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did all cops go insane recently ?


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Guest lundboy

The police video is conveniently missing the parts where the damage was done, and by the way, the cops haven't gone insane, the system has.


Just wait and see how bad it will get in the next 3 years.


Western countries aren't stocking up on the surveillance cameras and tripling the police "troops" in body amour for nothing.... there's a storm coming.


If you dig deeper you will see what I mean.

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Guest lundboy

How come every time someone is involved with a police scuffle they are automatically assumed to be under the influence? There is such a thing as fear, panic, anxiety, terror etc. All of these will make people act erratically once the fear sets in. I'm sure there would have been some tox screening done at the hospital... as of this date there is no report of that.


Why are we so quick to dismiss something like this as having a logical explanation? Because it's easier on our conscience than accepting the possible truth.


This kind of thinking is what is going to be our ruin.

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How come every time someone is involved with a police scuffle they are automatically assumed to be under the influence? There is such a thing as fear, panic, anxiety, terror etc. All of these will make people act erratically once the fear sets in. I'm sure there would have been some tox screening done at the hospital... as of this date there is no report of that.


Why are we so quick to dismiss something like this as having a logical explanation? Because it's easier on our conscience than accepting the possible truth.


This kind of thinking is what is going to be our ruin.


Ok maybe she wasn't under the influence and maybe that "fear, panic, anxiety, terror etc" makes them act erratically then its now a mental condition. Either way the proper people shoulda been in there. I was in a relationship where my ex turned out to be mentally ill and UNmedicated so I do have some experience in knowing which people should be involved.


And your last sentence "This kind of thinking is what is going to be our ruin". Not too sure what you're implying, but you do seem to have all the answers. Maybe your infinite wisdom could be better used in Ottawa??

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How come every time someone is involved with a police scuffle they are automatically assumed to be under the influence? There is such a thing as fear, panic, anxiety, terror etc. All of these will make people act erratically once the fear sets in. I'm sure there would have been some tox screening done at the hospital... as of this date there is no report of that.


Why are we so quick to dismiss something like this as having a logical explanation? Because it's easier on our conscience than accepting the possible truth.


This kind of thinking is what is going to be our ruin.

Speaking from experience, cops in general just don't go arresting people for the exitement, having looked at it only once, there is definitely something wrong with the woman, and would believe that if they have her in front of the instrument, it's not cause she ran ove ran anthill. I have seen criminals self inflict to make it "look bad", and unless you have been on the other side of the coin, you often wouldn't believe what they're capable of. End of point.

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Guest lundboy

point taken.


Still doesn't explain why they released the video with the crucial part missing, unless it's damaging to the dept.


Not that I expect anyone to watch this link in it's entirety and understand. But you will... within the next 3 years.



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Hello All,


Here is the full story on this video clip:



A Shreveport Lousiana police officer has been fired after an incident in which a female prisoner taken into custody on suspicion of DWI wound up lying on the police station floor in a pool of blood.


Much of what happened was recorded on a videotape, but there is a gap ofundetermined length. During that time, the woman was believed to have been injured. She said she was beaten up, the officer said she fell.The woman, Angie Garbarino of Shreveport, was argumentative when she was brought to the DWI unit's office last November. The videotape shows she did not want to listen to Officer Wiley Willis as he read her rights.


She was insistent on making a phone call and said so repeatedly. At one point, Garbarino mentioned the names of attorneys and a police officer she wanted to contact. She tried to leave the room but was stopped by the officer and then handcuffed, the videotape shows.


The situation escalated, and the videotape shows the officer push the woman against the wall; she fell to the floor crying, telling him not to touch her.


Seconds later, the tape is turned off. It is not known what happened while the tape was off, but when it was turned back on Garbarino was lying on the floor on her side in a pool of blood. Willis turns her on her back and tells her, "Lay down; don't move."


The officer leaves the room. Another officer came in shortly after that to

look at Garbarino and then left. At some point, a Fire Department ambulance crew was called. They took her to the hospital.


Garbarino's lawyer, Ron Miciotto, said she suffered a broken nose, a severe cut on her forehead, two broken teeth and bruises on her arms and shoulder. Pictures taken of her later show two severely bruised eyes, as well as other bruises.


Willis was fired earlier this month for what officials said was his handling of the incident. No criminal charges were filed accusing him of injuring the woman.


Garbarino faces trial on charges of DWI and hit and run driving. She will

fight them in court, Miciotto said.



Good Fishing,



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Guest lundboy
Ok maybe she wasn't under the influence and maybe that "fear, panic, anxiety, terror etc" makes them act erratically then its now a mental condition. Either way the proper people shoulda been in there. I was in a relationship where my ex turned out to be mentally ill and UNmedicated so I do have some experience in knowing which people should be involved.


And your last sentence "This kind of thinking is what is going to be our ruin". Not too sure what you're implying, but you do seem to have all the answers. Maybe your infinite wisdom could be better used in Ottawa??


Ok so you were right about the girl. But did you know that because you researched the article first, or you just made a diagnosis based on past experience, like the cop in the video did last week with the quadriplegic in the wheelchair?


I don't have all the answers. I'm just more aware of the change in society recently than others may be, and have researched what is going on beyond what the mainstream media and the government is telling us. You would be best to open your mind and not just take everything at face value. I question everything and try to look at all sides not just the "apparent" side.


I have provided a link above... have a look, but don't bother if you aren't going to do it with an open mind. The proof is there in the video.


You still believe in government? :dunno:

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after spending some time looking over the tape and not having a time frameor clock to go by, but being an ex police officcer and correctional officer I would surmise that after she realized the jig was up, probly a breath test in progress. she decided to do the symphaty trip and ran full faced into the wall thus the stitches on the forehead and the broken nose and black eyes although the nose could have be broken during the handcuffing as she appeared to hit the wall quite hard but she did not cut her forehead at that time as the film will show no bleeding of the forehead, she was red around the mouth mybe as a result of the broken nose but there was no shown cuts to the fore head at that time and she was located half way acroos the room at the end far from the chair with no blood trail so I assume she made a run for the two way mirror an flatten herself against the wall, this is just my opinion I find it hard to believe that that officer had any ill intent towards her other than dealing with someone under the influence of whatever, I have been there and done it and these things can happen pretty quick if the are not secured to something solid OH well poop happens




by the way I did not read the whole post above about the real story sorry for speaking up to quick for the other side when ever there is a gap in a tape you have to wonder what has transpired that tapes are there for the officers protection when they are tampered with then you are covering up something and this is not right or lawfull

I retrct my statement and condem the officer and who ever alteered the tape guilty as charged


Spike, this is very unprofessional and he is not worthy of being a police officer

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I recommend anarchy.


I also recommend not living in fear, even if you are right. Spend time and energy imagining the way things should be, instead of heralding the impending doom. Good mental health, and we are all better because of it. I don't preach sunshine, but we all gotta pull the same way.

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Guest lundboy
I recommend anarchy.


I also recommend not living in fear, even if you are right. Spend time and energy imagining the way things should be, instead of heralding the impending doom. Good mental health, and we are all better because of it. I don't preach sunshine, but we all gotta pull the same way.




While I agree mostly with what you are saying, these are extraordinary times, and unless enough people wake up and realize what is going on (no matter how grizzly the truth may be), we will not be able to get out of this in time.


In short, we just don't have much time to nip this in the bloom (past bud stage). Unfortunately the only way to do this is to make sure to get the word out.


I think that's positive, I haven't said it's hopeless yet. ;)

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Ok so you were right about the girl. But did you know that because you researched the article first, or you just made a diagnosis based on past experience, like the cop in the video did last week with the quadriplegic in the wheelchair?



You still believe in government? :dunno:



I had not seen the article or the video until this thread. I Made the assumptions based on past experience , and note that no where did I she WAS under the influence. I said she looks like she was under the influence of something.



As for believeing in the government. Never have. Government makes laws which only serve themselves or friends. All us outdoors people know that, when new "regulations" come into being which affects us. Cancellation of the spring bear hunt stir any memories? The banning of bait over a certain length in certain areas??


There are many laws which I do not agree with. For this reason I could not be a cop and uphold laws I find questionable or just plain wrong. Doesn't mean I won't obey. I just can't force someone else to obey. And as for having "faith" in the makers of the laws...Not a chance.

Like the Scottich Comedian Billy Connelly said, "Parliament is a place where good ideas go and get bashed about till they are just shadows of their former selves".

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Guest lundboy
I had not seen the article or the video until this thread. I Made the assumptions based on past experience , and note that no where did I she WAS under the influence. I said she looks like she was under the influence of something.



As for believeing in the government. Never have. Government makes laws which only serve themselves or friends. All us outdoors people know that, when new "regulations" come into being which affects us. Cancellation of the spring bear hunt stir any memories? The banning of bait over a certain length in certain areas??


There are many laws which I do not agree with. For this reason I could not be a cop and uphold laws I find questionable or just plain wrong. Doesn't mean I won't obey. I just can't force someone else to obey. And as for having "faith" in the makers of the laws...Not a chance.

Like the Scottich Comedian Billy Connelly said, "Parliament is a place where good ideas go and get bashed about till they are just shadows of their former selves".


Billy is my favourite, seen him live at Massey... very smart man... like George Carlin.

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There was a time that I had the utmost respect for our police. However I have had the misfortune to be unjustly harassed by Peel's finest (short story.. young macho cop tries to impress female colleague at my expense - I just happened to be passing the wrong donut shop). Too often I hear first hand stories as they brag to their friends how they showed some perp who's boss. In balance they do put up with a lot of azzholes but many seem to get tainted and forget most people are basically good. I am a father of 4 (3 in university, 2 valedictorians) and significant contributor to my community. I can't believe the lack of civil respect demonstrated by some our police.... It's a shame the damage few bad apples can do to a respectable organization.

Thx for letting me get that off my chest...

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