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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I'm with Bill on this one. To gawdy, to flashy, whatever, I prefer my fishing rods to be much more subtle.
  2. Thanks Joey. I know of a few kiosks around here that sell calendars, I'll keep my eyes open.
  3. Thanks again for all the kudos guys, much appreciated. That's not what Mom told me. I have just the rod Kevin and that might be a good option for getting my first walleye on a fly rod.
  4. Well I know I won't be there but I hope you have a great day! And remember only 2 lines per angler, that's right only 2......
  5. Well isn't that special. So where does one find these calendars Miss Joey?
  6. Shaving is so over rated. I got it down to 3 times a month some 30 years ago and that's enough for me.
  7. Here you go Art, I found some smaller (#28) hooks and made another bout half the size. Hard to get the finer detail in but I did manage to get the dark back over a white abdomen.
  8. No advice Joe other than have fun.
  9. Good for you Peter. I'm still trying to get the butts out of my life!
  10. Glad you liked it Jacques. Now that you've got some paint on it I think it's safe to say "looking good".
  11. Bit of both I'm sure Farmer. Thank you. That's what I thought when I strarted tying it. Still do! Thnks Tom. Good practice Dan for those bigger type flies/jigs.
  12. Damn! You's younger than me. But not by much. Like you though my first job was a paper run.
  13. My entire house is a "Man Cave" of sorts since I've been single. But I am currently renovating the basement and hope to end up have something as man cozy as that Randy.
  14. I've been buying my luxuries since I was 12, paying rent at home since I was 15 (cause I quit school) and on my own since I was 17. First house purchased at 19. 31 years in the steel mill now, with numerous layoffs and and a few strikes inbetween. Never asked anyone for a dime! I've done pool instalations, snow remoaval, lawn cutting and leaf raking, interior painting and roofing to get me through the lean times. My daughters now at 15 and 17 have both been working for a over a year and my son who'll be 15 this year will be working soon. Far to many kids have a sense of entitlement to things not earned. I refuse to allow my kids that lazy pleasure! On top of this they have maintained scholarship grades.....thank the good Lord. Steer the course and teach him that the guilty pleasures are earned, not handed to him.
  15. That's definitely something you should consider Jacques. Once the lure is constructed with a plastic type lip you can fine tune it by trimming as needed. Also if it ever breaks off it can be replaced with a little effort.
  16. I think you should call it "The Intruder", nuff said.
  17. Geeeez, I'm afraid to even say "looks good." I'll go with nicely done.
  18. Thanks everyone. It's not something I'd ever tie for actual use but since I was sort of challenged by Art I thought what the hell, I'll give it a whirl. You sir are most generous, very kind of you! I will indeed put it away for the trip to Lakair. Funny you've never needed an excuse before.
  19. Here you go Art. It's a little bigger than most mosquitoes (except in the north) but it's the smallest hook I had on hand.
  20. There'll be no talk of spring here till I've at least had one opportunity to get on the ice this season.
  21. To the best of my knowledge Floyd Hales is the only one on Simcoe offering ice bungalows. According to their ad in my lastest OOD his bungalows sleep 4. You can verify this at his toll free number.... #1-800-363-4704
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