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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. Just a suggestion, 12'rod, carp pod/stand/holder, and a small baitrunner. No, Yes, maybe? JMHO, Daniel OCH
  2. Why tell us your story and not say the Manufacturer. I think we would all like to know, because someone here can help you futher. Not trying to hyjack the post. I had a problem with a Daiwa reel, I sent it back, they said they fixed it. I opened the package and the same thing. So I called and they actually said I'm SOL. After I hung up the phone I grad a sledge hammer, smashed it and will never buy a Daiwa product in my life again. From now on ABU an SHIMANO. Not hyjacking the post, just telling you I know how you feel. Daniel OCH
  3. I used the popper(top left) at my pond, hit 6 fish in 30mins. Biggest was approx. 6Lbs. That is just using it out of the package. I noticed the cranks have to be tuned. They do work well for the money!! Daniel OCH
  4. I have been trying to get Carp as a sportfish for some time. This is a return email For Jason a Biologist for the MNR. Hi Daniel, We do recognize the increasing popularity of carp fishing and the economic benefits it presently generates and the potential it has in the near future. Under the Ontario Fishery Regulations (http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showtdm/cr/SOR-2007-237) there is a list of fish species for which the regulations apply, in addition to a list of baitfish. The common carp is present in the same list of fish species as the most popular “sport” fish such as walleye and lake trout and therefore is not considered a coarse fish under the regulations. In addition, carp are listed in the Ministry of the Environment’s Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish for lakes where this species is present (http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/guide/). The annual fishing summary is a plain language translation of the Ontario Fishery Regulations. Where fisheries management requires seasons and limits to insure sustainability of a species or to properly manage fishing opportunity, species are listed in a species table in the summary. Given that presently there is no sustainability issue with carp populations in Ontario, we do not feel the need to list them in the species tables; however, we do manage non-angling methods of carp fishing opportunities with seasons, the same as lake whitefish and lake herring. Through the promotion of angling opportunities and organizations like yours, public education is the best tool to profile the common carp and its fishery. Sorry, once again, for the delay in responding to your request. I trust this answers your questions. Jason Borwick, M.Sc. Management Biologist, Aurora District Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 50 Bloomington Rd. W. Aurora, ON L4G 3G8
  5. Here is my story. I went to BPS for that $5.99 flash, and didn't like it. So went on ebay found a camera flash from HongKong for $4 CND. You can't look at the jig when you flash it, blinds you. The jigs stay charged for a while. Thats my story. Daniel OCH
  6. Got an onboard chargers 4 years ago, never failed me yet. It's the way to go. Or if you have the battery in the garage ebay has nice float chargers that plug in to the wall with 2 clips (12V 1amp). Oh, ya they are priced well. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?f...&category0= Daniel OCH
  7. Do we have to cry? Ya, lets cry. Love you all, can't fish without all of you. LOL. Just playin!! Fish Bowl if it wasn't for me, what the hell, KISS MY !!!!!!!
  8. I totaly agree. But it is weird that I can use 2 rods on the ice, ice fishing season, but only 1 rod ice fishing season from a boat. Does it make a difference that i am standing in a boat or ice. BTW I am only thinking. If the regs say 1 rod, than its 1 rod. I really don't think I can handle 2 rods in a boat anyways. Fish Bowl is right, tell your bud to stop drinking Daniel OCH
  9. Tried ebay with no luck. Skel I figured they were probably crap. Thanx guys Daniel OCH
  10. Can anyone tell me where I can find the digital line counter add on/side cover for the C3 and C4. I can't seem to find them anywhere. I seen than many moons ago. If you used one of these add ons, are they any good? Thanx, Daniel OCH
  11. Thanx guys! I am going to take Capts advice and practise the no brakes method. Thanx Daniel OCH
  12. Right now I am using a shimano clarus light action fast baitcasting rod, 14# line, and a daiwa baitcaster. I use this for topwater (skitterprop) and small crankbaits. The topwater, 1/4oz, I can get a great distance, but the small cranks I don't, so I was thinking I have to use a spinning outfit fot the cranks. OR, should I buy a glass baitcasting rod? Confused???? Daniel OCH
  13. I want to use them(for bass) with a spinning reel since there small baits. What Lb test/diam. should I use, I like braided lines with flouro leaders, but any other suggestions would be great. Thanx in advance, Daniel OCH
  14. Mine works on external even if the batteries are removed. Send it back. Daniel OCH
  15. Any fruit flavor will work in winter. Make sure you chum a bit. Best flavour that I caught on in the winter is choc. caught a 18lb 3oz last week, not through the ice. Daniel OCH
  16. Fenwick HMG, Techna av, HMX, 7' medium. I got one of each and love them. Daniel OCH
  17. Few hut operators and there #. http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&a...p;z=12&om=1 Daniel OCH
  18. What would be you dream ice fishing trip? Expalin why. Damn, I sound like a teacher. Daniel OCH
  19. Thanx guys, question answered. Was just curious, not trying to break any post records. Thanx, Daniel OCH
  20. I was watching Italo fishing for whities. He said "I have caught my limit so I have to put this white fish back" and he contiued fishing, then caught a few more and released them. My question is, if you catch your limit, I thought your done for the day, am I right or wrong? Probably wrong. Daniel OCH
  21. There used to be an old man on Simcoe that will drill people a hole for 2 bucks. Haven't seen him for a while though. Davey point marina(Keffers)(Simcoe) will drill you a hole for a fee, call in advance 905-476-4161, if they still do that. Daniel OCH
  22. Tb, the 1421's have a lube port, open it up a put a few drops of oil only. Then take the spool out and put a little grease on the ends of the spool shafts, just the ends not the whole shaft, that is all that needed. Personally I have 40 reels at $25 a reel for cleaning, I just taught my self to clean and lube them. Daniel Och
  23. Tb, the 1421's have a lube port, open it up a put a few drops of oil only. Then take the spool out and put a little grease on the ends of the spool shafts, just the ends not the whole shaft, that is all that needed. Personally I have 40 reels at $25 a reel for cleaning, I just taught my self to clean and lube them. Daniel Och
  24. I heard that Dave's has thier huts out. I will wait for 8"-10" of ice before going out, personally. Daniel OCH
  25. I know some law, same happened to me. It's not fair at all, but it what the courts believe. I got into a brawl with 2 16year olds (I was 19) while doing security. One I knock right out and the other I hit and cuffed. I was at fault because I was bigger and stronger, blah,blah,blah. Thank god for good lawyers and have no record, it's like it never happened, like a dream. LOL Daniel OCH
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