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Glen I haven`t used it myself, my buddy uses a similar method for crappie though, just a small jig 1/32 or 1/16 fished under a slip bobber (small) usually tipped with a small minnow. They drift troll them, troll them super slow with the electric motor.


I have fished nitecrawlers on a small slip bobber early in the year for largemouth, a lot of the time the bobber doesn`t go down it just stops drifting with the wind or boat when it shouldn`t.

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Found this on another site,hope it helps. Also remind me one nite on the chat and I,ll tell you where to find alot more info on this topic...


The Float'nFly is a very interesting and intriguing artificial bait to fish. The more you fish it, the more you learn. If you really want to learn the FnF technique, take all other lures ,rod & reels out of your boat and fish nothing but the FnF all day. Here's some tips based on personal experience. I realize the way that I successfully fish the F'nF (Northern Style)goes against the standard ways of Eddie Nuckols and the Dale Hollow boys.I order my Craft-hair from Eddie and we have had some friendly disscussion concerning my techniques vs. the proven "Southern"Method. I'm not trying to "stir the pot" but merely present another way to fish this great cold-water bait.




1-Spinning tackle,6-8 pd test-6-7' light to med. light action rod(to rig:single uni-knot/bobber stop 1st,round glass bead 2nd,slip-bobber(3/4" diameter)3rd and FnF last)


2-Slip bobber with bobber stop set at 11-12' deep,max(even in 30 ft of water)"smallies" love to suspend!


3-I tie my own bobber stops using 17 lb.mono and a single uni-knot( the plastic ones broke too many times in cold water temps.(pull both ends of uni-knot very tight or it will inhibit casting)


4-If your slip bobber does not stand straight up, your bait is on the bottom and you need to set the stop shallower(you want it suspended 1 ft from the bottom-minimum)


5-Start with 1/8 oz Ball head jigs finished with marabou and/or craft hair(1/0-2/0 needle -point hooks)


6-Basic color patterns:White,white chartreuse,grey,Lt. Blue/char.pink nose,Chartreuse/white


7-Fish rockpiles.points and humps in 12-25 ft.of water(known "smallie" hangouts off-shore)


8-The retreive:My buddy and I have developed a routine that has been quite successful..it goes like this,


Cast out, wait for the slip-bobber to stand straight up-start a series of short wrist jerks tipping the the top of the bobber over to the waters surface and then back up.3-6 jerks, then pause.


9-We have seen "smallies hit during the series of jerks as well as the pause. I have seen "Smallies " play with the FnF like it was live bait and then pull the float completely under the surface.


Experiment and develop your own successful routine / retrieve


10-I usually start fishing the FnF when fall water temps decline to 55 degrees.


11-In the spring, I start when water temps are in the low to mid 40's up to 50 or so.


12-Others may think your crappie fishing when you launch, but that's your secret to enjoy.


13-This technique favors "smallies" but will also catch nice largemouths


14-Have your drag set properly-you will catch 4lb.plus "smallies" fishing the FnF


15-I prefer a light breeze(5-10 mph),as wave action will give the FnF action sitting still


16-I have only used this technique in lakes, but it should work in slack water areas of rivers


17-You'll have all your favorite rock-piles and humps to yourself as most anglers don't fish this cold-weather technique.

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