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About spikenb

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  1. after spending some time looking over the tape and not having a time frameor clock to go by, but being an ex police officcer and correctional officer I would surmise that after she realized the jig was up, probly a breath test in progress. she decided to do the symphaty trip and ran full faced into the wall thus the stitches on the forehead and the broken nose and black eyes although the nose could have be broken during the handcuffing as she appeared to hit the wall quite hard but she did not cut her forehead at that time as the film will show no bleeding of the forehead, she was red around the mouth mybe as a result of the broken nose but there was no shown cuts to the fore head at that time and she was located half way acroos the room at the end far from the chair with no blood trail so I assume she made a run for the two way mirror an flatten herself against the wall, this is just my opinion I find it hard to believe that that officer had any ill intent towards her other than dealing with someone under the influence of whatever, I have been there and done it and these things can happen pretty quick if the are not secured to something solid OH well poop happens Spike by the way I did not read the whole post above about the real story sorry for speaking up to quick for the other side when ever there is a gap in a tape you have to wonder what has transpired that tapes are there for the officers protection when they are tampered with then you are covering up something and this is not right or lawfull I retrct my statement and condem the officer and who ever alteered the tape guilty as charged Spike, this is very unprofessional and he is not worthy of being a police officer
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