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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I also forgot to mention that I will not fish with, around, or near anyone from Medicine Hat, Alberta. I have a buddy from there and although he is a great guy, I just hate fishing with him as he is always yapping. I have to assume the rest of them are the same. I am sorry if you are from Medicine Hat and are different but I just can't afford to take any chances. So add Medicine Hat to my list of people I won't fish with. Drink beer sure, fish with no way!
  2. I wasn't in any way shape or form mocking your country. I would expect the same from you. I usually find patriotism to be a counterproductive activity but I do have quite a bit of fondness and pride for my country. If you look back in history you will find that Canada's military was always at the forefront of the wars that needed to be fought and and skipped the ones that didn't. The only reason that I brought up what Neil DeGrasse Tyson said about military funding versus NASA funding was the same reason he did. To put it into perspective and defend it to people who view it as a waste. If you want to take pot shots at Canada's military spending go do it on an Ohio forum of some sort. Maybe write a letter to our Prime Minister suggesting that if he doesn't spend more on our military that you will refuse to spend your tourist dollars here. I am sure that will get his attention.
  3. I hate it when other races and cultures horn in on my fishing spots. I only let Irish, English, Scottish, and Germans fish near me. Oh yeah, and the odd Swede. I don't mind Asians either. Oh and Portuguese and Italians are welcome. I like Guyanese too, they are allowed. No Lithuanians though. And absolutely nobody from Bahrain. Nobody from Minnesota either. Those are my rules. They seem reasonable to me. Those Minnesotans drive me nuts.
  4. It is not a waste of money. I think I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson mention that the United States spends more money on its military every year then it has in NASA's entire existence. Gaining knowledge of our Universe (or any kind really) should never be viewed as a waste. This is why we exist. Those people at NASA are not only the cream of the crop when it comes to the related sciences they are using but they are also tops when it comes to imagination. The United States of America should be (and is) immensely proud of them. Our species in general should be proud of them. It is a good day for humans. I think I will celebrate with another one of our species' crowning achievements. A Sleeman original.
  5. I fell asleep. I can't wait to watch it on the NASA site.
  6. eTackle is a good site. Mr Harrison is a member here. He always helps other members by giving fishing advice with out thought of any sort of personal gain. He has not spammed this site or leaned on the membership at all. This temptation is usually too much for members here with business interests in the fishing industry. For his abstinence of spamming he should be awarded. The only time he ever posts about his online store is to offer OFCers a deal. I haven't purchased anything off him yet because I have everything I need (and to be honest I am not much if an online shopper) but when I need something I will shoot him an email. I take a bit of heat on this site from time to time for being critical of people that I think are taking advantage of the membership so I feel a bit obligated to endorse people I feel that do not. Also, I feel it necessary to point out that I do not know the man personally and I have no business dealings with him. Cheers. Give him a shot on the non-spamming principle alone.
  7. Nice shooting! I love fishing that body of water.
  8. Those are beautiful Brook Trout. I would do a backflip if I caught one of those.
  9. I missed this one somehow. I am impressed by not only the numbers but the size. That looks like fantastic fishing on a beautiful spot. Good to see that you took some time away from the fishing to enjoy the area. It looks like a breathtaking view from up on the rock. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I always look forward to your huge bass reports. Well done!
  11. Deciding that a fish is a nuisance and bad for the Ecosystem based on hearsay is laughable. Deciding that every one of those fish that is caught should be killed is despicable. Where is the scientific evidence for such a claim? Of you catch a Sheephead and do not want to eat it, throw it back. They do not have grinders in the back of their throats for walleye eggs. Those grinders are geared more towards mussels and crayfish, although they eat plenty of small fish to round out their diet. During the first year of their life cycle they are a food source for walleye so it could be the other way around. There are a gazillion Sheephead in the Bay of Quinte and that doesn't seem to hurt the walleye numbers.
  12. I was looking pretty hard at the Revo, Oakley, and Maui Jim's. I like them all. I want to check out the Costa Del Mar's before I decide, my buddy swears by them.
  13. Use this knot to tie your 7 strand wire to your big swivel. http://www.lotsa.org/Wire%20Line%20Knot.htm If you choose to go with a rod with roller guides put a big giant bead on the wire before the knot and always reel the bead tight to the rod tip. This will keep the wire tight. Wire line that is not kept tight will be a nightmare. It will twist and kink and you will lose fish and equipment because of it. I have not had one issue with my wire because of the bead. I must give credit to Pat Kirby from Tall Tales in Cambridge for showing me this trick.
  14. Just for a few minutes before you start them. That is after they have been sitting for a bit. If you just shut the engine down for a few minutes there is no need to put the blower on.
  15. Something similar happened in Oakville this afternoon. http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/oakville-boat-explosion-injures-three-passengers-1.888136
  16. Great point.
  17. There is plenty to like. I think all three of the big North American manufacturers are making excellent trucks right now. Toyota trucks are not to be left out either, they are excellent. Hell, I even heard of some wierdo naming his dog after his Tundra. :rofl2: It is similar to outboards. Everyone brags about their brand of outboard and how they have never had any problems and they can do this because all manufacturers in the outboard business are making very good products.
  18. I use to wash my black truck every Friday night and by Monday morning at 7:05 AM it would be filthy again from the job site. When I was working Saturdays, which would be about half the year, I wouldn't even bother. But man, nothing looked better than when she was all shined up.
  19. Beauty truck!!!! I agree with everything you said here. Nothing on Earth looks better than a black truck all shined up but have fun keeping her clean. My last truck was black and boy did it look amazing after I washed it but then the heartbreak would set in with every speck of dust. lol. Cheers guys, and beautiful trucks!
  20. Beautiful truck! I love that colour for the sports. I just picked my 2012 RAM 3 weeks ago. I went with the Laramie in the White-Chrome combo. I think it looks very classy. My truck looks identical to the one in this picture. I have historically been a Ford guy but generally I do not limit myself to being on any 'team'. Right now I like the Dodges the best. This is the first time in my history that this has happened. My Dad has a GMC and I really like it as well. I love my new truck and yours is really sharp. Here is a picture of a truck that is identical to mine. Cheers man.
  21. No you don't. It has 9 as you stated. President 9 stainless steel ball bearings (6920 has 7 ball bearings) Instant anti-reverse one-way clutch bearing Anodized aluminum spool with distinctive hole pattern for lighter weight Titanium coated spool lip for added line protection Large diameter titanium coated line roller Smooth front drag system with stainless steel and oiled felt washers Sure-Click™ bail Corrosion-resistant stainless steel main shaft and components Aluminum handle Soft touch knob
  22. My father and I had a pile of gear stolen out of our boat about 5 years ago. We have insurance with co-operators. Same thing as you, no receipts. The lady at Co-Operators told my Dad to replace everything and send in the bill. They covered it all no questions asked, it was a about $1500 dollars. Hopefully your Co-Operators branch is as good to you as the Guelph branch was to us. My parents have all of their insurance through them so that may have had some say in the decision. Sorry to hear about your gear.
  23. Cedar Waxwing as the others have said. My favourite looking bird. They travel in big groups and when they come for a visit it is quite a treat.
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