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That was my last Boat Show


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It tells you something when a "paper" company like Direct Energy can put their name on the National Trade Centre.


I was going, but Lew saved me the trip and I can get some work done instead.....I'll send ya half the parking & entry fee Lew so you can get into the fishing show in February. LOL



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These charities are very irritating.

Why don't they go out and perform a service and earn the money.

You can't go grocery shopping, to the beer store, liquor store. or even Tim Hortons without one of them putting the hit on you.


If the Cadets are trying to raise money, why don't they canvas the neighborhood, and offer to either shovel your driveway in the winter, or mow your lawn in the summer for the money?


I say when people or charities are asking you for money, they have become bums, no different than the ones who come up to your car in Toronto with the styrofoam cup.


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C'mon, let's not get too hasty. When people come on here and post something requesting help for an individual or a cause (e.g. muskys in Simcoe raffle), are they not advertising or being "in your face"? In either case it is an unsolicited request for money for a cause people may or may not support. Don't let the methods deter from the righteousness of the cause.


Most of the telemarketers and salespeople are not actual employees of the charity but an outsourced third party I'd bet. Sorta like spam in person. It obviously is a time proven technique or they would stop since no one enjoys being treated like inadvertently stepped on dog poop. They might get remuneration based on the proceeds they bring in, thus the hard sell.


I just smile politely and move on if I don't want to support it, it's not that hard and certainly not enough to ruin my day.



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Well I know I was dissapointed in the spring fishing show last year as there was vendors that were not there that I really wanted to see but after talking to some about the cost I understand why they did not go. If it were not for Tj and Monique I dont think we would have made the trip last year it was more a social event I bet there was others that did the same thing and will not go this year I know I am not unless I here some great things about what is coming this year. I will just go to the London show and the little one here in Chatham and of cours the Muskie Oddisy will be high on the list of places to hit.

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I think the shows have gone down hill. I remember when I was a little kid, I went to the sportsmens show for the entire duration when we used to have a stand there but I just went off to do my own thing, look at all the lures, go to the oh i forget what fish it was, maybe trout or walleye pond they had there and fish with the little rental rods and maybe catch one and take it home. Warm memories you know. The year before last year during march break I went down to the show with my uncles and cousins, and it isn't anything like what it used to be. The whole aspect seems to be buy buy buy, and you have to pay for absolutely everything, and if your not buying something the people showcasing their goods seem to be really disinclined to talk to you

Edited by Peter Panfish (Zack)
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It's unfortunate that you had those 'Charities' in your face whenyou were at the Boat Show, on my part, I never saw anyone selling raffle tickets, - guess I was lucky and by passed them.


I found the show extremely positive- I had things work out for me.


1. The rep from Lowrance (Dino) was able to point in the proper direction to get my GPS speed to show up on my graph display. I've been reading the manual and couldn;t solve that problem.


2. Talked to Navionics and found out that the SD card I was looking for has been replaced by a BIGGER and more far-reaching card. The Gold SD card now covers the Maritimes and the Great Lakes. Also found out that the Platinum Card wouldn;t work in my Lowrance.


3. Was able to purchase some special cleaner that I picked a couple years ago and it really works for me.


4. I was able find a vendor from BC who had Grommets what can be used with any sort of tarp. This will help tying the tarp when winterizing the boat.


5. I met a vendor who was selling siphon hoses. I already have one and was listening to his pitch and he mentioned a method of increasing the flow from the siphon. Change the size of the tub attached to the gizmo, by cutting off the old hose and using the piece left on the device to fit into a new and larger hose. This increase the flow of the liquid(gas) especially when emptying four 20 liter jerry cans.


6. Had a chance to talk with one of the best fishers in Quinte - Tom Gustar and discuss the state of the Quinte walleyes - Always a pleasure to talk to him.


On the whole I was pleased with the show and will be back next year.


Almost forgot the BEST thing at the show (IMHO)- the Italian Travel/Boat industry had a booth where they were passing samples of Parmesian Cheese and Italian Sparkling Wine. Made my day as I was getting hungry and thirsty, but didn't want Pizza and Beer.


I was able to take the TTC Rocket from Union Station and return using less $$ than the 'GO' and far less than driving and parking.


Plans are under way for the Sportsmans Show in March. We drive to Oshawa and take the GO to exhibition, saves the cross town drive and parking problems.


Just my .02

Edited by superdad
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Thought I'd throw in my 2-cents regarding shows..


As far as the boat show goes - unless I'm in the market for a new boat or equipment, I'll usually pass on these. Saying that, although Lew's example of $25 for a day at the show seemed costly in his eyes, let's really break it down. In today's world, $25 works out to roughly dinner and a beer + tip. Or, the movies plus a popcorn and drink. Let's face it, 3 beers at the pub and you're looking at $25. So, it the greater scheme of things, is $25 for a day at a show really all that expensive? It all depends on how you look at it, and what you make of it. As far as buying food at these shows - it should come as no surprise the cost to eat when you get there. It's been like that since the inception of shows. It's easy to pack a sandwich and drink at home, and there's a big savings already.

As far as Fishing Shows, the only one I go to is the Spring Fishing Show, as it is put on by OOD and I usually work the booth. Fishing shows will never have the same allure as when we were kids. I remember spending hours just looking at the plastics, pouring over hooks and staring at boats when in my teens. The rush of adrenaline, the excitement looking for bargains. Those days are long gone, and the reason is simple. For the most part, we are all fairly accomplished anglers. We have the boats, the 10 tackle boxes, the dozen rods and reels. We know about every latest gizmo on the market, and have access to information (internet etc.) that we never had back then. Even seminars aren't the same, because we all "know it all."

But, come spring time, isn't it kind of nice to dust off the cobwebs, meet some buds down at the show and just ease into the fishing season? Probably worth $25 I would think...

It kind of makes me laugh about the people that complain about these shows. We all know what we are getting into. Admission fees are listed and advertised, as are parking fees. If we are on a GO route, we all know that would be a quicker and easier method of going. If you go on the web site for these shows, they list each and every one of the exhibitors, so you will know who will be there and who won't. But even after having all this knowledge at our disposal, it's still so easy to moan about the state of the affair. Putting on a show isn't cheap. Rent has to be paid, overheads etc. The Spring Show is $12 to get into. I believe parking is free. You can even get a $1 or $2 coupon online. So, for $10 and a bit of gas, you can have a full day of entertainment. Hard to beat a deal like that in this day and age....


Good Fishing,


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Well said Justin, you just took the words right of my mouth.


I go every year for something to do, you know to put some summer into my winter and I also like boats so of course I like to look at the new models and what's new.

I already know what the costs are going to be before I go. Besides this year they had a $3 off coupon on the website if you bought your ticket online before January 12.




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Hey Lew.........

I'm 100% behind you on this one.

Not like I've been to so many of these shows to post opinion but I will......

With the kids..the younger ones anyway...showing such avid interest in water everything...they get pissed if they dont get to attend just such events and the fishing/sportsman shows....

By the time you get through the parking as you said.......then the entrance fee........kiddos have to eat while there.....and for sure they have to buy just one....just one donation/charity thingee......family of four.....$100.

Im keeping my mouth shut this year about when these shows are comming....and only going with older sons who have jobs or brothers in the same position..........I'll pay for dear ole dad an thats it...........Thats it.

Thanks for the rant thread Bud.........pete

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