dirt reeks of the room. I came home from hunting the last day of deer season last year and the girlfriend asked if I rolled around in fresh dirt. She said the smell was so strong it made her ill. haha


So i removed a few wafers. Every few months i would flip the clothes and such.


Hope it works. :D

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I use sent loc clothing and boots, I always wash my underlayers twice a season and my suit and boots at least once just before the season stars. Then I keep it in air tight totes, I do not use ANY cover sents only sent eliminators. I suggest that you get some sent and UV killer detergent from BassPro or Cabela's, and make sure if you are using your regular clothes washer, wash it out first with the special detergent and rinse out well, and also do the same to your dryer just use a damp cloth to wash and to wipe access away. That way you do not have any UV on your hunting gear and you wont stick out like a glow stick to the deer.

Man I can't wait to get into the bush and get my 2 tags filled.

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I started hunting nearly 50 years ago and have never owned special clothing that I reserved for hunting only. Never used special soaps or scents either. Animals are curious and will approach you no matter what you do. The trick is in seeing them when they do come close. I've had deer, moose and bear come out to me even while I was having a smoke. If you stay still and quiet, you can watch them approach, sniffing like crazy trying to figure out where you are. I've had a grouse walk right over the toe of my boot and one day, a marten sat on a log in front of me and chattered at me for a full five minutes. I didn't understand the conversation but it was interesting, they're pretty good size for weasel family. One time, while fishing on the Little White River, I had a litter of young mink come out to play all around and over my boots. Critters are all around and if you watch real close, you'll see things that everyone else misses completely.

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What I do before I go hunting, I wash my clothes and my body with out using any soap, then I leave my clothes out side so no indoor smells gets on them, then I put them in a bag and once I get to the hunt site I put my clothes on. If you'er naturel smelly person then I would get that no scent soaps, and spray to hide your smell.


Happy Hunting.

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do you put the clothes in a bin with pine bows? or just use spray?

any input would be great, thanks :D


I use those two methods. The pin bows seem to work very well. I usually store them in a big burlap sack for a day or two and they come out pin fresh...lol Not sure if it actually does work, but my grandfather showed me this.

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how about at camp after say day 1 do you wear your gear into the camp as buddies cooking bacon and eggs? i would guess this would defeat the purpose of all that prep work come day2?

I was thinking of setting up a tent and going into it in the morn and after the hunt to change my clothes, i'd leave them in there overnight and give them another spray before heading out next morn? think that would work?

AND BOB lol I hear ya , every guy in camp smokes and hunts the same time and most wear the same clothes all week! they all have shot something,but how many ran away that they didnt see? my pops and uncle still wear their kenora dinner jacket (plaid red) with orange vest @ hat for hunting. thats what their gear consists of! lol

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FOr bow hunting with camo i put my stuff in a bag with cedar branches to give it a nice smell. I always carry a bottle of that carbon scent killer stuff to spray on me after getting out of the truck. For rifle/ shotgun hunts when im wearing all my hunter orange stuff, i dont do anything to it. I figure if a deer is getting dogged past me at full speed by the time it can smell me i hope its too late ! ( and in many cases it was :P )

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how about at camp after say day 1 do you wear your gear into the camp as buddies cooking bacon and eggs? i would guess this would defeat the purpose of all that prep work come day2?

I was thinking of setting up a tent and going into it in the morn and after the hunt to change my clothes, i'd leave them in there overnight and give them another spray before heading out next morn? think that would work?


No I don't wear them into camp.... I leave the heavy clothing in the truck over night.

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I thought hunting was meant to be a time of getting together with old buds and family. Shooting the breeze and having a few cool ones at the end of the day. Not worrying about how one smells as close to dirt as humanly possible.

I just put on my gear and go. If there is something there and you get a shot off, well that is great (if the shot is lethal). There is skill in hunting, but if your prey is more skillfull it won't matter if you scent bloc yourself from head to toe.

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