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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Definitely frame it and double doors would look best.
  2. Literally "ripping" a suspending jerkbait through crisp green weeds is a killer tactic for walleye.
  3. Exactly what I was going to post.
  4. Good attitude Congrats and happy boating.
  5. Well it may not be enough to cause opening day chaos but I did see one steelie a week before opener while out for a walk with my dog. For the record it was in a shallow pool just below Queenston, I'm sure it's long gone (due to loneliness).
  6. It's been some time but I do remember the Polar Bear Express stopping en route to let anglers/canoers debark and board.
  7. Sorry I can't help you with the fishing in that area but welcome to the board. I'm sure help will be along soon.
  8. Well I don't think this will go anywhere but in circles. So I'll lock it down whilst I go enjoy a ice cold one in peace and quiet.
  9. Look after yourself too Ryan or you'll be no good to anyone. We'll still be here when you find time.
  10. Congratulations, you gots a full house. Luke like a keeper to me.
  11. Thanks again everyone. Well Fidel they have co-existed since the browns were first introduced into this stream several decades ago. The area of the creek I'm fishing is the lower limits for specks as summer water temps tend to become too warm. Since they are in direct competition with the browns the specks here tend to average over 13"s and upwards of 18" to 19"s. In 10 plus years of fishing this area I can count on one hand the number of specks I've caught (seen) that are under 10"s, anything smaller is just a meal for the big browns.
  12. Oh boy do I hear you loud and clear Jen! Great shots of the boys. I need to get my son back out there and use up all this bait I bought last time I was there.
  13. I'd have lost my nerve and a load....LOL Nice looking river (and fish), hope you get another crack at it.
  14. This law has been printed in the Fishing Regulations Summary for the 40 plus years I've been reading it. Read your regualtions folks, thoroughly.
  15. A new motor (awesome ) and first fish of the year also your first laker and that's the best smile you could manage for the camera....
  16. Happy trails Mike and good fishing to you.
  17. That is indeed truly sad!
  18. You can look here for a start. But the real work is in getting permission to fish as most of the area creeks are on private property. Atlas of Brown Trout Waters in Ontario Do it soon, I'm sure you'll be glad you did. Takes me back to my childhood of fishing little stream brookies with my dad. Thanks Phil. In a word.....nothing! There's still time and I'm toatally motivated!
  19. To make it simple I was just trying to convey they were not "annually" or "recently" stocked like the rainbows. Since they have not stocked them in those waters in several decades I just went with the term native, thus not needing to explain how the browns got there. And yes some of our now "naturalized" (Thanks Burtess ) browns came from Germany but not all of them. History of Brown Trout Stocking in Ontario
  20. Wayne nailed, they fly 'em in. As far as fin clipping goes they do indeed clip the adipose and even partial clips of the dorsal fin (some do get missed in the process). Changing the fin clip each year allows them to identify when it was stocked, thus allowing growth and health info to be gathered. Specks can under ideal conditions spawn in upwelling springs as long as they can expose clean gravel that doesn't silt over before the eggs hatch. A friend has a cottage on a spring lake where I've wittnessed this many times. The trout will expose clean gravel on the lake bed where springs well up. Mind you these are wild specks and this trait is inherit, stockers may not do well in this type of situation. As far as splake or brookie? Even to the trained eye it can be difficult. Check these links. http://www.couplesresort.ca/Attractions/Ar...ish/Splake.html http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...age/200080.html The thing to do would be to contact the local MNR and request stocking information on the lake, they will give it to you. I will say it again though, they are all magnificent fish.
  21. I seem to recall that name, welcome back Roy.
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