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Here's an added twist to this... have you ever noticed that any and all correspondence you receive from CRA, your name is written in capital letters? I don't know about everyone else, but I don't sign my name in caps! Ever wonder why they use capitals?

There are any number of tax revolter's out there... individuals and groups... for those interested in learning more about how we are illegally being taxed to death! :asshat:



What thought was that? I'm with you on this one. If you don't have any declared income, don't own anything and are willing to spend every waking moment in court or in jail, there may be some opportunity to get your name in the annals of history.......otherwise I would just rather go fishing!


As an aside Wayne, from what I have read, the initial $5K per annum is not tax deductible, but, all income made from that annual $5K attracts no tax. Therefore, in theory, with the right investment strategy, and a following wind, one could do quite well? I assume that they will require separate audit trails, separate accounts.........



  4Reel said:
I am all for not paying taxes :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:


Only one problem I see with all of this......


All my free time will be divided up between court and jail....that'll leave no time for fishing. :(:(:(

So I will tell you what, John if you agree to go to court and jail on my behalf, I will agree to stop paying taxes.

I appreciate the thought though, as I have really had enough of paying taxes.

Posted (edited)
Be sure to protect yourself from Revenue Canada before you get involved in this tax fight. Read the books, and find out how...


What this implies.... transfer EVERYTHING you own at arms length before taking your "no tax" stance. Home sold to a friend and rent back... bank accounts "gifted" to someone... every penny you make gifted to someone and beg for an allowance as you need it...etc. You wanna live that way... go for it !

Edited by irishfield

Amazing how we can fight a large fish for say an hour only for the reconition of a big fish, BUT we wont take any time to save many many thousands of your hard earned money....



I was wondering then, for those who have (more money then a will to fight for your money) I will set up a bank account where all of you can just send me your money....why not give to me...


As I mentioned earlier...this post was for AWARENESS......


but I am pretty sure if we all stand arm and arm and STOPPED paying taxes ( some how ) the courts would be so busy....something would happen.....


uh hummmm....I was a collection officer for CCRA, we were the first step in collections. If you were the unlucky one where I would give you a "legal warning", then by George I guarantee you that your bank account would be ceased without warning, if you did not follow through on your committment to pay. If...I made a payment arrangement with you and you did not hold up your end of the agreement...good luck to you. Too late then to deal with the little people like me, you are going to deal with the more hard nose ones...say bye bye to your boat, car, whatever was giving you pleasure.

I"m serious. People...pay your taxes.

  Headhunter said:
Here's an added twist to this... have you ever noticed that any and all correspondence you receive from CRA, your name is written in capital letters? I don't know about everyone else, but I don't sign my name in caps! Ever wonder why they use capitals?

There are any number of tax revolter's out there... individuals and groups... for those interested in learning more about how we are illegally being taxed to death! :asshat:



i always assumed it was because their software was / is, more than likely, written in all caps and they were following the standard.. that or they're yelling at me..

  irishfield said:
I knew there was something I didn't like about you twilight... just couldn't put my finger on it 'till now! LOL KIDDING !



:w00t: well...I am telling the truth...after 1.5 years of that I left...I really didn't like hearing people cry...but I was really nice, I really was. haha


No Bitsmith2k, they are not yelling at you! They do it because legally, they cannot make you pay taxes if they correspond with you using your correct name, ie spelling it out using capitals only at the beginning of each of your names.

This is not the place to discuss the legalities, you can find all you want and more all over the internet.

Here's a question for you... when did we, the general population of Canada, sign up for income tax? I don't recall every saying, yah, sign me up! Did I inadvertently sign up when I applied for a SIN?

CRA will tell you, you are "contractually obligated" to pay taxes, yet, in order to legally have a signed contract, both parties must sign and agree to the terms... I don't remember ever doing that!

That's one of the reasons all correspondence with CRA is in the format used!



Honestly...pick your battles wisely. For example...How many people want the war in Afganistan to stop...myself included! It ain't stopping...and neither are you going to win against the tax man. Sorry...that's just the way it is.


And People BEWARE---they are going to be pushing a CARBON TAX....to help global warming....but if you think about it..we are getting Colder not warmer...just another thing we did not agree or sign too....


Twilite: I bet you feel real good about yourself KNOWING first hand that this is a fraud and you STOLE hard erned money from people that really need it....Its people like you and all the other collectors that makes this country POOR.


Here is a thought: If in fact the money WE paid ( in Taxes ) be used for the good of the people, shouldn't we be driving on 24 carat gold streets, with the Smartest schools, best healthcare,, just the best of everything..BUT


If I look out my front door window, there is a huge hole in my road, with people begging for food....

  mittzu said:
And People BEWARE---they are going to be pushing a CARBON TAX....to help global warming....but if you think about it..we are getting Colder not warmer...just another thing we did not agree or sign too....


Twilite: I bet you feel real good about yourself KNOWING first hand that this is a fraud and you STOLE hard erned money from people that really need it....Its people like you and all the other collectors that makes this country POOR.


Here is a thought: If in fact the money WE paid ( in Taxes ) be used for the good of the people, shouldn't we be driving on 24 carat gold streets, with the Smartest schools, best healthcare,, just the best of everything..BUT


If I look out my front door window, there is a huge hole in my road, with people begging for food....



You are talking about Heaven...this is Hell. Do I feel good??? yes I do, because I was able to educate people...tell you what...why don't you be the experiment for everyone else...don't pay your taxes and keep us posted.

And whatever happens to ya...I wish you the best.

Posted (edited)
Twilite: I bet you feel real good about yourself KNOWING first hand that this is a fraud and you STOLE hard erned money from people that really need it....Its people like you and all the other collectors that makes this country POOR.


I said I was done... but you've gone from your "awareness" guise... to personal attacks ! Time to make this one go away Mods!

Edited by irishfield
  irishfield said:
I said I was done... but you've gone from your "awareness" guise... to personal attacks ! Time to make this one go away Mods!


Irishfield...it's okay...I don't take it as such...he wants to start a war that is impossible to win. Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars...how much simplier can it be.

  irishfield said:
Time to make this one go away Mods!


i read every post and see no reason for the mods to pull this. you obviously disagree with whats being said so dont open the thread...


why is it that we are all obligated to pay taxes? why should i have to pay taxes for education when i have no kids?

Posted (edited)

If you're gonna quote me kid.... have the decency to quote in it's entirety.


Mittzu started this under the guise it was for awareness.. yet continued to make condescending posts to anyone that didn't agree with him and made a personal attack on Twilight.


Reminds me of some young lad that asked for lots of financial advise and then crapped on everyone that offered it.

Edited by irishfield

Irishfield: you could be further from the truth. This was a post to promote AWARENESS...


Alot of people have shared their opinion, which I think is great. Thats why I posted it. As per the personal attacts...you are wrong




Listen bottom line is this... my T4 this years claims I spent just under 14 000 in taxes... 14000...wow, and then the gouvenment SAYS that I did not pay enough...so I owe them another 3000...so I have had too pay 17000 this year...Holly crap. Some people in our (well was agreat country) does not even make that before taxes.

Think about that last time you made 17k in one year.....Now the way I look at it is this: I know MY son could have used some if not all of that 17k for school , clothes, food and most importanly a roof over his head. I do not want any one feeling sorry for me, I want them to understand that this does not need to happen to me or you or YOUR KIDS.


I posted this because and only because on of MY personal attack FROM this gouvenment.

  mittzu said:
Irishfield: you could be further from the truth. This was a post to promote AWARENESS...

Geez what happened to the days when trolls only promoted BACKWOODS?


Some (most) topics merit at least some discussion. I'm afraid that this one can be considered lunacy. I should trash it because of the poster's intent...civil disobedience is not something we should be condoning, but I'll just lock the thread.

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