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Bailout fails


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Ya i made this account in august, cause I knew this thread was coming. Let me guess you work in the Auto Industry Forest.


Life is like a box of Chocolate....


That comment of yours is as informed at your confusion between "The Mob" a criminal organization and "a mob" a common collective (and your other spoutings)


I do not work in the auto industry or at line worker job. If the big 3 sink it is not likely to affect me in a big way.


Where is the game ward en? Someone is trolling in a troll free zone!



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chris s. its unfortunate your area has lost jobs. i would have rather seen it healthy. the facts are the manufacturing base is very large . in automobiles its a huge picture. . my question is where did those jobs from the eastern side of ontario go. offshore???. the economy could not withstand a wipeout of the automakers. whether we like it or not everyone feels the pinch. chris if you saw the windsor area decimation from all closures, many many not even related to automobiles you would see the downside. . some say re-locate. the western provinces are drying up for jobs, or cost of living dictates huge salaries to make a living, aka ,rent food. . i could tell you i have lived thru downturns and reccesions from living a little longer then some on this board. whats goverments to do with monies collected from workers. pay welfare or do the right thing and help its citizens. im quite sure there will be the folks drooling to pick this apart. but it is what it is. the manufacturing base is far to valuabale to fail in north america.. when folks run out of unemployment be prepared to watch your tax base shrink, welfare explode. unfortanetly theres many seniors like myself that canot return to work. what about them. they built this country like you are now. so in closing i surmise if your older collecting a pension screw us. sad how canadas turned. when i grew up it was about us, not a ME society.

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