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10 000 casts?


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I went out today for some smallmouth fishing, leeches etc ready to go. Cast out the line a few times and suddenly I get a hit. I start reeling in and suddenly I start feeling that it's definetly heavy and big. Well I start to play it and get a quick glimspe of something big, for a second I thought it was a carp from the way it kept pulling..nope.. (after a few moments) it comes to the surface and does a nice jump and I saw what would be my biggest fish ever! A Musky!

Long story a little shorter I called my girlfriend over to help get the net ready, it takes a couple more runs and I guess found a nice rock in the water to help fray my line and ...gone :( Now I only got a couple glimpses of it but I know Musky have been caught there so I'm hoping that is what it was. We came so close yet it got away.. BTW I was using 10 lb braid a smallish hook and live leeches. I'm still a little upset but oh well. Now I know why you guys are so addicted to them...What a fight!

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Mine's simliar too, about three weeks ago I was fishing in Buckhorn and I threw my spinnerbait out and started to reel and just noticed that my line was unusually limp, so I immediatley cranked in as fast as I could and SET the hook! The musky charged the boat, jumped about three feet away and spit my bait back at me. Its brief, but so cool. The first musky I've ever hooked on to in 15+ years of fishing and I didn't get him in the boat.


My girlfriend was with me and it was her first fishing trip with me and all she caught all day were little smallies and stuff, she was crapping her pants at the size of it, and all I wanted to do was cry because my first musky got away.


I would say it happens to the best of us. ;)

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this got me thinking. has anybody ever tried counting their casts on an outing? I know i never have. I have friends who keep very good logs of time, date, conditions, tide series, locations, baits used, depths, fish caught, etc. And now some of them have years of data to draw on. Sorta like the guys from deadliest catch.


In hindsight, I kinda wish i had done this.

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has anybody ever tried counting their casts on an outing?

I have one day when I was learning how to use my baitaster. 39 casts and 5 fish in the short time I was out there. can you say bass opening day this year was fun?!?! HAHAHA

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this got me thinking. has anybody ever tried counting their casts on an outing? I know i never have. I have friends who keep very good logs of time, date, conditions, tide series, locations, baits used, depths, fish caught, etc. And now some of them have years of data to draw on. Sorta like the guys from deadliest catch.


In hindsight, I kinda wish i had done this.


Nope, but I did do some really rough back-of-an-envelope calculations of how many casts it takes to catch a muskie (while muskie fishing) based on some Wisconsin catch-per-effort data once. I think it came out to a little over 1000 casts per fish, on average.

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