It's all very simple..
If YOU aren't part of the solution, then You are part of the problem.
(me included) Collectively Man is responsible for the state of the world's environments from his impacts. Therefore WE must work together at every level to repair & replace what we can.
Individuals will emerge with great & simple solutions that we must implement for the World's benefit.
#1 priority is to end WAR by removing the morons that initiate & direct it.
#2 Feed& house the poor & starving..etc..
Man has a deep knowledge of truth..let the guilty be judged & punished, let the good people be rewarded & encouraged.
Hope, Love & co-operative action are the keys to the New World Order the real people work for & believe in..peace, Dan
PS: Why should we wait for Divine intervention to this man-made mess?
We have ruined this planet with pollution & extinctions,etc.
We owe it to future generations to change now & fix it right.