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Looking for Partners&Spots in the Kitchener-Waterloo Area!


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Hey Everyone!


I stumbled across this forum this past weekend while doing some searching on the web and have been following it a bit since. I'm not from the K/W region (Richmond Hill is where I hail from) but I'm here for university. I don't normally have a car with me either, but I have one for the time being.


I was wondering if anyone has any spots they'd recommend for me to try fishing from (needs to be foot accessible as I do not have any kind of watercraft. As well, I'd love to possibly meet some fishing partners in the area (there seems to be quite a few of you judging on various other posts on here). You can either post on here or email/message me.


If anyone is up for either some early morning fishing before work/school this week or some evening fishing after the aforementioned time-sinks, let me know!




Edit in response to Mark's post:


As far as fishing goes, I'm open to anything. I've never been fishing for trout, salmon or musky specifically and would definitely love to give it a try (particularly musky!). I'm also a 'newbie' when it comes to almost anything that's not live bait. I use spinners and spoons a fair bit, but otherwise I'm pretty clueless, but would definitely love to learn more about all the stuff out there.


I've done a lot of fishing up on Beaver Lake in the Greater Napanee area and have caught a ton of pike and both large and smallmouth bass there (as well as the odd trout, pickerel, and catfish). I also usually take a few day trips out to Rice Lake and rent a boat but have never managed to bring in a musky or walleye. As well, I've fished the Bay of Quinte area a bit when I was younger as we used to go camping in that area but I was too young to really have a good grasp on things. As we used to camp a lot, I've fished various lakes and rivers around the province but nothing to a large extent.


I love fishing and I LOVE a good fight. It's been too long since a fish has really given me the kinda fight I'm looking for. At the end of last summer I caught a 7lb+ a few ounces (crappy scale) largemouth on Beaver Lake and that's probably the most notable fish of my career.


Any advice, tips and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Edited by taz4432
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Hey buddy, welcome to the board. Just a heads up that you will get more replies to your post and possibly some takers on your offer if you introduce yourself a bit first: we know where you are from, but what kind of fishing do you like, where have you done most of your fishing, etc.


Just post an introduction message and participate in some other posts and people wll start to see that you are here for the right reasons.


Welcome to the board.

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Thanks for the advice Mark! As you'll see I edited my first post to include a little more info...but if I've missed anything or if anyone has any questions for me, don't hesitate to let me know!


Victor, I'm in 1B Mechanical Engineering. Civ is stream 8 so I take it you're at school now as well! We should plan some outings! Also, are you living in rez or off-campus?

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That's a great little intro, let me bump this up to the top for ya.


I'm living off-campus right now, but it's close enough (lester/columbia). I'd be up for some fishing, I do head out with a few other anglers here who lives around the area. We target carp alot but we fish for other stuff too. If you love a GOOD FIGHT and you usually release your catch anyway, you gotta try carp fishing.

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Sounds like a plan! I've never targeted carp specifically (don't have the tackle for it) although I've had one or two hooked before. Depending on the size of the fish and what kind of fish I practice C&R, but I do LOVE to eat fish and so if the fish is a good size I will often keep it. I've very rarely had the 'problem' of catching so many big ones that I need to start letting them go.


Also, I am looking forward to these fights because you make them sound pretty good. Someone will have to help me with getting the right tackle though because I only have a slight idea of what to buy.


PS - I'm living at UWP. Let me know if you guys have anything planned soon or if you'd like to get something going, because I'd love to!

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Well when carp fishing, only advice i can give you is to loosen up your drag or you`ll be going swimming for your rod. When they hit they hit hard and if your drag is not lose or you are not holding your rod in your hands its gone.

Grand river has a decent population of smb and it has a decent carp fishing as well.

Oh yea welcome aboard!

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Thanks for the advice Marko! It just so happens that I like to keep my drag fairly loose anyways. The way you guys are making carp fishing sound makes me wonder what I've been doing these past 19 1/2 years. :P


If you (or anyone else) have any suggestions/advice for tackle and/or general locations in the area for some carp fishing, I'm all ears!

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You actually don't really need any "carp specific" equipment for you to catch them, on most cases they dont' help you catch more fish, but I guess just makes the process more enjoyable (at least for me anyway).


PM me your school schedule and we'll see if we can work something out.

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hey im new to the forum too

I'm in the waterloo area, just finished high school so im on summer break with nothing to do so i figured i would get some fishing done, though i just started fishing here too so i dunno the area very well, gimme a pm if u wanna go fishing :) almost anytime is good for me

(i live around bridge and lexington)

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