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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. That's great. I did the same thing at a local pond where people were always allowed to fish. I used to walk the family dog out there (I miss that silly dog). Now there are "no tresspassing" signs. So I went fishing out there anyway (I know...bad boy) and couldn't believe the amount of crap scattered everywhere. The next time I went I brought a garbage bag and stuffed it right full. I figured I was doing my part. It makes it nicer for me too. I don't want to see all that junk while I out there trying to relax and enjoy myself anyway. What is wrong with people these days??? You know what,I didn't catch a thing there that day,but I felt really good about what I did. I was kind of hoping the owner would've seen me or an O.P.P. with the ten pounds of garbage I collected. I bet they would give me special permission, because they'd know I wasn't one of the morons who was making the mess. Maybe everytime we see somebody throwing or for that matter even leaving cans,worm containers or fishing line behind, we should speak up and remind that person of "the right thing to do". Or like "Tinbagers" father we can chuck it in their car (I probably couldn't do that either). I always said that 90% of people are great and 10% are donkeyholes. Lately I'm thinking it's getting closer to 80/20. Look at it this way guys,if we won't look after these places who will? It doesn't take much if everyone takes part. (Added after my original post)I was just thinking about this topic and Mountsberg Conservation Area came to mind. Now this place could be beautiful,but is a disgrace. It was absolutely overwhelming the amout of junk that is EVERYWHERE. I didn't pick up anything but my own stuff at this park. It seems hopeless,so you just don't bother . It'd take me a month of evenings to clean it and people would just keep throwing crap faster than you could clean it up. It makes me really angry,but wat do you do??
  2. I sent this to the Mayor (his was addressed accordingly) and all the councillors. I'd suggest everyone tell them how you feel. Let them make the correct decision. Make your voice heard if you want to be listened to! Here is the e-mail I sent. Hello,councillor. This is in regards to the recommendations from the February 5, 2007 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting, which have been referred to this Council meeting for consideration. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommends that: (see minutes for complete set of recommendations) A. Town property, known as 113 River Beach Drive, be signed "Access to Property by Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake Permit Only"; and a permit to use the property for the purpose of fishing, be available for Niagara-on-the-Lake residents. I can't tell you how much I disagree with these actions. As an angler I already have to pay for an Ontario fishing license which entitles me to fish all of Ontarios crown land. Do you know the can of worms (pun intended) you are opening?Should I have to pay an extra fee everytime I go fishing? Should every town,district or county all get a cut? Should I have to get an individual permit for everywhere I fish? Nobody will be able to afford the cost or time involved. For instance if I travel to fifty different destinations during one year should I require fifty different permits? Should I be required to carry a complete library around on my person so if I decide to fish a different area I can produce proof every time?Consider the time and costs associated with this both to the individual and the community.Do you know how many people are anglers sir?It is the one of the worlds most popuar hobbies. How do you think we'll feel about the discrimination being shown by you and your town towards us? What if all anglers stopped coming to your towns businesses because of these actions? What effect will this have? Would that be something positive or constructive for the community you represent? How will the people you are sworn to represent feel when you are adversely effecting virtually every household in your community? How many families do not have an angler among them or at very least their neighbor?Please reconsider your actions in this manner as it will not be taken lightly or accepted well by the fishing community.Please make the right decision in this matter. Thankyou,concerned citizen,Ken(I included my last name as well).
  3. Pretty soon in Ontario they'll be giving us only specific (very limited) areas to fish on or off land!! The areas designated as fishing areas be a mile out from shore too. Then ........ tolls. You know,this is just another ridiculous example of one branch of the government not having a clue (or care) for what the other branch is doing. Typical. Sorry,LEXXington, you beat me on the "tolls thing". I got busy (at work) in the middle of typing this and when I posted I noticed). Well,great minds think alike LOL.
  4. You really think catch and release only is necessary? What about closing Scugog down for the season like all the other Kawartha Lakes,putting in a slot and changing the limit ot two within that slot? That should give the Lake alot less pressure. Not only would less fish be taken,but none out of season and you'd probably get less traffic of fisherman (because they can't take their six). This would be a good compromise,should help the lake "replentish" itself and not kill the local businesses,especially ones totally reliant on tourism /fishing. I think with a proposal like this you would meet alot less resistance and have a chance of passing it. It's one thing to just say,"catch and release only" and maybe that is ultimately what is best for the lake (no people or motorboats would be better yet) but if it's not realistic that it would be implemented than it's better to introduce something that will be effectve and better the conditions and have a chance of being accepted. Then again,this is Scugog which is the only major Kawartha Lake that is partially privately owned (I still don't get that). Anyway,just my two cents.
  5. I know I didn't even come close to "spending the most" but here's what I got..... a Quantum Catylst (IM8) MH spinning rod (man is this thing thin and light for a MH),a Lindy big game spinnerbait (black/white/chrome), two beautiful Northamfishing spinner baits (perch and baby bass),a 9" Trick Shiner musky/pike bait. Yatahe Tackle 50lb flourocarbon leaders,1/2 oz. white buzzbait and a pickerel rig (trom a really nice knowledgeable older gentleman that hand makes these baits+has darn good success fishing...28 muskies last year!). I bought four packs of Berkley plastics so I could get the promotional gulp "wormbinder",a hat from Fishing World for $2.99 ...great deal,thanks and one of the Plano soft tackle bags that were on sale at Lebarons. I think that was all ...... actually I got a really nice free hat from the Quantum rep,after I bought the rod (really helpful,really nice guy). All in all I really enjoyed the show,especially Big Jim's muskie seminar. Just like everyone has said,there weren't a ton of killer deals,but if you looked for them,there were still some to be had ....... the selection was huge and the advice was great. If you have't been to one of these make a point to,you'll enjoy it.
  6. I agree. Under "high risk" circumstances eg: whitewater, really cold water or unsupervised kids,these make sense. Personally,my kids will not be canoeing unsupervised,but I'm sure some wil be. For me, in normal,calm waters these seem like overkill. Have you ever actually tried to sink a canoe. It's pretty tough. They usually still float even if they're almost completely submerged. I think most people that drown while out canoe were somewhere they shouldn't have been. If you move up into more difficult waters as your experience allows, wear a proper fitting good quality PFD (especially in moving water) and stay sober you'll be fine. Now I'll admit that when I'm somewhere in calm water fishing or canoeing I won't wear a PFD, but I still make my kids wear one. Now,if I'm on the river I ALWAYS wear my PFD without exception. So,would I use these. Well,if I was using my canoe in conditions that warranted their use. For normal summertime canoeing,probably not.
  7. That last one is a BIG bait
  8. They saw he was a HABS fan LOL .......... here we go .
  9. He needs that much horsepower to pull all that gas LOL. WOW!! How much gas would that use an hour? They might as well use a couple blown big blocks or a couple turbo deisels? I think he probably just has too much money and is "one upping" all his buddies. It's either that or it's US Government LOL. I have to admit it looks "monster truck cool".
  10. Castmaster..................... yikes!! Cavity check time!!!! Dr Phil. I would definetelycall the border ahead of time and tell them what you intend to do. I know it will be a hassle. I remember one of the drag races where alot of the manufacturers,retailers didn't show. When I asked why later I was told that they were hassled at the border. I was told that they needed to have a complete inventory with them and pay the taxes BEFORE they entered. Seemed strange to me,but I guess they're trying to protect us Canadian retailers. When anything is sold in Canada the tax has to be paid and remitted here.If you didn't have to charge tax you would have an unfair advantage. They also know that most people wouldn't pay the full (correct) taxes going back across the border. Also we (retailers) ourselves pay the GST prior to selling anything. We are invoiced the GST as soon as we get the product,sell it or not,whether it comes from the states or not. It could sit on the shelf for eight months and the GST is already paid. So, I think the retailers that do cross and don't get hassled probably say they have nothing to declare or have all their ducks in a row which usually means an importer or broker. Either way,make some phone calls. Good luck Dr. Phil.
  11. Here you go Mike. http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/bone.html . Go to the bottom left corner and click on maps and it'll give you a normal map. Click on satellite and you get actual satellite photos. Click on + or - to zoom in. There is also a hybrid map with a map laid out overtop the satellite pics. It's very cool. If you want to check out another park use the "Park Locater " tab. Hope this helped bud.
  12. So I've been looking up alot of the suggested places.Bonnechere seems to be the first choice here and really looks like a great park. I'll keep that one high on the list.Bon Echo is beautiful and the fact that we have less than 24 hours in that park leaves it in the "must return column". I never did get a chance to fish there.Actually I should mention that when we were there (however short it was) there was a warning about some parasite in the water and it was suggested that you wash thoroughly with soap after getting out of the water. Didn't like the sound of that,but it didn't keep me out of the canoe LOL. Irishfield, I checked out Fushimi PP and it looks like it's great, isolated with incredible fishing. Sounds perfect,but you're right,a little far to drag the wife and kids. You know,twelve hours turns into sixteen,which turns into ........ MISERY LOL. I do have a nine and a twelve year old,not to mention the fact that I wouldn't trust my truck towing for that long (it's only a Pathfinder). Maybe when I get my Suburban or a float plane (LOL, I think I'll work on getting a "Burban" first). Mike The Pike, I would love to check out Sandbanks and that very well maybe on our list of parks this year as well. I'm not quite as enthused about the fishing (was it good?) but the swimming looks great and I'm sure the kids will love it. The Pinery was great for that as well. We went there last year as well,and although chilly, I had the most fun I've had playing in the waves in a long time. The waves were bashing the crap out of us and it was awesome. Of everything we did last year,that's the one things the kids will remember. Okay,that and catching a pile of fish each (close to fourty each) at Murphy's Point. Jediangler Thanks, Emily looks perfect. Were you successful fishing here?Whad'ya catch? Has anyone else fished here? Please let me know. Dartee. Charleston Lake would be a perfect candidate as well. It's close to my dads (Smiths Falls) and would give another place to visit in his area. Has anyone been here? What did you think? How's the fishing?Bullybass, Lake St. Peter looks good too. It's pretty close to Silent Lake, where we went a couple years ago (on the spur of the moment believe it or not)canoeing. I wish I was into fishing then,because I bet it would've been great. What did you catch at Lake St. Peter Bullybass? Was the swimming good? The sites private? Clean? Any additional information anyone can provide would be great in helping me make some decisions. Anything at all about any of these places would be greatly appreciated. If you want you don't have to post them here,you can PM me as well. This is an important year (aren't they all) for me as my daughter is twelve and I figure (this is going to sound really sappy,so you tough guys better stop reading here) I only have a short period of time left before she hates me LOL ....... well at least before she becomes a teenager. We're actually quite close but I want to get her to appreciate how special spending time with her family is and how great it is to get outdoors and camp,fish , hike, etc. Like every other person here I guess I want this year to be better than ever. Thanks and keep the responses coming guys.
  13. Thanks guys. Alot of great choices there. We've been to Murphy's Point last year. Was a real nice place. The sites themselves aren't the greatest (more like driveways), but the park itself is very nice. We'll be going back. We also went to Bon Echo last year. I have a funny story about that. We were going to spend two days at Bon Echo (all we could get on our schedule) and then continue up to Murphy's Point for the rest of the week. Well, my wife is soooo organized usually I trust her explicitly. She keeps everything and I mean everything in our lives on time. The kids school trips,homework,dance lessons and competitions,swimming lessons, she works and takes care of the housework and somehow finds time to volunteer at our local conservation area every Wednesday and at the kids school on a regular basis. She's basically Superwoman (is this normal?). Anyway,this woman who could run a small country on her own,me and my two kids get into Bon Echo a little later than we would have liked to. We were getting rained on during the drive and it was nice enough to let up for a little while so at least we weren't seting up our new trailer for the first time in the pouring rain. It was around supper when we got done, but we had a great evening on a beautiful site with a campfire,marshmallows,weiners ...... life was good. We get up in the morning and have a blueberry pancake breakfast and decide to go for a paddle in the canoe. The view is breathtaking. If anyone here has not been to this park,make a point to do so. So back to our canoe ride. We canoe across Mazinaw to the Cliff Top Trail, which is a nice little hike complete with gorgeous views and blueberry bushes along the way. This was a wonderful memorable morning. A couple or three hours later we're back at the parking area where I'm loading the canoe on the roof of my Pathfinder when a park "ranger" (who was waiting for us to return apparently)asks if we're from site so and so. We reply yes and he says you better get back to the site and pack,the people are waiting for it. Now, we tell him we're booked in for two nights and we'll show him the paperwork. He follows us back to the site and sure enough, we had the dates mixed up ( I couldn't believe it,my wife,messing up dates!!?). We had to pack up immediately!Kudos to the ranger, he was great about the whole thing and found it quite humorous I think. We did so as fast as we could and got on our way to Murphy's point where we had to set up in the dark. That is an absolute joy when your a complete novice. I was not a "happy camper" ... pun intended. This was our first venture into camping and hadn't exactly gone as planned. We laughed about this crazy morning all week and it gave me something to bug my wife about for quite a while. I'm sure everytime I arrive at a campground I'll bug her about it for years to come.Somehow,out of all that we still had a great time. Anyway,enough but I thought some of you would find it funny,especially the campers here.
  14. Well,we had to get it sometime. It'd be weird actually if we got lucky all year. I thought the west coast was going to keep it LOL ...... it was their turn. Hopefully all we get is some good toboganning and everyone uses their heads. I hope it's all cleared up for the fishing show. I'm "Jones'n" for something fishing related. Everyone take care tomorrow (no power outages please). It's funny, I used to freak just thinking of that thought when I had a saltwater tank (corals etc.). I gave it up for a projector and camping/fishing. I figured I ALWAYS had to be here to take care of it and with camping etc. I just couldn't do it. I was fun too though,just way more time consuming, more stresssful and less filling LOL (actually I haven't kept ANY fish yet,but the Walleye are calling me) LOL..
  15. Me too. those guys (and gals) are Canada's best
  16. You guys are always a big help. I'm sure there's no one better to ask.What's the best park in central eastern/north eastern Ontatio. Say the Kawartha area, or from Kingston to Ottawa area? Would like somewhere with a good campground and GREAT fishing. What's your favourite. Which one(s) did you like or hate? Could even be a private campground. Don't let me down guys,you've been to these!
  17. HMMM.................chesterfield rugby eh LOL! Sweet looking boat! Nice cottage.I'm envious. Nice life Wayne.
  18. Someone's been busy ! Seems like you could make a few bucks at it if you wanted !
  19. It doesn't get much better than that does it? I was going to say add a little female accompaniment to that, but why screw it up LOL. Have a great time and have one for me.
  20. I can attest to the seperating from the gas and attracting water. In an engine running on pure alcohol the oil turns to milk very quickly (makes me cringe). Not only that but if you pulled a valve cover off just after running the engine it would literally drip water (and a bunch of it). Part of the reason and alot of the benefit of alcohol is because it runs SOOO cool. The intakes can actually freeze up. This helps with the charge but creates alot of condensation. In my mind I always thought the good fuels like Ultra 94 have a stabilzer built into them (because they are two different fuels mixed together that have to combine as one), would be better burning and have less chance of detonation etc. which can be incredibly damaging.But as you can see I'm in a four stroke frame of mind. This is a whole learning curve for me all the way around. Thanks again.
  21. Hi Lew, I have a couple bucktails that are about 9"+. I have a yellow/black 0.051 gauge, bucktail over marabou on 5/0 Eagle Claw trebles and a blue/black with -#6 Brass French Blade. I didn't specifically buy them for muskie, but maybe with a little work I'll hook a couple. Now topwater muskie sounds like a handful, but a blast. I think that'd put a smile on my face (not to mention a little present in my drawers). I didn't really plan on having only one lure but I wanted everyone to pick their favorite and also most versatile bait. It'll be a while before I can build up my muskie lure collection, especially at those prices. I also have a couple brand new but older white/red Rebel spoonbill minnows. These are big,maybe 8" or 9" with two different length (depth) spoons. Again not muskie specific,but might do the job. I have a couple big plugs type lures my dad made in black/gold flecks,white/red and dark green. These are about 6" or so, but fat and heavy. Again,not muskie specific,but might get the job done too. I can envision a big muskie with that black/gold fleck plug hanging out of it's mouth. Actually that pic will be going on my (and his) wall when it happens. I guess what I didn't want to do was buy a bunch of lures that were crap or so/so. I have limited funds so I have to make wise decisions and get lures that are proven (by local muskiie masters).
  22. Bring a cop over there and straighten them up. Either that or go over with half a dozen big bad donkey looking guys (Lew and Rattletrap2 come to mind) and ask permission that way. Personally I'd post this all over the place. Doesn't look good on that marina does it?
  23. Just curious boatman. Why would a higher octane gas leave deposits in the motor? I understand not using ethanol,because it's quite dry and non-lubricating. Actually when we have run a car on alcohol we need to use a top lube like klotz. There are also fragrances you can buy like,cherry,groovy grape, root beer, pina colada, or bubble gum that you can add to get rid of the smell. I wonder if they'd work with two-stroke LOL. Kevin,no I didn't get a trailer with the deal. I wish I did! For now I'll be throwing it on top of my Pathfinder or more than likely most of the time it'll be in the back of my buddies pickup. Hopefully I can pick up a little trailer down the road for $100 or something. I know a few guys that scrounge around scouring the countryside for scrap metal,cars etc. so I'll put the word out. Lew,TJ,Boatman,Ohio,everyone else, thanks.
  24. I guess that's a very good point because alot of things I have read have mentioned the similarties between bass and muskie (habitat related mostly). Quite a few posts I've seen have mentioned when they've caught their muskie they were fishing for bass and got a BIG surprise. I wouldn't mind that kind of surprise.
  25. Thanks to all the "well wishers" that congratulated me on getting a boat. My daughter (12) says it's stupid looking and she's not going in it . She says I should at least get one like Grandpa Ken's (Smokercraft Fazer). My boy (9) thinks it's be cool to go in it. I'm hoping I can get them both out fishing a bit more and keep them interested. My buddy LJ was pretty happy and he'll probably be in it almost as much as I am. My wife,well I think she's glad I got a boat because it makes me happy plus I only spent $500 and didn't get carried away this time (which I have had a tendency to do on occasion in the past). Really I lay the blame for it on my wife who thought fishing would go well with camping (we bought a pop-up trailer last year and yes I did get carried away with that) and bought me a book for my birthday, my buddy LJ who got me out fishing alot last year and my Dad and stepmom Linda for taking me out on their boat when we camped at Murphy's Point. My Dad you see does the driving and my stepmom Linda catches all the fish .I loved that whole experience and so did my kids. That day, may have been the thing that really "hooked me". Now to be fair to my Dad,he can catch fish and even won the big prize a few years back at the Orillia Perch festival. They've got tagged fish I believe every year they've gone except the last. We'll see this year. Anyway enough of my . Thanks again everyone. Now,teach me how to fish LOL.
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