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ZeitGeist The movie............ NF

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Lundboy, you have to get out of your underwear and get dressed, get off the computer, crawl out of the basement, Kiss your mommy goodbye, and go fishing. As a middle age man I'm assuming, you really have to experience life. Come visit me because Ill show you what its about. I will also show you kids in uniform that arent as mean as you think. Do me a favour and show us a pic of you. Even if you don't fish you can hold a rod and pretend. I have to say though when I was young and dumb, I believed in many things somew one told me. I even thought we came from space ships, after watching CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, I was heartbroken when the author on his death bed admitted to producing a Hoax. Now for this film that Gerrit was so kind to broadcast. Its Political Garbage that only the paranoid and gullible would believe in. I guess you can say for the weak. I couldn't watch the whole thing but I caught the ending and the loser, pathetic, Parasite had these things to say and highlight.


Actions for transformation or supporting the system ( I guess they mean our society) never went to College just got experience and common sense)



Boycott Banks ( They listed American banks coincidently)


But use the Internet ( Yea believe everthing on the internet eh dopy)


Don'T ever join the military including family and friends


use alternate means for heating ,electricity and use a smaller car (What a Parasite eh)


Join the cause ( they even have an E-Mail or website indicated)


This all sounds like something that a bunch of Paranoid dysfunctional losers would produce or believe in. I tell ya there are a lot of Rats out there that would be the first to jump ship at the first sign of trouble or hardship. As a military person that has seen war, destruction, famine, death and horrible injury, third World countries this Liberal stuff makes me sick. Maybe you should see things first hand because there is a lot of good in our society as it is. And you want to wreck this country or our neighbors. When the rioting starts, I hope that these idiots are on the receiving end of a Baton. We have a lot of experience in Bosnia. Beats, Yellow Boat, Johny Bass, ehg. You really don't believe in this crap. Or do ya? I suppose now it'll get locked or Ill be silenced because I disagree with the majority here and said my mind again. I never singled anybody out here, you did.

Edited by holdfast
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Dang Holdfast!! You told me the same thing a month ago!

We all have been taken for a ride..




Yea, come to think of it I did. I forgot about that as that thread remarkably disappeared. It had something to do with some weird U Tube thing you dug out. If Im not mistaken. Thats right, didnt you show us a rare fish picture recently. Must of worked.

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Most counties that produce enough oil to sustain their country AND export are paying CENTS!!!We are paying global prices. Robbery!! Well what do you expect when the government sells away all our resources bit by bit!! Which should be ILLEGAL!! The resources belong to Canadians!! Not the government. Technically they belong to the entire world but if nations want to play these games. We can play them too!


The royalties, excise taxes, GST, etc. along with income taxes on oil company profits pay for cost of running the country. Would you be willing to give up health care and education in order to get cheaper gas? I wouldn't. Would you prefer to pay double the current income and sales taxes to get cheaper gas?


Yes, we could have cheaper gas if oil was not subject to a free market system. But the cheap gas will not come without consequences.

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Holdfast, I really think you need to watch the entire movie I posted before commenting on it.. It explains our current monetary system and just how backwards (messed up) it is... But if you do not believe you are a slave to debt... well enjoy the blinders you are currently wearing..


and make no mistake about it.. you are a slave..



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Just trying to be up beat and not give up or put blame especially for the good people that gave us a free and democratic society where most of us don't have to worry about feeding our kids. Hey even most of us drive to work. Maybe we should all be like the Taliban and walk in Bare feet and wear the same cloths. No I didnt watch the whole thing,( just the ending to see the point of it) because if a teacher wanted too, he can convince generation of kids that we be better off in our mother countries most Canadians abandoned ( remember why they left) or even worse in this one if we drastically change it from what our forefathers fought for. Like I said there are a lot of Rats and parasites on this continent and country that the first sign of trouble will lay blame and jump ship. Shake your Heads and keep in mind what you are told or programmed to believe in. I never said we live in a perfect society, mankind will strive. If you look a this turmoil going on now, just maybe our kids will be able to afford things. Because before it, prices were going up incredibly out of control. Im off to work then Big River. See ya

Edited by holdfast
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well ive read all your post and theres alot of pros and cons here,the on;y thing id like to touch base on is gas pricing oh ya its been brought up alot in these posts.

its my understanding we have too much crude,which we sell to the states they refine it and sell it back yo us as gas(if im not mistaken)

NOW we have 1-2 small factorys that can refine the crude but with the tons and tons of the stuff we can't handle it all ....hence selling it to the U.S.


My thoughts are to heck with the U.S we should build one HUGE factory and i mean HUGE and refine it ourselves then sell it to the states,and or other countries.Then im sure our cost for gas and our debt would go down in no time'

in my buss ive met thousands of U.S people they all say the same thing ................................................




just my own little rant kinda off topic


lets do fishing lol


Hawg Hunter

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Guest lundboy
Lundboy, you have to get out of your underwear and get dressed, get off the computer, crawl out of the basement, Kiss your mommy goodbye, and go fishing. As a middle age man I'm assuming, you really have to experience life. Come visit me because Ill show you what its about. I will also show you kids in uniform that arent as mean as you think. Do me a favour and show us a pic of you. Even if you don't fish you can hold a rod and pretend. I have to say though when I was young and dumb, I believed in many things somew one told me. I even thought we came from space ships, after watching CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, I was heartbroken when the author on his death bed admitted to producing a Hoax. Now for this film that Gerrit was so kind to broadcast. Its Political Garbage that only the paranoid and gullible would believe in. I guess you can say for the weak. I couldn't watch the whole thing but I caught the ending and the loser, pathetic, Parasite had these things to say and highlight.


Actions for transformation or supporting the system ( I guess they mean our society) never went to College just got experience and common sense)



Boycott Banks ( They listed American banks coincidently)


But use the Internet ( Yea believe everthing on the internet eh dopy)


Don'T ever join the military including family and friends


use alternate means for heating ,electricity and use a smaller car (What a Parasite eh)


Join the cause ( they even have an E-Mail or website indicated)


This all sounds like something that a bunch of Paranoid dysfunctional losers would produce or believe in. I tell ya there are a lot of Rats out there that would be the first to jump ship at the first sign of trouble or hardship. As a military person that has seen war, destruction, famine, death and horrible injury, third World countries this Liberal stuff makes me sick. Maybe you should see things first hand because there is a lot of good in our society as it is. And you want to wreck this country or our neighbors. When the rioting starts, I hope that these idiots are on the receiving end of a Baton. We have a lot of experience in Bosnia. Beats, Yellow Boat, Johny Bass, ehg. You really don't believe in this crap. Or do ya? I suppose now it'll get locked or Ill be silenced because I disagree with the majority here and said my mind again. I never singled anybody out here, you did.


I certainly never singled out anyone. I don't even know how you think I did... But since you did single me out:


You are so indoctrinated by the system that you won't (and don't) even see what's coming. I assume you are ex-military, maybe still military? If so you have been put under such mind control the likes that you will never understand. You have no idea how much you have been lied to, experimented on and poisoned, and when the time comes (the riots) I'm sure you will be one of the henchmen the powers that be have indoctrinated and brain washed enough to gun down "or baton" people fighting for food and water, or using the "NON-LETHAL" weapons against your fellow man because they are simply trying to feed their families.


Your use of the left-right paradigm argument proves to me who and what you are. I'm sorry, but you are lost to humanity and will suffer the same fate as the rest of us. Perhaps though, one of the "paranoid, liberal, losers" will take you under their roof and hide you from death patrols that will be roaming around, killing everything that moves including the military henchmen that are un-knowingly being set and trained against their own countrymen, neighbours and relatives.


I have no political leanings (because they simply don't exist), don't live with my mommy, and am old enough to understand the situation at hand. I'm also well aware that many many military folk also are aware of what they have been sent into and have had to do to other humans, both guilty and innocent. I also know that every single war since the dark ages including WWI, WWII and now the mid east were setup and funded on both sides by the ruling class. This is well documented and provable. Every country with a military throughout history has sent their young sons and daughters into slaughter or to be slaughtered for military industrial complex and banker profits. Nothing more, nothing less. You of course will never understand this paradigm.


So you want to call me and others names here? Feel free. You sir will find that it is you that has not experienced life, but have experienced death and destruction. I can assure you, you don't know how well you have been setup. I feel sorry that you have endured wars, and military actions. I'm sure some of it was humanitarian aid and was very beneficial to society at large, but there is an ulterior motive in any war, and every military person is indoctrinated to carry out orders against civilians whether they believe/recognize it or not, and worse yet they are trained to not ask why.


You can say I've been just as lied to, or indoctrinated by crap and paranoid nonsense all you want. But I'm confident I've done my homework on this and have studied and continue to study history from as far back as Sumar and Babylon to present day. I've read the freedom of information act releases from the US and other governments, the documents put out by the huge think tanks and politicians. I assure you what you are arguing against is for real, and it's unfolding in front of your eyes daily.


Two months ago I heard from a certain individual that the price of oil was slated to drop to $50/barrel to wipe out the profits of Iran and Russia. That was when oil was at approximately $140/barrel. Also that the oil company's man McCain will get the White House. One prediction is almost there let's see what happens with the other huh? BTW it doesn't matter what world "financial instutions" or governments do to try to stop "the bleeding", it won't work. Simply because everything is going to plan. These really aren't predictions because these "random crisies" have been documented and planned well in advance, most of which were written about before you and I were born.


Now you can bet this thread will be closed, and I may even get a vacation.

Edited by lundboy
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Kinda like Jules Verne eh? And his novels Journey to the Center of the Earth , From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Around the World in Eighty Days.


Good stories...nice fiction. I don't think that any of this stuff applies to people who work at being truthful human beings but hey....I might be wrong.


Time to shut this one down....just cause it's Friday night and the fish are bitin'.




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