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Posted (edited)

Hey there everyone, my name is Bryan and im rather new to this forum.


One thing i'd like to bring up is the fact that everyone here is far too trustworthy. The fact that you would let people in on little known secrets only to have them turn into streams that are just like, for instance, Bowmanville, or even the Wilmot creek. Rarely, if ever can you go to these creeks even on monday moornings and find less than four cars parked there. no doubt the cars of fisherman going on the advice of others. there are still a few creeks that are somewhat private, howvwer that is rapidly changing due to the posts of many. please, if you go exploring and find a killer spot good for you, but don't support the death of fishing and the now elusive "secret spot" because you want to be "cool" or popular on this site. this post may just go out to johnnybass, or it may not.

Thank you all,


Edited by brrutled

What!!! - there's a creek at Wilmont and at Bowmanville??? - you don't say! - now I know where I'll be first chance I get!


Get Real - they are no secret!


Oh - and welcome to the board!



Don :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


I showed my secret spot to a girl in highschool and her Dad made her break up with me and threatened to punch me in the mouth. I don't recall seeing many cars but I was pretty scared and not really paying attention.


I bet that before Johnny B opened his big mouth, no one ever fished either of these creeks, you probably had both of them all to yourself.


Get a life, you are probably not off to a real good start on the board.


Johnny, no offense, not sure if yourmouthis big or not LOL, nor did I see any posts divulging the mother of all spots on ths board...but if you want you can PM them to me.





Now Now, not saying these spots are entirely secret, but atleast they aren't full of lazy sods who can't explore creeks for there own, and typically those creeks that are fished far less are WAY cleaner, when's the last time you saw the willy have no coffee cups and hook packadges sitting around on the bank? just a thought


Probably should have had a thought before your first post singled out another member.


The idea of the board is to have fun, share advice etc., if it was that big of a concern you could have sent him a pm.

Posted (edited)
  brrutled said:
and typically those creeks that are fished far less are WAY cleaner, when's the last time you saw the willy have no coffee cups and hook packadges sitting around on the bank? just a thought


I see the current lot of pigs, from the same careless ancestors, are still fishing it I see. Garbage lined the streams back in '85 too (but of course I suspect you may have been in diapers or just a glint in your papas eye back then). That was about the last time I chased a fish species during their spawn. Funny how everything else is protected during same... :whistling:

Edited by irishfield

No no, i thought this out well in advance of my posting. this post should be read by everyone who thinks that they need to seek the advice of others. fishing is about getting off of your butt, getting out there and exploring whilst having fun ejoying the beauty of the outdoors. it seems like everyone is just thinking about catching more and bigger fish, the bigger the better blah blah blah. all those hotshots who think they know it all need to be taken down a notch and taught to realize that it isn't the size or the numbers, its getting out and enjoying the sport. when it all comes to an end who cares if you caught a bigger fish, if you can't have fun doing it, for example pushing your way into a hole, then why do people that truly enjoy the outdoors even bother with it anymore? Have fun with your crowded creeks and declining populations of fish. you're no better than those who take more than theyre limit and come back again day after day.


If you are concerned about declining populations... stop fishing for the things during their spawning run! I did so 23 years ago. And on the subject of declining numbers... I know at least one river "lift" that has triple the numbers of last year.

  brrutled said:
it seems like everyone is just thinking about catching more and bigger fish, .


Not me. I like to catch less and smaller fish.


I don't have a whole lot of experience with trout fishing and now I know why....man I love my boat, deep weedbeds, and unmarked shoals.


Secret spots? From what I see board members go to great lengths to disguise the background of their pictures of caught fish.


Who the heck is going to go through a ton of hardwork and then specify the location of a structure they found in an open forum?




  irishfield said:
They taste better in the pan.. don't they Dan ! :)


They do Wayne. Can you pm me a few spots where I can catch next to nothing and if I do happen to catch something, it will be small?

  irishfield said:
He's not helping his guiding gig either jughead..


what did i have to do with this post? i jus thought it was hilarious and i understood what he was saying......man i am staying out of this before it gets any worse....

Posted (edited)

Calling Tracker Cheif. You gotta remember you're gonna be working in the public eye very soon and never know whom your clientele may very well be. Keep it in mind..

Edited by irishfield
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