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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Did I mention that "I never win anything."
  2. Mono to Leader - Triple Surgeon Mono to Mono - Double Uni / Blood Braid to Mono - Double Uni Light Mono to Hook - Trilene / Palomar / Snell Heavy Mono to Hook - Palomar Braid to Device/Lure - Palomar
  3. And I'm keeping her, that way you'll always have to talk to me. She does speak highly of you, Pops and Art.
  4. Great morning read John. It would be difficult not to have a great day considering the company you had.
  5. I may have said this before but, "you suck!" *color me green*
  6. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
  7. Well I don't know where to find the derby results on-line I do know that a retired co-worker/friend was the lucky winner of the Lund boat/motor/trailer package. As well, another retired co-worker/friend who was with him scored $500.00 with a tagged perch. Me I never win anything.
  8. Did you remember to take out all your fishing gear.
  9. Good morning, coffee anyone.
  10. Well not exactly, with trout/salmon you are allowed a combined limit of 5 per day/possesion. In most cases no more than 2 may be lake trout.
  11. Reel life situation makes waves May 13th, 2009 Greg Weston / The Peterborough Examiner Today’s tour of federal absurdity takes us to Canada’s rivers, streams and other rich fish habitats where the biggest environmental threat to aquatic life may well be the government agencies protecting it. In a damning report released yesterday, Canada’s environmental watchdog chews out the federal fisheries department for all but leaving the nation’s freshwater ecosystems up a creek without a protector. Environment Commissioner Scott Vaughan reported bluntly: “We found that efforts to protect fish habitat have been inadequate.” The stakes in all this are enormous. With more than a million freshwater lakes and the world’s longest coastline, Canada’s fish habitats provide food and shelter for aquatic wildlife, and drinkable water for human consumption. They also produce billions of dollars of wealth from commercial and sport fishing, tourism, and dozens of other industries. In short, governments in this country are responsible for protecting a world-scale natural resource, and a major source of economic prosperity for all Canadians. How are the federal stewards of this amazing water-world doing so far? The environment commissioner points out that 23 years after the federal government developed a comprehensive fish habitat policy, many parts of it still have not been implemented. The federal fisheries department — astoundingly –”does not measure habitat loss or gain.” In fact, Vaughan says, the department has “limited information on the state of fish habitat across Canada — that is, on fish stocks, the amount and quality of fish habitat, contaminants in fish, and overall water quality.” The department burns through more than $70 million a year specifically on programs related to protecting fish habitats, but still has no clue if all that money and effort is making the slightest improvement. In practical terms, the environment commissioner paints a bureaucratic picture that would make perfect spoof material were the issues not so serious. For instance, the fisheries department’s primary role in protecting fish habitat is to review proposals for projects in or near water, including major development initiatives such as mines and hydroelectric dams. But in a random review of dozens of those proposals from 2007, the commissioner found missing information in up to 90% of the files — little stuff such as “identification of the project’s potential impact on fish habitat.” Overall, “none of the project files we reviewed contained all of the information that the department requires to assess a project.” The result of so much bureaucratic ineptitude can be ecologically disastrous. Vaughan’s report documents one case in which the federal fisheries department allowed commercial gravel to be mined from the Fraser River in B. C., ostensibly for flood control, even though the agency determined the project would be “harmful to the fish habitat.” Vaughan notes that subsequent studies showed there was “no reduction” in flooding after the gravel was mined out of the river. It did, however, wipe out an estimated 2,250,000 pink salmon. The fisheries department did nothing to one company that mined outside its approved area, took more gravel than permitted, and destroyed an entire fish habitat. “The department advised us that it was short of resources at the time.” Fisheries isn’t the only federal department in hot water with the environment commissioner. The environment department is also responsible for helping to prevent the discharge of sewage, harmful chemicals and other pollutants into fish habitats. But after years and many meetings, “Environment Canada does not have a compliance strategy” to ensure industries don’t poison the fish. Perhaps the worst part of this story is the environment commissioner publicly rang all the same alarm bells back in 2001. Today, Vaughan reports, “there has been little progress.”
  12. Great Lakes Alert Fish and wildlife conservation needs to be part of discussion May 15, 2009 / For Immediate Release Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario—how important are these lakes, their bays, wetlands and tributaries to the fishing and hunting heritage, culture and recreational activities of Ontario? The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.) is urging conservationists to let the provincial government know how these resources should be managed, by responding to Healthy Great Lakes, Strong Ontario, a discussion paper that is currently posted on the environmental registry website (E.B.R. Registry Number 010-6105). Three provincial ministries, Natural Resources, Environment, and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, have developed a joint discussion paper that outlines the goals and key strategies for managing the Great Lakes into the future. Outdoors enthusiasts are encouraged to read the paper and submit their comments to the E.B.R., as their views are needed in order to ensure that fish and wildlife conservation are appropriately considered and financed, both provincially, and in the context of the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (C.O.A.). Negotiations for the renewal of the C.O.A. will take place later this year. The partnership between the two senior levels of government, as reflected in the C.O.A., typically includes matching funding on initiatives to protect, restore and sustain the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. "The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunter has submitted its response to the discussion paper, and will continue to work with all levels of government to ensure that appropriate actions and funding are attached to fish and wildlife initiatives in the next C.O.A.," says O.F.A.H. Provincial Manager, Fish and Wildlife Services, Terry Quinney. "We urge our members to read both the provincial discussion paper on the E.B.R., and our response to it which is posted on our website, and to let the province know your thoughts." To view the provincial discussion paper, visit www.ebr.gov.on.ca and search #010-6105. To view the O.F.A.H. response, visit www.ofah.org and check under "Latest Additions." O.F.A.H. members are asked to send a copy of their comments to the O.F.A.H. as well, to the attention of Terry Quinney. With over 100,000 members, subscribers and supporters, and 660 member clubs, the O.F.A.H. is the largest nonprofit, charitable, fishing, hunting and conservation-based organization in Ontario, and the voice of anglers and hunters. For more information, visit www.ofah.org. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Lezlie Goodwin Communications Coordinator (705) 748-6324 ext 270
  13. State could benefit from increasing lakes stocked with muskie April 18, 2009 Howard Meyerson The Grand Rapids Press Ever wonder about the value of big fish? How an area known for big bass, walleye and pike can capture an angler's imagination? How anglers will fork over big bucks to make a special trip to those waters or go to extraordinary lengths to enjoy them? On the West side of the state, it's big salmon and steelhead. We have a prospering lake fishery for both and active river fisheries up and down the shoreline. In Lake Erie, its walleye. Huron, too. It's lake trout in Lake Superior, large hulking fish that can reach 40 pounds. Even the diminutive perch or bluegill can get angler's going when the fishing is good. Size always is good for fishing. It helps local economies. Fishing gave the state a $1.7 billion boost in 2006, according to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service survey. It isn't chump change. Which is why I found the DNR's new muskellunge plan interesting and important. You might think so, too. Public comments are being taken until April 30. In June, the plan goes to the Natural Resources Commission for adoption. The plan calls for expanding the number of waters where big muskie can be found. Right now, there are 111 waters where they can be fished. Only 77 of those have self-sustaining populations. The rest are hatchery products. Natural reproduction doesn't occur. That is mostly because the state uses northern muskies, a strain we get from Wisconsin, which need back bays and shallows to spawn. Development pressures and non-point pollution have resulted in habitat conditions where muskie eggs get covered with silt and do not hatch. The new plan calls for development of Great Lakes muskie broodstocks, a strain native to Michigan and one that can spawn in rivers, rather than muddy shallows. It proposes planting and growing them in drowned river mouths and lower rivers, where they would reproduce successfully and become self-sustaining, saving the state money by eliminating the need for hatchery plants. River mouths are places where muskies can feast on sheepshead, suckers and other rough fish that many feel have become too prevalent. They could reduce those numbers and create a trophy fishery at the same time, an idea many think could boost tourism. "We're trying to increase angling opportunities," said Kregg Smith, a DNR fisheries biologist and co-author for the agency's new muskellunge management plan. "(This approach) will provide anglers with the opportunity to catch big muskies and a way to control non-game fish populations that are now out of control." Great Lakes muskies, he said, still exist in certain Michigan waters such as Lake St. Clair, Torch, Skegemog and Elk lakes. They died off on other river systems as dams were built which limited their upstream spawning migration. Easier to stock inland lakes Michigan's choice to use the northern strain to stock inland waters was a matter of convenience. Wisconsin already grew them. Michigan hatcheries had little space to spare. "It was easier to bring their fingerlings into our limited hatchery," Smith said. "Since that time, we have improved the facility which now gives us the opportunity to collect our own (Great Lakes muskie) eggs in Lake St. Clair." Michigan started with tiger muskies, a hybrid of northern pike and muskie. But it stopped stocking them in 1992, when it switched to northern muskies. The plan now calls for developing three Michigan broodstock lakes for the Great Lakes strain and keeping one northern muskie broodstock lake. The young northern muskies would be planted in waters such as Murray Lake in Kent County where there is little chance of natural reproduction. Smith estimates it will take 8 to 10 years for that to occur. "We are very supportive of the plan," said Will Schultz, president of the Michigan Muskie Alliance, a group of conservation-minded muskie fishermen working to preserve, restore and protect muskies. The group promotes and practices catch and release fishing. Shultz said his group has minor concerns about stocking rates and hopes to see the state adopt a two-tier legal size limit to protect spawning muskies on waters where they naturally reproduce. The plan calls for maintaining the current 42-inch minimum size limit for anglers. "A 48- or 50-inch limit would be appropriate," Schultz said, explaining that Thornapple Lake muskies may be mature at 42-inches, but one grown up north might mature more slowly. It could be 7 years old and 45 inches before it reaches maturity. Fun to catch a whopper That's enough time, you might imagine, to produce a very big fish. Anglers do want them on the wall, Schultz said, but they recognize the inherent value of the fish. Muskies are a limited resource, not unlike sturgeon. Some muskies might be 15 years old. They are capable of living 20 or 30 years. Kill them off and anglers lose future generations. The anglers take a picture instead. The muskies' value alive outweighs its value on the wall.
  14. Time to reel in Atlantic salmon program May 10, 2009 Matt Crawford / www.burlingtonfreepress.com I remember the first time I saw a wild Atlantic salmon. We were on Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula in the autumn, and I stopped on a bridge spanning the Bonaventure River to watch a fly-fisherman casting into a deep pool. The angler had been thigh-deep for about an hour, casting to three or four silvery shapes that flashed deep in the hole below the bridge in the October sun. The fisherman would cast his fly, let it ride down to where the fish laid, and then skitter it across the surface, hoping to anger the big fish into a strike. It didn't work -- at least I didn't see it work -- but he kept at it. Atlantic salmon, after all, are known as the fish of a thousand casts. In New England, particularly on the Connecticut River, Atlantic salmon are the fish of millions of dollars. And like the fisherman who keeps casting to them hoping his luck will change, we continue to pour tens of millions dollars into an Atlantic salmon recovery program hoping our luck will change. The difference is this: The angler, standing in the moving water casting his fly, is expending little more than time. On the Connecticut River, where the Atlantic salmon restoration program has been floundering for more than 40 years, we're spending time and a whole lot of money. Too much money, perhaps. In the wake of the recent news that the federal stimulus package contained an $890,000 earmark for an electrical system upgrade for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's salmon hatchery on the White River in Bethel, it seems as good a time as any to re-examine the Connecticut River salmon restoration program. Even the fisherman under the bridge on the Bonaventure River eventually called it quits. To stand there, doing the same thing, expecting different results just didn't make sense. When is somebody going to reel it in and wade away from this program? For years, I've operated under the belief that the paltry returns of Atlantic salmon to the Connecticut (the runs of anadromous fish were wiped out more than 200 years ago) made ecological sense. Every fish returning was a ray of hope, disregarding the fact that Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Marine Fisheries Service have spent millions of dollars on the program since it began in 1967. I've held out hope that science, money and hard work would someday restore a population of fish with deep social and biological importance. But now, with only about 150-200 salmon coming back into the Connecticut River each year, with our federal and state wildlife agencies (indeed, the country as a whole) forced to make difficult financial choices, with decades of science behind us, I wonder if it might be time to give up on the noble dream of restoring runs of Atlantic salmon to the Connecticut River. And I know, it's hard to bring it up right now as thousands of school kids in New Hampshire and Vermont are involved in stocking Atlantic salmon fry in tributaries of the Connecticut. But if not now, when? Nobody wants to be the person who will be forever held responsible for allowing Connecticut River Atlantic salmon to become dinosaurs, and yes, the program has been on the cutting edge of fisheries science for years now. But at what cost? What else could the fishery folks in the states and federal agencies involved in the salmon program be doing if that money and time could be re-allocated. I'd love to see Atlantic salmon come back to New England's longest river, and even I'd pay extra money to fish for them if they ever did, but that's not going to happen. If we're going to get serious about climbing out of this country's economic mess, if we're going to get serious about getting our fish and wildlife agencies working on programs that deliver results, it's time to bow out of the Connecticut River Atlantic salmon restoration program. ------------------------------------------------------- Matt Crawford is the former Outdoors editor of the Burlington Free Press. He now contributes two columns a month.
  15. Steelhead jumps into fisherman's boat May 7, 2009 / The Daily News Fishermen have been known to suggest that angling was so good that the fish were jumping into the boat. But that really happened Sunday, according to Jim Toteff of Kalama. Toteff reported that his friend J.R. Taylor of Longview, Taylor’s son-in-law Matt Holde and 7-year-old grandson Braden were fishing on Kress Lake. “A lot of fish were jumping,” Toteff said. “One fish jumped about three times and the third time it landed in the boat.” The surprised fishermen returned the 10-pound steelhead into the lake, but eventually reeled in eight trout. “Forever, Braden will remember the day fishing with his Grandpa,” Toteff said. The Department of Fish and Wildlife has planted 200 surplus winter steelhead in Kress, along with 4,500 catchable-sized rainbow trout since April 24, so angling should still be good, even if you have to actually hook the fish to catch them.
  16. Lake Surveys Will Help Manage Fisheries Lake Surveys Will Help Manage Fisheries Natural Resources Crews Monitoring Northwestern Ontario Lakes May 15, 2009 / www.mnr.gov.on.ca NEWS Provincial fisheries staff will be out on nearly 100 area lakes this summer, monitoring the lakes' health and gathering information to help manage fish populations effectively. Crews will survey lakes north of Ignace, Dryden, Sioux Lookout, Red Lake and Kenora by plane and boat from May 16 to September 13, collecting water samples and setting nets. Important dates: Saturday, May 16 - Aircraft begin biweekly aerial angler surveys. Tuesday, May 19 - Aircraft begin landing on survey lakes to collect water samples. Monday, June 15 - Crews begin netting operations. If you're on a lake that is being monitored and see Ministry of Natural Resources buoys, please avoid recreational activities in these areas. All nets will be clearly marked. QUOTE "We want to keep fisheries thriving in Ontario and give anglers the best possible opportunities, now and in the future. Monitoring programs give us the information we need to make effective decisions to keep fish populations strong across northwestern Ontario." - Donna Cansfield, Minister of Natural Resources QUICK FACTS Crews will survey lakes throughout Fisheries Management Zone 4, travelling as far north as St. Raphael Lake Provincial Park and Trout Lake. About 1.4 million anglers fish in Ontario each year. They spend more than $2.3 billion in the province annually. LEARN MORE Read aboutOntario's Ecological Framework for Fisheries Management. Learn about Ontario's new Fisheries Management Zones. Check out the latest Fishing Regulations Summary (ontario.ca/fishing). For More Information Ivan Langrish, Minister's Office, 416-314-2212 Media Desk, Communications Services Branch, 416-314-2106 General EnquiriesNatural Resources Information Centre 1-800-667-1940 TTY 1-866-686-6072 (Hearing Impaired)
  17. PRESIDENT’S FISCAL 2010 BUDGET PROMISES MAJOR ADVANCES IN GREAT LAKES RESTORATION Congress Urged to Fund President Obama’s “Great Lakes Restoration Initiative” For Immediate Release May 14, 2009 / www.glfc.org ANN ARBOR, MI—The Great Lakes Fishery Commission today joined conservation groups, government agencies, industry, and non-governmental organizations in praising President Barack Obama’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, a major proposal to better address some of the Great Lakes basin’s most pressing needs. The initiative, included in the president’s fiscal 2010 budget, will direct badly needed funds toward areas such as invasive species, habitat restoration, water quality improvement, and native species recovery. The funds, if appropriated by Congress, would support many restoration proposals put forward by the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration initiative and are designed to be the “down payment” in achieving measurable improvements in the Great Lakes ecosystem. “Thousands of citizens and governmental officials participated in the development of a comprehensive recovery plan for the Great Lakes,” said David Ullrich, Executive Director of the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Cities Initiative, and U.S. Section Chair of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. “We are gratified that President Obama is truly interested in fulfilling his promise to protect and restore the Great Lakes, a national treasure that provides millions of the basin’s citizens with income, recreation, drinking water, and aesthetic beauty.” Ullrich continued: “President Obama’s proposal will direct funds toward carefully considered recommendations to address such problems as invasive species, non-point source pollution, native species restoration, and toxic contamination. The president’s proposal—which consists of $475 million for Great Lakes recovery—will allow us to tackle some of the most pressing problems the region faces.” Ullrich continued: “Investments in the Great Lakes make sense economically and environmentally. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in recovery will result in at least two dollars in economic return. Moreover, the ecological benefits of restoration are immeasurable. The president’s budget acknowledges that Great Lakes restoration is a crucial component of the effort to protect and improve the nation’s natural resources. Ecological recovery means economic recovery and such actions greatly improve the quality of life in the region.” The president’s proposal requires approval by Congress. Ullrich concluded: “The Great Lakes Fishery Commission is extremely pleased with the president’s proposal and looks forward to working with other agencies and private organizations in fulfilling the many high-priority recommendations developed through the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration’s planning process. The commission hopes Congress will act swiftly on the president’s proposal so that the revitalized process of restoring the Great Lakes can begin immediately.” Contact: Dr. Marc Gaden 734-417-8012
  18. May 14, 2009 Will Elliott / www.buffalonews.com Lake Ontario It happens nearly every fishing contest. Results of the Lake Ontario Counties (LOC) Derby never include fish non-entrants may have caught. For New Jersey angler Carl Brueger, the top prize of $12,500 was just a pleasant fantasy. While fishing mainly for lake trout along the Niagara Bar on a charter with Capt. Lloyd Schrack of Ameri-Can Fishing Charters on Friday, Brueger hooked into a big fish Schrack thought to be a king salmon. When the fish finally was brought close enough to net, the forked tail clearly identified it as a laker. None aboard this booked charter had entered the LOC Derby, but if they had, the trout would not only have taken the Lake Trout Division but also the Grand Prize for the heaviest entry. Brueger’s fish weighed in at 32 pounds, 11 ounces. The Grand Prize winner was a 24.5-pound salmon Thomas Mitchell of Burlington, Vt., caught during the derby. For winners in all divisions, go to loc.org. Both lake trout and king (Chinook) salmon continue as hot targets for drifters and trollers close to the Lake Ontario shoreline. Stick (body) baits trolled early mornings close to shore or spoons and dodger/fly rigs run deeper and later in the morning and day do the trick for a mix of browns, steelies and the odd school of coho salmon along the shoreline at 50-to 125-foot depths. For kings, Wilson-to-Niagara Bar waters draw the most boats and highest king count. In shore, Wilson, Olcott and Oak Orchard harbor waters all draw a good mix of perch, some crappie and the big boys: northern pike and bass. Perch have been the most consistent for schooling and sizes. Niagara River Despite steadily warming waters, steelhead trout still hold in good numbers along lower river drifts. Shore casters have begun seeing more and better perch catches along the Lewiston access sites. Larger ringbacks have shown this past week. Pier access Word from the New York Power Authority has it that work on expanding the parking area at the base of the Robert Moses Niagara Power Project will begin Monday. Access to the fishing pier will remain open during the project but the only parking available will be at the top of the hill. Lake Erie Perch prospects have widened for days when anglers can get boats on Erie’s open waters. Best schooling and catches come from deeper waters, but more spots have been added to the options. Seneca Shoals’ outer edges showed good perch numbers at 42 feet this past week. The Sturgeon Point to Evangola State Park depths continue to produce, but anglers out of Cattaraugus Creek have had good-to-better boat runs directly off Cattaraugus Creek at depths of 48 feet. The walleye bite just isn’t right. Jerry Olejniczak at Penrod Bait & Tackle looks for a slight rise in water temperatures before the night ’eyes open. Best daytime fishing fun has been the bass bite close to Buffalo. Boaters find nice-sized bass along the breakwaters and around shallower sections of rock reefs off the power windmills.
  19. That's practically in my backyard, nice shots!
  20. You know the taxman can put you on a payment plan. Would be good to have you come and join us all again.
  21. Nice! Any chance you can get back for the Lakair weekend, it's been a while.
  22. It matters not! I blame you 100%
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