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Season open on Rice Lake


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With high water level on Rice Lake, many boat rental were either unable to setup their dock or their dock were flooded. So my dad, my bro, and I decided to start something new this year..... Shore fishing for season opener. The bites were slow, but in all we were able to catch 20 Crappies with 6 of them larger than 11 inches.


More than 10 OOS Largemouth (All released immediately). Several of them have claw scar on them.


My dad also manage to catch a fish we had never caught in Rice Lake before. It's around a foot long, with tiny silvery scale and blueish spot on the fish. It looked like Rainbow trout... Is it suppose to have Rainbow trout in Rice Lake anyways??

Before we left for home, we saw this dinosaur under water.



Consider we were not fishing from a boat, 20 Crappies for opener is really a good deal~!

Edited by Steelcat
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Congrats Steelcat. Nice recovery from a change of plans. If it makes you feel better we were on a boat and barely did 20 ourselves including this guy who was caught on film when my camera was acting up:


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The Trent canal at the lift-locks is stocked with rainbow every year for a kids fishing derby. I guess it's possible for some of these fish to make it down river to Rice Lake.

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Congrats on your day, I went there Sunday and our day of catching fish was pretty bad and the last spot we went to we landed a few. We tried fishing the Otonabee River and found there was too much current, I figured they had the locks open.

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