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SSCN0103.JPGHi guys, longtime reader, now ready for my first post. Spent last week up in Port Severn on Six Mile Lake. Weather was hit and miss with rain/sun and thunder. Fortunately, I did not get hit by any lightening thanks to the good advise found here! Fishing was off to a slow start until I learned the layout of the part of the lake I was on and what lures were working. After much effort I found some good rocks and drop offs and got down to business. I found my greatest success trolling in 20-30 feet of water with Northland Spinners and worms (harness) rigged to a bottom bouncer as well as drop shotting with powerbait or a live crawler. With those approaches I/we nailed some nice smallies, sunfish, rockbass and a respectable pike. Hope the pics are good. Thanks! Steve K



Thanks for the warm welcome..I'll throw up a few more reports soon...the pike was about 2-3 feet but kinda skinny


Great first report Steve!


Glad to hear you had a great outing....I have learned a TON from other members of the board as well. When I was caught in thunderstorms on the weekend my mind kept wandering to that thread about lightning from a few weeks ago....LOL. I kept looking at the tip of my fishing rod to see if it started to crackle a bit.


Looking forward to more of your reports!


Ya that's Me! that pic is from june 2008. The Pike was caught in the T.O islands by Alan Slocombe of "Al's Adventures". guiding. I went out with him to learn about...catching pike. Had a great time. He snagged the pike on a crackbait or stickbait of sorts, I believe, and I got to get it to the boat. Really nice fish, and made for some nice pics. Where did you find the photo?-sk

  skdds said:
sorry that was a crankbait...not a crackbait...but that might also work..LOL-sk





I dunno.


I was doing a random search of toronto pike and after all the fishing fury spam I found that pic.

I think it was on fish ontario's forum?????


It's weird, I just recognized your pic!!!





Uh, dude,

Can you hook me up with pike zing?


Just kidding, heh heh


(pm me if you can, just be cool about it.)


Hey snag, Sorry! no pike zing here...worms do work well too however. Could you post (or pm me) the link to the photo if you can, I'm curious where it ended up.. weird eh. Thanks!

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