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More Public Access to Lake Simcoe Disappearing


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yeah,yeah but the fact still remains I would not want trash left on my property and I would assume you would not either.



That is something you should think about before purchasing a home beside a lake access!!!! I know if I was going to buy a home next to an access, I would EXPECT to be cleaning up after fisherman. As a matter of fact, I'd prolly be out there shooting the $hit with them......telling them to keep it clean.


Like has been said, the access was there long before any homes were put there.......if you don't like the garbage and noise......there's lots of homes for sale elsewhere!!!!!


Its people like you that get our accesses shut down.....!



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That is something you should think about before purchasing a home beside a lake access!!!! I know if I was going to buy a home next to an access, I would EXPECT to be cleaning up after fisherman. As a matter of fact, I'd prolly be out there shooting the $hit with them......telling them to keep it clean.


Like has been said, the access was there long before any homes were put there.......if you don't like the garbage and noise......there's lots of homes for sale elsewhere!!!!!


Its people like you that get our accesses shut down.....!




So let see if I understand correctly. You are suggesting that if property owners don`t like people throwing their trash and pissing in front of their properties they should move. If thats what your saying that is just ridiculous and is probably one of the silliest things I have ever read on OFC.


For the record I like to fish Simcoe and I do have a boat which means I use the boat ramps/access points and when I am finished for the day I bag my trash and throw it in a bin if available if there is not a bin available I take it home.

The problem is not with property owners my friend the problem is with the pigs who have no respect for other peoples property and that is one of the reason why we are losing access points and parking privleges.

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I think the point is if you buy there you do have to expect some problems


there used to be garbage cans everywhere for the guys to put garbage in..almost all of them are gone....


most of the home owners are complaining about the parking and the noise and this is where the home owners should have no right to complain..if you buy beside an airport expect noise..if you live beside a boat ramp expect people to park and launch boats and run there motors and run noisy atvs and skidoos...they removed most of the parking spots they removed the toilets that use to be there and the garbage cans...I believe that they are doing everything they can so people drop there garbage and piss on the side of the road so they can complain and get them to sell the the access points..it is part of there plan...........

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Sad to see my tax dollars hard at work. This council hasn't much listened to anyone over the years that I have been here. Yet they claim that they need business, so lets continue to do all we can to remove lake access, and while we are at it we can build another eye sore and bottomless pit of tax dollars like Mt Grossi


For those who do not live here Bob Grossi is the mayor of Georgina. His most recent accomplishment is a huge hill of fill removed from sewer diggings on the side of Woodbine Av on the way to Sutton. Supposed to be a recreational park. Well the fill was wet as in frozen. Last year it started to thaw and made the hill unstable so the park's on hold. Next they tried to dewater the hill but the water is contaminated so there's no where to put it, so there it sits and sits sucking up tax dollar after tax dollar. Seems OK to waste money on this eyesore but when it comes to improving access to the best resource we have no thanks.

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So let see if I understand correctly. You are suggesting that if property owners don`t like people throwing their trash and pissing in front of their properties they should move. If thats what your saying that is just ridiculous and is probably one of the silliest things I have ever read on OFC.


No, that's not what I"m saying at all. :wallbash:


BEFORE these people purchase waterfront property beside PUBLIC ACCESS, this is something they should think about, because it is going to happen! There are slobs everywhere........same deal if you buy a house beside a park.......you'll have people tossing garbage all over......what are YOU going to do......close the park? :rolleyes:


I see it all the time on the lakes I fish as well.......homeowners complaining that fisherman are leaving garbage and making too much noise, early in the morning.......well........why did you buy a house right beside the most popular boat launch on the lake? DUH.......so they rally to close the boat launch....... :wallbash:


These access points were there before they bought the property.......


People with that mentality get my blood boiling.



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yeah, but

the lake access spots where there long before houses where there..just cottages where all around the lake...I hate it when people move into an area that has lake access or a smelly factory, knowing they are there then complains about the people using the lake access or complain about the smell of the factory...........

Yeah, that sucks. I can relate. The people of Sparta Ontario almost shut down their dragstrip(St. Thomas Dragway).The track has been there for at least forty or fifty years and as newbies built homes in and around the track they complained about noise etc. :wallbash: DUH!! . It's one thing if a new track was trying to go in and residents didn't want it. I can understand that. But to build somewhere where there is a pre-existing track and then whine seems ridiculous. The whiners almost won,but the track made concessions and doesn't open until noon. Maybe the cottagers will win in all of Ontario and we'll have to pay them to get on the lake and fish only after noon. I'm sure the incoming cash influx from accesibility to the lake in varous areas well overrides the cost to the township to clean it up, but that's a very hard to prove. Someone has to step in and lock up any pre-existing access points,parkland etc. before one by one we are all shut out them permanently.This all goes back to whose water this is. It should all be accessible to every resident of Canada. How will we ever care about our greatest and most valuable treasures,our natural resources, if we have no access to them?

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ok does anyone know the law

now the the town is selling the land

could we take them to court because we have had a right of way to the lake at that spot for years, that we infact have the legal right to keep accessing the lake at that same location...

we would need a large group of people to help with the cost..wonder if people would be interested in this

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Asking most people for money for something like this would be a waste of time!! It would cost tens of thousands of dollars to fight with good legal representation. People care up until you ask them for some money, once that happens, they tend to disappear and not be heard from again. It's unfortunate but it is human nature.

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What about the OFAH? I'm sure many here are members and OFAH is suppose to work for the membership. Does anyone here have the ear of the OFAH and would make it known (if it isn't already) that representation is required at the meeting tomorrow?

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Apparently Georgina's politicians can't read. Someone should phone them and read this to them.


Town of Georgina Official Plan

“To continue to pursue a program of securing additional lakefront lands through ownership and/or easements to increase the opportunities for public access to the Lake Simcoe waterfront…”


Town of Georgina Leisure Services Master Plan


“Georgina residents indicated that Lake Simcoe is one of the Town’s greatest assets. Currently the lake contributes to the life that they enjoy. One of the key issues… is the lack of access.”


“…the Town should acquire lands or easements to provide increased public access to the lake.”


“there is a desire for the Town to continue to pursue a program of securing additional lakefront lands in order to increase the opportunities for public access to Lake Simcoe…”


Recommendations: “Seek to acquire waterfront land” “provide increased public access to the lake”

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