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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. I get my 2 scales (digital and mech.) certified every year. Answer this one, why does one carp look bigger than the other, when in fact the smaller one(#1) is 16Lbs and the other (#2) is 14Lb 4oz. 1. 2. This will settle the fact that all pictures are deceiving. Daniel OCH
  2. What was the 500post about? Just curious. Daniel OCH
  3. Lew, this reply should really be a sticky. Right on!!
  4. Like I said, everyone has thier own views on the subject. If I catch an ontario record fish, I am 50-50% to submit it. But if it is a world record, I will submit it 100%. All I wanted to know was what people will do if they caught a world record musky, only because they are charished by all musky hunters. The post went sideways to all species, and that doesn't bother me because I also wanted to know "what if I caught a world record fish?" Looks like it's 70-30%. Oh ya, wondering if this is the most viewed or longest post ever? Thanx, Daniel OCH
  5. A buddy of mine uses a $5 card reader from Factoy direct. The only thing you have to find is the program to view the charts. The charts are a compressed. I think my bud got the program from Lawr web site. Hop this helps, Daniel
  6. LOL, that would trully suck. Daniel OCH
  7. Drag system. If i'm not mistaken, the angling spec reel has it, and I haven't priced it, but heard its big bucks. I recommend Islander (highly recommend), Sheffield, Aventa and my fav. J.W.Young. Daniel OCH
  8. I do agree, but most of what your saying is prize money. What I am saying is world record, will you get as many sponsors/money as a 85lb(thats a rounded world record wieght) carp. I think especially shimano will be on hands and knees, throw money at you left and right, because the amount of carp fisherman world wide is insane. UK, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Canada, US etc.... Other fish, Yes, I understand will will probably get 1mil, but it will end. Where as Carp, you will get a decent amount of money, plus travel the world. But again this is my view on the matter. Charles, I don't diagree with you in any way, yes bass can bring in tons of money in Canada & US. Anyways, this site is great, where people all over can share there views, and learn from others, like I have done. Daniel OCH
  9. I agree with Roy. See for a sponser for the carp record, I think there will be many carp gear manufacturer knocking down the door. I use a Fox pod, delkim alarms, solar swingers, shimano carp rods, Tica, okuma, shimano reels, Jaxon floats, match rods, feeder rods. PP line, seauger leader, Sasame hooks, owner hooks etc......... Baits: Tandem, nash, mainline, feed etc.................... Before this list gets any bigger, what I'm trying to say is, a true world record carp, will land you more opertunities than anyone can imagine. For bass, muskie, and so on, eg. You used a rapala lure, st. croix rod, PP line, seauger flouro, and a shimano reel. If you floating on a Lund, than Lund. But it is limited. But than anyone can lie. Oh, ya sorry for this post in the wrong direction, we aren't talking carp. But let me know if I am mistaken with the other species sponsorship. Daniel OCH
  10. It looks like a 50/50 split. 50% would put them in the books for the money, and 50% say screw it, let it go. My questions is to the people that keep them. Lets say that you caught this record Musky on a minnow and a bobber, would you say that to the record people, or would you say you use a certain lure so you can cash out on the deal? Most importantly, what lure maker would you say? Daniel OCH
  11. What time does Aiekman's sporting (I think that how it's spelt) open and close tomorrow? Daniel OCH
  12. I have a few (Vaghan)BPS gift cards, can I use them online? Has anyone tried? Daniel OCH
  13. COLTS, LOL Monte Cristo #2 or #3 Daniel OCH
  14. I renewed online a week ago, before even getting the papers in the mail. Thats funny you couldn't get it Terry. Maybe the site was messed that day. Daniel OCH
  15. Go to see if I can get that bird, to get me 2 doz minnows for tomorrow! LOL Cool vid!! Daniel OCH
  16. You have it out for me, uh Skelz!! LOL invasive. How about I take you out for an invasive carp sometime? Thanx for the reponces everyone. Keep them coming. Daniel OCH
  17. I am mainly a carp fisherman, and know for a fact that if I catch a record carp, I will let it go. My question, since musky fisherman cherish musky as I do carp. Will you kill a record musky to put it in the books? Its a stupid question, but I am just curious of the answers? Daniel OCH
  18. Didnt end up going, car wouldnt start. Lake side of the marina, wheres that. Daniel OCH
  19. Thanx for the info, I will probably head out in the afternoon. Daniel OCH
  20. Just wanted to let people know that BassPro has the Fish Tv underwater cam. The price is $129.99, that is the regular price and has IR lights. You can see it at http://www.naturevisioninc.com/corporate/d...LEASEFishTV.pdf or www.naturevisioninc.com I was just thinking since the hard water is comeing, this is an affordable way of seeing under water. No I dont work a BPS. Daniel OCH
  21. I wanted to go up to Barrie for some perch fishing. Does anyone know if it's fishable? Anyone catching? Wanted to try the swing bridge, Peferlaw, Bonnie's etc.... Anyone catch up there? Any help would be great, thanx, Daniel OCH
  22. Want to store the battery properly. Buy an on board float charger, and leave it pluged in till you need it. The float charger, charges the battery than maintains the charge. I will not overcharge. I leave my 3 batteries in the boat, with the onboard 3 bank charger (Quest charger), and when I take the boat out, I don't have to worry if the batts are charged. I paid $150 for my on board, great investment. Daniel OCH Oh ya, great stand, I need one for my kicker. Hope you don't mind me copying it. Great job!!
  23. Welcome!!
  24. You know what, everyone has thier own views. Im out. Next year regs will have carp as a sport fish, mark my words. And to piss alot of people off, we are in the works to get 2 rods per person for carp on the Larry. Have fun, Daniel Ontario Carp Hunters Pres.
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