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This new animal cruelty bill could be really bad for us fishing folks

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Guest lundboy

Is the UN not Global? Do they not have some control over 193+ countries of the world, and influence if not dictate their policies?


No one needs Alex Jones or the mainstream media to tell them what the story is. It is well documented by the UN, and the governments in their own words, legislation and policies. All one has to do is go read them. Do some research. I've read a lot of the major policies. It's tedious and does take a long time. They are riddled with hidden policies, double speak, ambiguities and out right draconian legislation. ALL of the government and UN legislators absolutely depend on bills, policies and laws not being read by the common person and not being reported by most of the news outlets. That way it can be passed without public knowledge.


I can guarantee that 98% of the people on this forum have no idea that Agenda 21 exists, and what it truly means to them. Unfortunately with the signup of 193+ countries, it will affect all of us in ways that no one ever thought possible.


So keep on throwing up "conspiracy theories" or "Illuminati" or "Alex Jones" to throw off the seriousness and importance of legislation and policies that are being passed. It's right there in black and white and it's not a conspiracy, it's world policy. Whether You or I believe it or like it or not. Even if none of the news outlets tell us so.


BTW Since the inception of MAGNA CARTA in 1215, there has not been such an erosion in personal rights and liberties as there has been in the last 50 years, and especially in the last 8.

Edited by lundboy
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I'm willing to bet, C&R will be first, but then again, I've always believed that's been the whole intention behind C&R. Get the people behind C&R first so that they condemn the harvesters, and when they have the majority practicing C&R, it'll be easier to start the ball rolling for banning fishing all together. I remember posting this years ago when we were still OFC.

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I am deffinitely not...........

as knowledgable on these topics as you ...4reel/lundboy are but still

very interested and concerned............NOT frightened!

Ive been a member of OFAH for over 10 years and one that donates to certain causes too.

(Not much but at avg. $20per x 5)

I felt it my right to ask them to spell this out understandably for and to me.

(This e-mail...I also recieved this very morning)

I asked them what they are doing towards support in protecting our rights to continue to enjoy the resources we have and that we all love.

As far as these P3TA type groups Im real sick of seeing my 13 yr/old daughter come home from school with B.S propaganda how Dad is cruel for fishing............For the record..My daughter is an avid fisherperson.

Keep this going fellas.....Im learning from you.


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Wouldn't get too bent out of shape over the bill.....no way in hell it goes through.


I love how people who have never gone fishing or hunting like to think they know whats best for the rest of us and the poor tasty delicious fish.


We should go down to their office in TO and have good ol' fashioned fish fry in front of their building.

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people convinced george bush to go to war over weapons of mass destruction tat never existed? funny how many of his assioates own defence stocks.


For the right amount of money i am willing to bet you can convince a politician(s) to particpate in something like banning fishing, and with all this green talk and save the planet you have to think that it is somewhat of a real threat!



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Stoty, good timing.


I am reading all of this, and then the politics get involved and suddenly see the topic sway to something completely different.


I am sitting here reading this, about P3TA and such and cant stop thinking of Bacon and Steaks for some reason. Then the political side shines through. And I cant help but think, why doesnt everyone just come into this thread and rant about their field/specialty? I see certain posts that sound very educated and I kinda got bored. I came on here to read about fishing and maybe some other stuff, and I am fed with more political views. Suddenly I thought I was watching CNN or reading the Times.


Political views have probably come up on here more often then I know since I am still a newbie, but come on guys, what is the point of getting pissy on here over "Opinions".


Okay Lets all go to church now and discuss. Next item on the agenda....RELIGION.


Who would like to comment first.


.....I can see this thread being LOCKED very soon.

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It tkaes 3 bags of cow manure to make 1 bag of potatoes.


How you gonna get the manure without being cruel to the cows?


How can you plan stuff in the groundwithout tilling the ground?


How can you Til the ground without displacing natural wildlife and destroying the habbitat.


Face it we are hunters and gatherers.


We need to kill or we will die. Its just how it is.


Anyone know what happened on friday?

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