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Peter Panfish

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Everything posted by Peter Panfish

  1. Haha, it definately wasn't sawn (sawed? sawn?) off by some hunter, looks more like it fell off, and a skunk... dead skunk isn't fun, I'm glad we don't get many of them up here.
  2. But... as George Carlin would say, "The planet is gonna' be fine! We're the ones who are screwed over"
  3. So, I'm sitting around watching Dr. Phil or something today, and I hear the dog pawing at the door. So I got over to let it in, luckily I stopped it though, because somehow the dog had run off somewhere and came back with a severed moose leg in her mouth, and she's looking up at me and wagging her tail as if she's saying "oh boy oh boy oh boy look what I brought home". And yeah, just thought I'd let everyone know because it was really random.
  4. Reel Nice Inn... Reel a nice one in...ha
  5. OFAH, hopefully MCI soon.
  6. True, like the poor guy out on the Nip earlier this year. Stuff like that sucks.
  7. Catch myself my first muskie... or die valiantly trying haha.
  8. Thats a story for the grandkids.
  9. To be a pessimist, Ha! Its never gonna' happen. I was sitting out on the dock today in shorts and a tshirt, looking at the ice struggle to cling to the shore. Sad really...
  10. Woah.
  11. Haha, nice one.
  12. I think I'll donate some of the red stuff once I turn seventeen. I always thought it was a good idea to donate blood, because its kind of wasteful to always be topped up, because you just make more anyways. Not donating blood is like an underutilization of resources.
  13. Thanks for the news.
  14. Well, this isn't exactly a puzzle but... it will frustrate him and he will spite you forever! Exactly what Christmas is all about. http://www.theblackcubes.com/
  15. Yeah definately go get a job for the summer at a fishing lodge as a guide. Or even as a general chore boy, you still might get your chances to do a fair amount of fishing and shoot the poop with guests about fishing (depending where you work). I personally think that working outdoors, around actual fishing going on would be alot more fun than working in the retail end of things at a bait shop or something, but whatever floats your boat.
  16. Not sure if dad will get on this post, so merry christmas from me, and Kevin (and leslie and mers) at lakair, happy new years too. Don't think its going to be much of a white christmas though...
  17. I love those boats, so many memories wouldn't happen if I didn't have one to take and rip around that lake in. And they've always been classier than aluminum imho.
  18. Id say either that stop motion Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, with the yeti and the guy from the yukon and all, or home alone. Both of those are the best.
  19. I once reeled in a Maple Leafs beer chair. It was pretty cool.
  20. Haha okay.
  21. Ahhh yes. Countless hours wasted away smacking the dumb bird.
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