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Bundle up and be careful !


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Yup, your right Jon, I've been out driving around a bit this morning and there's definetely alot of icy spots. It's OK though, Global Warming is sposed to come back by the weekend and melt everything again, at least thats what the weather dude is saying right now. :thumbsup_anim:

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My temp is -20oC, nice and dry cold. Now it is getting cold!!! :blahblah1: However, the winds last night have created quite the drifts in areas off the main road. Just got back a few minutes ago from taking the Mrs to work. The road I use was snow covered and heavy drifts on the north side that I was required to use 4WD


Be safe out there and let the snow plows do their job.

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It is absolutely freezing out there. I went to the local Starbucks across the street from my office and they had welcomed a homeless man into the store so he could stay warm. I thought it was a very nice gesture! Regardless of how they ended up homeless; you really have to feel sorry for them, especially on these bitter cold days.

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