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My Goodness


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Well xmas eve upon us yet once again.


Hope everyne is enjoying theirs so far. Me i worked most of today got home this evening Baked a cake made some shortbread then stuffed the turkey ready for the oven in the morning. After which i sat and played dvd trivia pursuit with my boy's. Great game luv it....lol......Have been fortunate enough too allways have my xmas evenings with my kids. Even though there grown now and only two here right now was still a great evening.


So how has everyone else spent there xmas eve? Anyone have any traditions of there own for xmas eve?



Mine has allways been to spend it with my kids no matter what we do. Be it play games watch a movie or cook up some goodies in the kitchen. Then i let the kids open there xmas stocking. The rest of the presents will be in the morning after santa comes tonight. :D


Merry xmas everyone. :santa:

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Slept in this morning when we finally got up went and did some work around the house. This afternoon went over to our daughters and helped the son in law peak his sat dish as the wind moved it out of position. Took a walk with Liz, Mark and the grandkids ( Amy my dog too! ) in the bush for a few miles and when we got back took a ride with Mark to the liquor store and M&M meats for snack goodies. Went to a 6:00 Christmas service with my wife and our daughter Liz showed up with her husband ( Mark ) and two of our grandkids for the family Christmas eve service. On the way home wife and I picked up some pizza and were going suprise our daughter with an impromptu invite for snacks, but when we pulled in our driveway she had left a note on out garage door to come to her house ( she lives about 600 ft. from us on the lakefront ) for something to eat. We went brought the pizzas and she provided the Chinese snacks. Gave the grandkids their presents and helped them play with them and got home around 9:30. Took Amy for a walk around 10 and were now in for the night.

Edited by Garyv
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Our tradition is Chinese food with Family and Friends.

Played a game of darts and watched "A Christmas Story". Just had some snacks and saw our Friends off with a sack or two of gifts!


That's it for the night now.....just the last minute rituals and hope to be in bed by 1 am!!!! Aaaah.....bring it on!



Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

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