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~~~Rainy Day on Lady Simcoe


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~~~~As it was Slug was able to get off today so we decide to head out again for some Perch. We launched at the Glades, and followed a parade of boats heading out. It was a little cloudy with the Sun trying to peek out as we head to our spot. Got out there a only marked a few scattered schools, I was able to get the first hit, a nice 9"er, and back into the water, no pics taken(drat) should have that was the largest one, till later in the day. We headed towards the Island to see if they were in shallower and found a massive school of bait,in 49' and the only phish the MIghty Kong caught was fouled hooked, now I ask you catching a minnow foul hooked does that come under the listing as a caught phish or bait.

Well it wasn't long before we heard the Thunder rolling along, and the wind kept changing direction, then the rains came. We could hear it come across the lake as we rushed to get the rain gear on and I had forgotten Missy's rain coat so I draped mine across her. Well need less to say she slept through the rain storm while I got soaked.

We moved around a bit, but were not able to find any Perch like last week, so we decided to join the armada of boats in 31' counted over 45 boats. No sooner had we anchoured up and we had another massive school of phish, so we drop ed our lines in and the hooks were hit before we could get them to the bottom. We used most of our tackle with some good and other they wouldn't even look at it we caught over 80 Perch keeping 4. During this time the rain let up, and time to take some wet clothes off, then the lightning started, in the distance, and then we could hear a loud sizzling noise coming, oh oh here comes the rains, back on go the wet clothes sorry Missy daddy needs his coat, and down it came like a fast gray wall moving across the lake, with bolts of lightning banging ever closer. Bud it time to head in, so with the help of the GPS, which was needed, couldn't see more then 100', we got back to the ramp, and sat in a covered slip, for an hour, waiting for the ramp traffic to clear.

And wouldn't you know it the Sun came out as we were putting the boat in the garage. I made sure all the lockers were left open so they'll dry out and hung up all my wet clothes which should take a week to dry.

But if it's going to be sunny on Sunday, I'm sure I could find a dry pair of underwear, wife has lots

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