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Eating Bay of Quinte Wally

Fish Farmer

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...and then all that polluted water goes where?


Everything in our environment is connected, think about it.


Rest assured it doesn't just disappear. Some gets to the ocean, some settles to the bottom of Lake Ontario. The further you can get upstream, the less polution. I agree, there is polution in all waters to some degree. A fish from the north shore of Huron, has not seen the polution floating downstream from Windsor, Detroit, Buffalo, Sarnia, Hamilton, Toronto etc.


Think about the Don River, at its many headwater sources, it is fairly clean. After getting through Toronto and with all the drains and sewers emptying into it, it's not so clean at the mouth on lakeshore.


If a piece of human crap (commonly seen in Lake Ontario) does make it to the ocean, at least it's worn down to bait size and gobbled up by a fish.

Edited by TroutSlayer
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Well to add my own 2 cents on the bay.

In the last few years the fish seem to be better then ever. The last two years with no fish with any marks.

I put alot of days on the bay with lots of eyes in the net and I can say fish seem to be better and better each year with lots of year classes being taken. I can only speak for myself not sure how others are doing with clean fish.

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That fish is infectted with a virus, I' ve seen that in all great lakes walleye, in fact Erie fish it's common, it has nothing to do with the quality of meat for eating purposes but the virus is in the great lake population of walleye. It may not look nice to those harvesting fish for the table it is no threat to humans these viruses have been in the population for 1000's of years and in noway are a judge of the health of the population, or the quality of the catch for hunan consumption. In other words don't worry about Quinte eyes they still taste great and trust me if something is going to kill me ODing on quinte walleye is a sweet way to go :lol::lol::lol:

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A buddy targets Balsam almost every weekend for musky during the season. He said he saw a large increase in the number of fish with teh virus this year. THe fish is safe to eat, they usually contract the disease during spawning when they are weakened and in close contact with other fish.


The great lakes are cleaner now then they have been in a long time. Last year we did some modeling on lake ontario based on some chemical properties of a few contaminats to see where they go. Most are go into the sediment, and some are lost to the air. Ironically some of the worst ones for us stay soluable in water and those are the ones often turning up in fish. Bio-waste in water means eutrophication, and results increased prductivity....to a point. Anyone who has eaten a fish from a lake with cottages on it has eaten nutrients from human waste that was leakin in 20-50 years ago. It's called nutrient cycling. Life on teh planet depends on it.


As far as biosolids go. Regulation crack down on human waste was a few years ago. It doesnt go onto food for consumption. So don't worry about that. Farm manure goes onto our food, and its a safer alternative then manufactured fertalizer.


If you want to worry about something, mercury is a really good one, cause it's totally preventable in our society. Who has mercury amalgum fillings in their teeth? Ground level ozone is another great one, especially if you think farming food is a good thing. Sulpher emissions are worthy of your time as is nitrogen oxide in auto emissions. Acid rain is getting worse again and its due to nitric acid this time. Another time worthy topic is genetically modified food. Strawberries with arctic char genes anyone? They are actaully crossing the phylum barrier if anyone cares? There is also factory farming, how about low frequencey radio emissions generated from little things like cell phones? More and more studies are showing a correlation with cancers after 10 years of exposre. Radio waves from communication towers in general! We have the worst regulations in the western world protechting people from the effects of radio frequencies. Its look likes up to 1/3 of the populaiton might be sensitive to them in some way. Did you know wind turbines for producing power can effect people up to 1km from their source? Canadian regs say 400m is a safe distance. Stay voltage is another worthy topic, and new legislation is in the works for that FINALLY. I can keep ranting here but i'm pretty sure i'm wasting someones time.


My point is contaminats in teh great lakes are monitored BIG TIME. There is a hell of a lot of other pollution issues worthy of everyones support like the ones i listed above that need monitoring and need public support. Hope you enjoyed the rant.



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Guest steel'n'esox

We use to see them in the late 80s when I fished the ice on the bay, the smaller ones we kept to munch on, we deep fried them and washed them down with whisky. As long as you have whisky your good to go, whisky kills everything. Im off to the pharm for some liquid advil

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As far as biosolids go. Regulation crack down on human waste was a few years ago. It doesnt go onto food for consumption. So don't worry about that. Farm manure goes onto our food, and its a safer alternative then manufactured fertalizer.


Uhm I'm not so sure about that, the company that pumps out my septic tank was here a few months ago and was explaining to me that they pump the waste onto the local farmers fields. That was where I first learned about biosolids.


Biosolids was also a big topic/platform in the recent election here in Northumberland.

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Uhm I'm not so sure about that, the company that pumps out my septic tank was here a few months ago and was explaining to me that they pump the waste onto the local farmers fields. That was where I first learned about biosolids.


Biosolids was also a big topic/platform in the recent election here in Northumberland.




What Ramble On means is that they apply the bio's to land that is going to be livestock/ethenol grains.Not carrots ,sugar beat, onion,etc. fields.


Once a land owner applys biosolids(slugde)on a piece of ground,that ground is not supposed to recieve it for 7 years.(atleast thats the by law here in Oxford county)

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What Ramble On means is that they apply the bio's to land that is going to be livestock/ethenol grains.Not carrots ,sugar beat, onion,etc. fields.


Once a land owner applys biosolids(slugde)on a piece of ground,that ground is not supposed to recieve it for 7 years.(atleast thats the by law here in Oxford county)



Ahh ok i see what he meant now. Thanks for clearing that up. I though his line stating 'food for consumption' was a bit odd. lol

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