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Spell Checker


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Tried the spell checker in different skins. Keep getting I.E. spell checker not dectected so I go and download it. Still don't work and same message comes up. Please advise if I'm the only one this is happening to....Thanks!

Edited by Garyv
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Guest Trophymuskie

Dammit everything was fine this afternoon. I had an update when I loged on tonight and I now have ie7 and the spell checker won't work.


So I guess you're not the only one Gary. I think I got to use it twice before I lost it. LOL

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I have I.E. 7 also and once I told it to allow the download and figured out that on a post instead of clicking the ABC with the check beneath but go up to tools find it and use it from there it works fine. I should have realised that for me never try to do anything when I'm hungry as I just don't function properly.

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I found the same thing - even after downloading ieSpell.

Clicking the ABC with the check mark in the posting window does not detect ieSpell and asks me click OK to go to the download page again. However, using the Tools option on the IE 7 tool bar and clicking ieSpell ... that will spell check my post.



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I don't know if this will help or now..certainly won't hurt...but upgrade your Java. There's alot of funky java and ajax being used on here now. 99% of it I don't understand, but I know if your JVM or JRE is outdated, it won't be able to do some of the more complex stuff. The new spellcheck thingy is cool. I dunno how it reacts with the browser the way it does, but in Firefox it works pretty good.

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I have ie7 and just downloaded iespell today and it works great!


Don't click on the spell check icon... instead, right click your message when you're finished with it and you'll get ie spell options... click on check spelling and it'll pop up like it used to do on the board here... hope this helps.

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