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Everything posted by danbo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBWcRMonvWA
  2. It's all very simple.. If YOU aren't part of the solution, then You are part of the problem. (me included) Collectively Man is responsible for the state of the world's environments from his impacts. Therefore WE must work together at every level to repair & replace what we can. Individuals will emerge with great & simple solutions that we must implement for the World's benefit. #1 priority is to end WAR by removing the morons that initiate & direct it. #2 Feed& house the poor & starving..etc.. Man has a deep knowledge of truth..let the guilty be judged & punished, let the good people be rewarded & encouraged. Hope, Love & co-operative action are the keys to the New World Order the real people work for & believe in..peace, Dan PS: Why should we wait for Divine intervention to this man-made mess? We have ruined this planet with pollution & extinctions,etc. We owe it to future generations to change now & fix it right.
  3. http://www.inbox.com/
  4. Son's o' bees ripped my friend off just the same, during the day when he was at work. Never recovered either. All I can hope is that their Karma returns tenfold!
  5. "MEPPS"
  6. I've been tryin' to shake this sucker myself..
  7. Don't waste your $$ ! Wait & find what you really want & can afford.
  8. Atta boy!
  9. The moderators are always right & will hunt you down & deeply probe you if ya make trouble!
  10. SUPERB! Love those hightailin' jumping does!
  11. If ya can dream it..you can do it!
  12. Nuke 'em with a Torpedo Diver The Torpedo Diver Is "the Pro's Weapon of Choice" The Troller's Ultimate Weapon! Fish Chase 'em Down Target Trophy Fish with the Torpedo Diver
  13. Nice!
  14. Darton for me.
  15. Good stuff & Great pics!
  16. Find a used GLoomis it's my fave. Heavy duty yet smooth. The Islander is my 2nd choice. See floatfishing.net site for used gear too.
  17. http://www.fishontario.com/flyfishing/index.jsp
  18. 5wt is enough. I like Fenwick HMX flyrod but a Daiwa Heartland will do. Fenwick Cartridge Series flyreel is a bargain that balances well. Double Taper is for roll casting & soft landings. Weight forward taper is best for streamers or poppers. I prefer Ultra3 or 4 flyline fromScientific Anglers. Get a floating line to learn with. Sinking lines are used for lake fishing deep streamers.
  19. http://www.sexyloops.com/contentspage.shtml http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_U...VDs_Videos/DVD/
  20. Brother If ya weren't so far away I'd have you casting in no time! Get the video from LeBaron's store or maybe your local flyshop; Advanced Fly Casting by Doug Swisher put out by Scientific Anglers..Mastery Series. Most flyrods load up with 30' of line or less out of the tip. It's pure physics. You basically should hold the rod pointing at a 45 degree angle to the water . Hold the rod about half an arms length in front of you & rapidly pull it back & throw the line behind you. You sort of flick the rod back to 45 degrees again & stop it hard. Then just before the line fully straightens out, you do the opposite & punch it forward with a snap to the 45 degree mark again with another hard stop. You must hold the flyline in your hand roughly by your beltline. When you move the rod back & forth you must trace an imaginary straight line in the air with your rod tip. As if you were tracing a telephone line between 2 poles. Where you start & stop your casts is important. The poles would be closer together for short cast..much wider apart for long casts. As you get the hang of it..you then learn to finesse the cast using less muscle power.. It's the greatest hobby!
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