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O/T dog training


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My Boston Terrier pup will be 9 months old, a great dog but with one problem, leashes. First time I put one on him he laid on the floor with his head between his paws and wouldn`t move. The next time he was like a bucking bronco so I took it off before he hurt himself. He never had one on before we got him at 8 weeks old, my other dogs have no problems with them, they see the leash and come running, it means a walk.


He will sit there and watch us put the leash on the other dogs, get near him and he runs to his pen and mopes. Little rascal got to big for my wife to carry to the vet for his checkups what is a good plan to fix the problem? If I put the leash in his pen he won`t go in it, tried the other dogs leashes and the same. Thought maybe he needed to get used to them or their smell?

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It is a time thing, Paul. Having something restraining them isn't natural. It takes time for them to get used to it. If he isn't wearing a collar all the time, start with that. Use a clip type collar (no choke chain for now!). Dogs should NOT have a choke as their 'hanging around the house' collar. IF they get it caught up in something, they will roll to escape.

He will eventually get used to a simple collar. You can then move up to a collar sturdy enough for a walk. Some dogs do better with a body harness. Then, if needed, you can switch to a choke for walks. Depends on how much correction he needs when walking. I have two MONSTER dogs that are VERY happy to go for walks...too happy. I will be trying a harness on my 80 pound Golden in the next few weeks.

Don't forget this time of year to wash the dogs feet off after a walk. Road salt can eat right through their pads. If you have dogs use a non-salt ice melter. It's better for your driveway anyway.

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Agree with rick the body harnesses work great......I trained both my shepards had the same problem with my female my male was fine but she was scared to death of it. So i used to put the leash on her in the house and do a circuit in there with her every day three times a day. I would start of for a few minutes and the gradually over time i lenghtend the circuit & time, When i removed her leash i allways gave her a treat and praised her. Took me six weeks in total. After that she was fine.

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Thanks guys, he has no problem with the regular collar around his neck,not a choker, and will follow me around the yard and doesn`t wander. My yard is big enough 200x1000 that we don`t need to hit the street. I don`t walk well enough to be out on the road anyway, grass is a lot softer to fall on! LOL


We don`t take him in the street, it was shortly after we started walking the other Boston on the road that she got hit by a car, maybe she figured it was ok for her to be there?


He grabs our other Bostons collar and leads her around. She is 19 pounds, this dude is large for a Boston guessing between 25 and 30 pounds. Not doing much else, tomorrow I will have to work on that.


I do have to use a choker on the lab mix, he gets a chance and it`s exploring time, the kids took him for a walk one time to the center of town, next thing we know he thinks he belongs there. Every time he got loose he went there, got tired of people calling for us to come get him.


Didn`t know that about road salt, I don`t use it on the gravel drive. I can`t walk the bigger dog, the wife or kids do, I have a 100 foot cable run for him if it`s nice out.

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If your other dogs get excited when it comes to walk time, they might be scaring him actually. Their excitement might lead to a bit of anxiety for him and that is why he's scared of the leash. Something you can try when you're just doing your daily tasks inside the house is to put the leash on him and let him drag it around the house. He will learn to get used to it being on him and will know that it's not such a big deal. Just be sure to keep an eye on him so that it doesn't get caught up on anything. Once he gets used to that you can start leading him around. Like Rick said, it will just take time.

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LOL he follows me around like a dog, if I sit down he is usually laying on or near my feet. If I am trying to do something he is right there. Sitting at the kitchen table he will jump up on a chair across from me and talk trying to get me to pay attention.


When the other dogs go out on the leash he run to the patio door and whines because they are out and he isn`t, be starting the training session soon!

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