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Everything posted by young_one

  1. As the gangsters would call this combo, Ball'in!!! Nice combo, tight lines!
  2. I want to give a last shot at Whities and Lakers at Simcoe. Offering 2 open spots. 6:00AM Meet some where around 404 and Major Mackenzie Launch off Sibbald and will be jigging Fish till noon hour I was out there last Friday, landed 10 fish or so in the few hours I was fishing. I'm not an expert or anything, just want to go out and catch some fish I'm thinking $20 gas money PM me, I'll be checking my inbox tomorrow after work. 6PM
  3. Hey MJL, if wasnt for my blood so extra tasty with mosquitoes, I'd go trekking with you! Thanks for the report! Beautiful colours.
  4. got me fired up for FIFA! Thanks for sharing!
  5. Funny cause its true, I'm pretty sure none of the photo were photoshopped.
  6. Where is everyone going this long weekend? As for me... Location: I'm heading back to Deseronto and try to hit those walleyes. Technique: Bottom bouncing with worm or gulp leech, and trolling crankbaits One tip I can offer: long leads for worm harness, I'm talking like 6 feet from hook to sinker. I troll ~1.5mph
  7. I remember a friend of mine told me that there is a cottage near Greenpoint. Anyone has their contact info? Do they offer docking space?
  8. Quality swivel!
  9. Carm, those big football fingers are blocking the camera! But seriously, being the only person less than 200lb on that boat was a little different from what I used to, I thought I was tall and strong.
  10. MY SPOTS! How's the rainbow count GBW?
  11. I'll jump on the bandwagon, after all they are a Canadian City playing Canada's game! Go Habs GO!
  12. I really enjoy your style of report, informative and precise. I just might adopt a thing or two from yah!
  13. skeeter, my father knows I'm getting better than him in almost every type of fishing except for carp. He got me started when I was 4~5, but soon enough he'll need to learn more from me. How's fishing been for you lately?
  14. Troll troll troll! Switch baits and different depth, look for active fish on sonar. Good luck!
  15. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to get those Whities and Lakers off 80' FOW. What you catch them on?
  16. Drove down to Deseronto on Friday after work for my family's annual walleye trip at Mohawk Bay Trailer Park. The water level was really low, had to launch at the public dock in town. Sat morning, the day started with calm lake and no rain, and it progressed to drizzle and walleye chop and around noon it was downpour and huge white caps! Mother nature threw everything at my father and I, but we still manage to catch 4 fish in the morning. I got two 5lbs while my dad ended the morning with two smaller eaters. The fish were not turned off. Went back to the trailer and napped until afternoon, went to Napanee for a tourist trip. When we got back to the trailer, the wind was pretty calm, my mom asked us, "Why dont you guys go fishing?" And thats wat we did and finished the day with the rest of our limit, and threw a couple back. The fishing was even better in the afternoon! We landed about 7 or 8 walleye, we kept the bigger ones around 2lb and culled the rest. a few nice eaters Sunday morning, I woke up at 5AM and it was freezing! The cold front finally hit us. I drove to Picton to meet up with Capt.Fishhunter, Walleyedreamer, Carm and Jose for the hookup posted a few days ago, while my dad continue to fish the Deseronto area. We could tell the fish were inactive, and getting them to bite was tricky. Fishhunter had some effective patterns figured out the day before, even with the major temperature drop(cold front), his pattern continue to produce for us. We ended the day with 8 fish! My dad got skunked at Deseronto, the fish were complete shut down with the techniques he was using. Size 11 shoes, biggest fish was 7lb! Complete package, full service! We had a great time on the boat, it was warm and relaxing. We joked about everything and time sure flies when you are having fun! Thanks Fishhunter (Lloyd) for a great outing, I'm sure everyone learnt something new on that trip.
  17. With major temperature drop from Sat to Sun(cold front), Fishhunter was still able to put us on multiple fish. Amazing day on the water, and great time with fellow OFC'ers
  18. Nice fish Skeeter! What you catch it on? Nice spot you got there, no overhanging tree snag, nor submerged snag fest! LOL I love that hidden dear in the distance! So GBW is still goose egg, and 'enjoying' the art of centerpin?
  19. Reporting in! I'll be leaving TO Friday night, Sat, bottom bouncing Deseronto with techniques I've had success past few years Sun, Lloyd will show me the ways of trolling for Spring walleye I'll have a full report of both days when I'm back, praying for small wind and cloudy sky for the weekend.
  20. My family has the same boat, Tracker Tundra SC. The most hardcore trolling we do is in the fall for BOQ Walleye. We went to metal supermarket and bought small half rectangle aluminum bars. Its bolted to the inner wall, on top of your life jacket. This 'plate form' is just tall enough so that the rod holders we bought can reach over and short enough to not be a visual distraction. There are predrilled holes to bolt Scotty rod holders. We can also take the whole thing off when we want. My explanation isn't very precise, I can send you more info if you need. If you are down-rigging for Salmon, its probably better to spent the big money on the professional equipments. I personally do not like drilling too many holes on my Boeing Engineered aluminum alloy.
  21. Will be there this weekend, staying at Mohawk Bay TP. Never bought the tickets for the derby, maybe I'll start next year. (that's what I said last year ) It'll be the first trip for the boat out of winterization, wish everyone all the best out there, be safe and catch plenty!
  22. For the week leading up to the opener, I tried all my stonefly imitations without success. On the opening day, I was too busy fishing with my signature jig fly, I ignored other stuff. Plus I don't think it was the right hatch, I could be wrong.
  23. The brown trout tasted awesome! I am usually a very picky fresh water fish eater, this brown trout had absolutely zero sand taste like the steelhead and the meat was nice and fat! It reminds me of those expensive Salmon steaks sold in supermarket, but BETTER!
  24. Nice report! Love the shot of, "weapon of choice"
  25. How you do with your son yesterday Skeeter? Did you find the "CAT/tree" pool? Sorry I couldn't meet up with you, I was too busy untangling fly lines and trying to get into fly fishing. Your best chance for steelhead is within the next few days! All the pools I showed you should at least get you a fish or two, try the orange worm you bought when its overcast or dawn, I've had good success with the bright orange under those conditions. Fish under a float (preferably a less noticeable float ) leader should be around 2 feet from hook to float. If you need any other information, give me a call, I'll direct you to a few other pools.
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