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My Friends Boys....a Cute Story


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My firend who's sons I bought the fishing gear for sent me this little story about her boys today that I thought some of you might enjoy...


Only my kids!


I caught Kaeleb going through his tackle box today without supervision which I've discouraged as I don't want them getting a hook in the hand. I sat down with him and showed him all the stuff and the hooks etc. He was soooo taken with the fake fish that he wanted one as a pet! He ran into the kitchen and got a blueberry container to house his pet fish and everything! It was so funny. So I told him he could have one and that was it as they were for fishing! So he had a pet fish and a pet grub. Daelin ended up with a pet fish and a pet grub as well, then I hid the tackle boxes. Too funny eh?


So what's going to happen when they catch one are they going to want to keep it as a pet???

Edited by motv8tr
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Nice story.

Here's another from my house....


My son has a pet rock named "Rocky". Don't know why. We found poor old Rocky all alone on a hiking trail one day and my son wanted to take it home. I thought, no big deal. Now this stupid rock is in an old peanut butter container full of water.


He talks about it all the time, carries it, brings it in the car. Time for Rocky to have an accident soon I think.....LOL.



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My six year old daughter has quite a thing for grubs as well. She keeps them in a tupperware container full of water. Everytime I come home from fishing, she's at the door waiting for any grubs that I've used so she can add them to her collection. We went to BPS last year, I thought she would really be impressed with the aquarium. She was way more excited about the huge selection of grubs in every colour imaginable. She ended up buying a pack of grubs in pink sparkle. I don't know what it is about them but even when we fish together she can't wait to get the grub off the hook so she can play with it.

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Good stories, children are a hoot thats for sure!


This was a while back but my son was about 26months old and we had gotten him a Fischer Price fishing set, that had a rod, reel and fish that you could hook. Well he came up missing one night (dead silence was the give away) and I went searching for him and couldn't find him in the house anywhere, about that time I heard a squeal from the garage and there he is in the front of my bass boat pretending to catch fish. He had my fishing hat on, and his life vest and a couple of the plastic fish were in the livewell that he just had to show me. It was priceless.



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Thanks for the stories, I look forward to those types of things one day.


As a kid I did keep quite a few rock bass and perch and pumpkinseed that I caught out of Loafer's Lake as pets. Some pretty good sized creek chub minnows too. Unfortunately, I tried to keep them all alive at once in a pickle jar on the ride home and none of them made it.


I also kept crayfish as pets and learned the hard way that they can crawl out of a tank if you leave a wire dip net leaning to the top. The big ones made it to the basement. I assume we found them all, but after that, my parents wouldn't let me keep any more pets. Oh, and also, a crayfish will catch and kill any of the normal "goldfish" type fish as I guess they are not used to living with predators and the crayfish catch them when they sleep. We lost a bunch and blamed the rockies, but one early morning I got up early and caught a crayfish red-"clawed".


We also found a small snapping turtle on Heart Lake Rd (literally on the road) one time and took it home, but it wouldn't eat the minnows we caught for it, so we let it go cuz we were worried it was going to starve. We learned later that it was normal for a turtle not to eat for a while before becoming acclimitized to it's new surroundings. Better off free anyways.




P.S. BTW, for the rockies that did make it home alive, they were the best. They would eat chunks of hard boiled eggs, fish food, worms, pretty much anything you put in there and grew at a prodigious rate. Unfortunately they also pooped at a prodigious rate and no algae eater could keep up. :)

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Those are pretty tame pet stories. My grandfather used to show up at the door with wounded crows, snakes, bats and other assorted animals. He never got used to my sister and I boiling down the turkey carcas to make vertebrae necklaces or putting pike eye balls in formaldehyde. :angel:



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