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Im all for tough guys


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Some might be missing the point here.


Hockey according to Cherry is crap. The hoser toughboy talk contributes DIRECTLY to this stuff, and that stuff is OVER. Cherry should be retired for the good of the game.


Fer crissakes we now have 7 year olds beating the stuffin out of each other, with examples provided by coaches and parents too.


The game will clean up or die, because this current interpretation will ensure that we end up with UF and MMA tournaments instead of our beautiful game.




You think that minor (as in kids) hockey was less violent in the 80's or 90's???? It's far safer and tamer today than it has ever been.


Hockey parents and coaches were just as insane back then, if not more so. It just wasn't news worthy then.


Hockey is a multifaceted sport and is violent in nature. 200+ lb guys smashing into each other full speed will get the agression level cranked up on both benches. If you want a non violent game (i.e. non contact), there are a variety of local leagues out there that you can watch in your neighbourhood arena.


Removing aggression changes the entire face of the game. Aggression is the driving force behind the emotion of the game - which a big part of why I love it, when I think about it a bit more. Just because Chris Simon is an idiot, doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the game, nor does it mean it's going to go by the way of the dodo bird either. Anyone remember the movie slapshot?

Edited by Puckhead
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It really gets under my skin when people slag a guy like Don Cherry. Yes, the guy is old school, but you know what, old school is far better than the new school. The single biggest problem with society today is political correctness and the apologists who gave birth to it and continue to nurture it. Don Cherry doesn’t apologize for anything, he has principals, values and dare I say, COMMON SENSE. When he believes in something he lets you know about it, the man wears his emotions on his sleeve. Why is that a crime?


We’re in the state we are today with our politics and justice system because somewhere along the line someone decided that the old way of doing things, the way we and our fathers and mothers were raised was wrong. Why?


Cherry always comes across like he’s mad about something because he’s sick and tired of being the only one carrying the torch. Do you really think the CBC, the Liberal, politically correct bastion that our tax dollars props up, really wants him on their network, hell no? The only reason he’s there is for ratings, in other words money and because of the public outcry there would be if they fired him.


If you ask me, we need more Don Cherry’s in the world.

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You think that minor (as in kids) hockey was less violent in the 80's or 90's???? It's far safer and tamer today than it has ever been.


Hockey parents and coaches were just as insane back then, if not more so. It just wasn't news worthy then.


Absolutely Puckhead, and I can attest to that fact all the way back into the 50's when I was playing house league hockey.


Kids are kids and hockey has always had fights in the little leagues, at least in any that I played in, it's just that every parent wasn't holding a video cam and recording everything for the world to see.


I know 2 young fathers today that refuse to allow their 9 year sons to play hockey because they feel it's too violent and I think that's pretty sad.


I haven't seen an NHL game in 40 years so I have no real opinion on it, but I think violence is part of the game until it goes overboard and players are deliberately trying to mame others, then it's time to step in and come down hard on them.

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I do not think that Don Cherry has ever Promoted the cheap kind of actions Chris Simon has displayed, What he does promote however is our kids not hitting each other from behind, player respect, kids not wearing shorter gloves like they did in the early 90's, no touch icing to prevent more injuries. I have never heard Don Cherry say " oh yeah kids go and crack your stick through there head or put your skate blade into there leg."


Chris Simon does not have the wiring in his head that puts impulse reactions on the back burner. It is that simple. We all have impulse reactions in our minds but something tells us to stop. He doesn't have it, therefore should not be playing fast paced heavy contact sports. period. counseling may help him come to terms with it when he is off the ice but in the moment he will never be any different.


If the NHL lets this guy back in, then they should be liable for his actions and open for lawsuits from any players that get hurt by him in the future.


Well said. Holdfast and cookslav make some good points too. :thumbsup_anim:

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Is this all just a reflection of how respect for our fellow humans has deteriorated in every aspect of life.


I don't think the problem is the current style of hockey. Look around, read the paper, go watch a kid's hockey game.

I have been to several of my Nephew's hockey games over the years. He's ten now. The parent's are brutal. I could go on for hours but I don't have that long. Respect starts at home, and equips us with how we deal with everything we do in life. How we treat people at work, how we deal with our neighbours, and how we play Hockey.


I played hockey my whole life up until a few years ago. There was respect when I was a kid.

The level of "verbal abuse" from parent's today is unreal. There is absolutely no way that would have been tolerated when I was a kid. And I can back that statement up. Imagine what these kids go through when you don't see them in public.


Change the rules all you like, Hell, take away the puck, insert a ring and we can call it ringette.

And players will still be doing the same as we are discussing in fact it will continue to get worse.


Cuz' it ain't about the rules, it ain't about suspensions, it's about respect.

If you don't learn that growing up, you sure won't learn it when you're a spoiled millionaire "kid" playing a "kid's" game.


It's gonna get worse....






P.S.----Don Cherry for P.M.

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All that crap, of kicking, biting, pinching, crying, diving,cowarding, using your stick, mouthing off when the ref is in between, has all been imported. Kind of spreading like a disease. Kind of like watching the academy performances of the soccer players not too long ago. Yea and I like Cherry also and I agree on a lot of things that he has said in the past. Says it like it is, even if he has to put up with the bull political correctness. And as far as Simon is concerned, never did hear him turn down a fight. I guess lately all he has to face are players that wont drop the gloves. Buy the way, his previous suspension was way more severe. All I can picture is Rutu squirming and barking like a seal on the ice. I shake my head on how the game has deteriorated.

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Kids hockey is far cleaner that the game was 20-30 years ago. Much less hooking-slashing and interference, its a faster game. The kids are skating much better than their parents did-that statement may bother some but measured times in every imaginable drill set are much faster.

There is much less fighting now, especially peewee division and younger. Many who played the game saw far worst incidents in their own childhoods than the NF-Dufield fiasco....as Lew mentioned, nobody was filming. Fighting was far more acceptable when we were kids and is not a rare occurence on old gamesheets. I've had 1 player get a fighting major in 5 years coaching, admittedly a few amongst teamates in practises also. Anyone playing kids hockey late 70's early 80's was probably in at least 1 scrap and had a few teamates who fought often. Many kids today reach bantam hockey without even seeing a fight.


Parents loud & obnoxious....yep-far worse.

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Some might be missing the point here.


Hockey according to Cherry is crap. The hoser toughboy talk contributes DIRECTLY to this stuff, and that stuff is OVER. Cherry should be retired for the good of the game.


Fer crissakes we now have 7 year olds beating the stuffin out of each other, with examples provided by coaches and parents too.


The game will clean up or die, because this current interpretation will ensure that we end up with UF and MMA tournaments instead of our beautiful game. I like MMA, but it doesn't look like hockey. Why should hockey look like MMA?


"I love the tough guys". If you don't want to keep those things separate, then you contribute to this mess.


Shame. Put it all together already.


As for my kids , no thanks, I can't see a price tag on that visit by the local constabulary. How many million was that priced out at?

WHATEVER! Hockey is not ballet. Why don't we have "no touch" hockey? Go watch figure skating if that's what you want to see. There is no place in the game for what Simon has done,but Don Cherry would NEVER condone his behavior. As far as the "clean up or die", turn on the tv once in a while. The UFC is more popular than ever and I can't even watch that. Too brutal for me but that sport has grown like gangbusters. I think they need to get the cheap shots and stick work out of hockey, but if two good ole boys want to go, that's hockey. I also agree with getting rid of the instigator rule. too many are taking liberties with the stars of the game. The Sean Avery's of the league may think twice if they know there will be some consequences to their actions and Derek Boogaard (aka Boogie Man) brings it to their attention. I think the game would surely benefit if everyone isn't constantly worried about getting mamed by a career ending cheap shot they likely didn't see coming. Where would Gretzky be without Semenko? Oh, one more thing douG, "driving cars at the limits of their ability and the car's mechanical limits" is great fun as well. It should be kept off the streets and on a track,whether it's oval track,drag racing or road course but cars are fun too .......... and not just for shining. Everyone is obviously not of the same opinion douG.
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A "tough guy" faces his willing adversary face-to-face. This act was from a cheapshot artist whose time in the NHL is way past overtime!


The league does have to take some responsibility for allowing him to play after his last major infraction AND for allowing the RUUTUs of the game to s**t disturb and then turtle.

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