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This afternoon my friend calls me up saying he has an emergency with his aquarium filter and needs help ASAP. I was well prepared for a situation like this…Not only did I have my buckets, siphons, water conditioner and towels ready, my steelhead tackle and bait was also on standby…It just so happens that my friend lives down the street from a trib with steel going up.


The emergency that my friend had was nothing more than a filter with dirty impeller shaft. Cleaned the filter and off to the river I went. Fished from 1pm-2:45pm. The river was clear with a beautiful emerald green tinge to it. Stuck a roe bag on the hook and my 2nd drift in, I got this small beautiful hen.




Testing out the zoom on my new super-zoom camera



It was windy as heck out and the cold east winds blowing up the river made the fishing a slightly uncomfortable experience. Fish were still hitting but I was a little too trigger happy with the hooksets and couldn’t get another one to stick – They had a talent of crushing all of my roe bags without getting hooked. I moved downstream to a more sheltered spot out of the wind.


Got to the next spot and methodically worked a large pool. After a few dozen drifts with a variety of baits (roe, jigs, pink worms, white worms, live trout worms and flies), I hooked into something with weight to it. For 5 minutes the fish slowly bulldogs around the hole without too much excitement. After 5 minutes it realizes it’s hooked and goes nuts. It tried to jump and tail-walk but I guess the water was still too cold for it to make it fully out. It did make a few mind-blasting runs when I thought it was almost done.


I met another angler, Steve who was gracious enough to get his hands cold and wet tailed the beast for me. His buddy Carlo took the picture.


Success at around 13-14lbs (maybe a little more ;) ) …The shoulders on that fish was massive. Both Steve and I plus one big buck



It was a great 2hrs of fishing this afternoon. Victor and I headed out for a few hours this evening to the same spot but unfortunately no fish were hooked. Hopefully I can put him onto fish the next time so he can catch his first steelhead on a float set-up – At least our lines weren’t freezing up which made skunking a little more bearable.


Hope you enjoyed


Nicely done Mike! that is a pig for sure!!


I don't mind the cold, but when the eyes freeze up, that really pisses me off :)


what a beauty mike, is it common for steelhead to have that little "hook" on the bottom lip? I haven't really seen another one like that ... it's not as crazy as the brown BillM hooked earlier this year but it definitely makes the fish looks that much tougher!


if only you could use ur charm of meeting guys on the river on girls ... :worthy:


now i need to stop reading anymore reports or i will start thinking about the "lack of fish fix" ....


Great report and pics Mike :thumbsup_anim:


Got to love the helping hand in landing that awesome buck!!! Congratulations :clapping:

That was a well spent couple hours and thanks for sharing it with us!

Great job!



Thanks guys


  Victor said:
if only you could use ur charm of meeting guys on the river on girls ... :worthy:


now i need to stop reading anymore reports or i will start thinking about the "lack of fish fix" ....


Who says I don't dabble around with the opposite sex. None of the ones I ever meet know what a double haul is or know how to slice up some fresh sashimi.LOL With that said, I'm not the one who has to spend time talking about my feelings to someone else at home on the phone when the rivers are prime and the steel are running :P


You up for round 2 tonight? :D

  MJL said:
Thanks guys




Who says I don't dabble around with the opposite sex. None of the ones I ever meet know what a double haul is or know how to slice up some fresh sashimi.LOL With that said, I'm not the one who has to spend time talking about my feelings to someone else at home on the phone when the rivers are prime and the steel are running :P


You up for round 2 tonight? :D




mine comes fishing with me B)






Steelheading emergency eh?


Where, Im on it!



nice fish bud

Posted (edited)

What a Hog !!!! Must of been a blast to fight in that big pool...Nice job man


Get Victor on some fish already !!! The poor guy looked like someone p1ssed in his hat on Saturday morning.... It's ok dude, the skunk will do that to ya..Trust me I know :rolleyes:


P.S. nothing is meener than BillM's halloween brown :devil:

Edited by JDMLS
  JDMLS said:
What a Hog !!!! Must of been a blast to fight in that big pool...Nice job man


Get Victor on some fish already !!! The poor guy looked like someone ticked in his han on Saturday morning.... It's ok dude, the skunk will do that to ya..Trust me I know :rolleyes:


P.S. nothing is meener than BillM's halloween brown :devil:


I bet he wouldnt have been skunked if he fished with us B)


Just kiddin MJL :)

  bbnotty said:
Nice fish MJL, must have given you a great fight. Maybe we'll see you this weekend on the tribs.


Hey Berge


Let me know if you and Silvio are going to be around my neighbourhood this weekend. It would be nice to see Silvio get into some fish too :lol:


(He knows I'm joking...I hope)


Hey Mike i'll send you a pm and let you know where. My arms are sore from yesterday, i think together we got into over 50 of them we lost count.




Great job Mike beauty fish bud, looks like that trib came into its prime finally.


Victor my friend the first is always the hardest it will take a lot of time on the water to get it but I am sure it will come soon seeing as your fishing with a veteran steelheader. I don’t believe anyone can do a better job then mike in regards to getting your first, he’s been playing the game long enough to know his stuff.


Maybe we can meet up this weekend and hit up the tribs we hit yesterday defiantly got into a good pod of fish. I don’t know the exact count but defiantly was a high number. After the last few reports of mine I have been receiving an extreme number of pms from guys both wanting to know the spots and guys that realized the spots. I am going to lay off the reports for a while so that I don’t anger people.


see you this weekend I am off to bed I slept all day in class today ( aftermath of yesterdays early morning).

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