Tried them all.
1 - Tuff line - pros - no memory, no strech, cheaper than the rest. Cons - Does not run through the guides smoothly, sticky feeling on line.
2 - Power pro - same as Tuff line (same maker)
3 - Stren- Pros- Greatest braid I used, no mem, no strech, VERY, VERY SMOOTH trough guides. Cons - pricey.
4 - Spidy wire - Pros, no mem, no strech. Cons - not at all smooth.
5 - Fireline - Pros - It's not a braid, smooth, little strech, no memory at all. Cons - Very brittle, more of a mono cut point (teeth), pricey, If using light line and you crimp a split shot, it might break on fist fish. (happend to me on 2 casts).
6 - Rapala Briad - Pros - very nice line Cons - never tried it.
My favorite is Stren