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this week at camp


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Headed out to the trailer on Monday for a quick little trip to break up the hub-bub and get some fishing in.


As usual it was a great time.


This time my kids got in on a bunch of the fun goffing around with my ultralight rod and catching a pile of panfish off the dock for a few laughs. The bite was fast and furious and hard to keep up with the worms. probably cost me about 5 bucks an hour in worms this way :o but watching the kids have a ball was well worth it :Gonefishing:


They didn't stop until they got the panfish grandslam B)


Our 13 year old taking her little sister down on the dock for a few casts




first up..a pumkinseed




rock bass





my little one wanted to keep a couple "pets"





next up...bluegill





then to top it off for the panfish grandsalm out of the lake...a perch





now my little one collected a couple more "pets"






of couse she wanted to play with them for a bit before we let them go






ta da!!!!...finally got one...






The kids had a great time goofing around and it was nice to see one of the older kids take some time out with her little sister to have some fun and share some greatmemories along the way.


Since we where making this trip a good time for the kids we decided to have a little extra fun..so me and my buddy ran into town for some errands....what did we get???...first stop was the bait store so we could replenish the kid's worm supply and get a few more chubs for the adventure. Then of course we "had" to go to the liquor store for some big kid pops, then after that..what mixes well with some good booze???...yepper you guess it...explosives :o



got a whack of fireworks to vlast off for the kids before bed







and you know you did your job as the parents when the kid's day ends like this







couldn't resist getting a pic in there too...nothing to brag about as far as entries for the team goes, but got into a few fish for the couple days as wellm that is when the wind and crap wether would let us out on the water, I was doing a bit of meat hunting to top up a bit in the freezer for an upcoming fish fry so I decided to keep this one for the table.



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Was that a "white bucket" I saw,full of fish none the less.


well sort of off white :lol: , bottom half of the minnow bucket we let the little one humour herself by keeping a couple little ones in there for a bit..man was she bummed when I told her we had to dump them back in off our dock....don't worry I teach my kids about respecting our resources and conservation along the way, I am on the executive commity for a local to me conservation club and get involved in a few projects each year for fish/wildlife/habitat enhancement...nuttin wrong with letting a 5 year old have some fun with a couple little fish for a few minutes that she caught with her sister :Gonefishing:

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No worries just havin fun. Its always great fishing with the kids.



no worries here either man..I have a great sense of humour and am a pretty easy going guy about 99.5% of the time, I like the kidding around and the occasional good ribbin that come with sharing in fishing adventures along the way...and as for the board....I like the kiddin around it makes it all fun and from reading posts ect that other people make, all part of what makes it a community :Gonefishing:


as for the always great fishin with the kids part.....you must have never took my 3 girls and occasionally some of thier friends along with you in the boat then for the day :P:lol:

Edited by jwl
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Hey JWL,


Great job. I think that's the best way to get the kids into fishing a bit - we probably all got started that way as well. Just let 'em go and have fun chasing little guys all day - keeps the younguns' interested.


The fact that your 13 year old supports the younger one is just a great bonus too. Aren't 13 year olds supposed to be too cool for everything? Nice to see.


Nice Pike BTW!

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