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Wow.... Did realize people were interested....


I suppose I should give you a bit of Background.. I started toying with the battery card(DTV), Then came the F, H and HU and now the yet to be publicly available P4 and p5.... and in between all this... there was a whole lotta crap that went on... Bootstraps, to make fried cards work again etc, Emulators, ECM's, Black Sunday...These are just some of the terms from back in the day..


I made a decent living in the old days.. had a thriving web business and was doing well... Why? we were in a "Grey Market" The logic was If you could not buy a loaf of bread in the corner store... well then how could you steal it? well we as Canadians could not legally purchase/subscribe to DTV... so therefor how could we steal something in which we could NOT buy.......



People were winning in court... Some were losing.. Anton Pillar orders were being served... it was not pretty.. I know of one person in particular that was sued for 19 million.... and lost... why? He was dieing of cancer and could not be in the US to defend himself.. this is when I decided enough was enough.. and got out of the game... But at that time it was still technically legal in Canada.. as we were waiting on the Supreme Court Trial... I did not care.. I wanted out.. There are alot of details I have to leave out for obvious reasons.. you can blame the CRTC for the current garbage we have...



And that is what I did.... enough was enough...


this is how I got interested in satellite TV... it was more then just a hobby for me...


I am with BEV now as a paying sub.... why? LACK OF OPTIONS!.... Starchoice sucks!



I do have two FTA receivers as well... Both are Pansats.. I think I have had every pansat model there is up to my present ones.... I run two 3500 SD's


I also have brand new STB I was given to test (I am a mod on another forum dedicated to FTA) it is called the ICon it is brand spanking new and supported by blacklist..


Dan if you have any questions regarding any further details required please feel free to pm me :)


But Do NOT rely on FTA.... as updates need to happen etc..






PS. Right now I am running a BEV 6100HD receiver.. Going to the 9000 series PVR shortly.

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Different things will suit different people:



Pros: Best signal quality, period. Free (aside from basic hardware)

Cons: may not have all the channels you want. No PPV. Weather can interfere, where you live matters.



Pros: PPV, a lot of channels.

Cons: Signal quality is compromized for business reasons by Bell. $$$. Last I checked it does not get all the OTA stuff. Satellite interference due to weather.




Pros: PPV a lot of channels

Cons: Service is spotty, good in some areas, bad in others. Signal quality is compromized. $$$



Pros: "free", there are actually some free unencrypted channels, US stations

Cons: not exactly legal. Signal quality. units have to be flashed every couple of weeks so its inconvenient and sometimes you can miss your show.




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FTA getting the free channels are fine, but not enough choices for most people

FTA using third party bins to get bell or dish, if you don't mind that it is illegal,then think of it as a hobby at best, because all but one make, is down as much as it is up ..a hobby


I have the expressvu 9242 dual tuner dual record HDTV receiver with the big channel package...

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taper.... TDG is the devil..... Viewsat and TDG are the ONLY FTA peeps to have been served....simply put because he is a horses arse... I know first hand.. would you like a copy ? I would not expect much by the way of service in the near future.... he is not expected to be able to afford his own defence.. just a word of advice




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