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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. Channel cats, What a fight. Chicken Livers!! Best bait!! Daniel OCH
  2. 12Lb 6.5oz I have a grafite mount 5Lb 2oz smallie and it looks similar in size. He's holding so far out, Maybe next time he can put the fish in the camera. 12Lb my A##.
  3. I bought a new boat 3 years ago. Before the winter, fill up the tank (this will stop condensation in the tank), add stabilizer and let run for 15mins on idle. I add the fogging spray into the carbs, before the 15mins is up, this will kill the engine. Take out the plugs and spray fogger (5ml) into each hole. Done, not! In the lower case after the season is over, some water might get in and when it freezes, CRACK!! So change the lower case oil before storing. Change the engine oil, so that when next season comes around, hook it up and go. Check tire pressure, grease all grease points, ie. wheel bearings, put in drain plug before lauch, make sure you have all the safety equipment, extinguisher for sure. invest in an onboard charger. trailer safely. DONE!!!
  4. Funny you post this. I used PP as a leader for pike for years, with a clip addatched to the lure for more action. I did notice the lures dives deeper. Yes, you have to retie after every few fish. Hope this helps, Daniel OCH
  5. I use 50# stren braid with either a 14Lb or 20Lb depending on cover flouro leader. Yes it does make a difference. Bass ain't stupid. Hope this helps, Daniel
  6. Congrats on the double PB! R u going to the CAGI. If so let me know. Daniel OCH
  7. To the people that don't like these fish, especially carp. I have one thing to say, hook in to a 30+Lb sucker mouth, ugly looking, stinky, beady eyed, freight train, then we'll talk. JMHO Anyways I obviously voted carp. Also vey good poll and topic. Daniel
  8. I HATE SWANS Daniel OCH
  9. Find out about the warranty. I have a feeling it is for all welded hulls only, not the rivit type. Hope you can fix that, it's nasty. Daniel OCH
  10. Great carp videos. 9 carp wow. Thanks for the vids, Daniel
  11. Show a picture and I can probably help you out.
  12. I fix alot of reels for friends. Trust me not worth it. JMO
  13. If you catch a perch through the ice and put it back in, the perch will go blind instantley. True or not true?
  14. I don't know if this helps? I was planning to buy a local marina, he had a dock for launching boats, and another for fishing. He showed me his deed and it stated that he owns 30 feet of water from the fishing dock, and 40 feet of water from the boat lauch. The local all told me it was owned by the township. Well they were wrong. Hope this helps.
  15. Tried them all. 1 - Tuff line - pros - no memory, no strech, cheaper than the rest. Cons - Does not run through the guides smoothly, sticky feeling on line. 2 - Power pro - same as Tuff line (same maker) 3 - Stren- Pros- Greatest braid I used, no mem, no strech, VERY, VERY SMOOTH trough guides. Cons - pricey. 4 - Spidy wire - Pros, no mem, no strech. Cons - not at all smooth. 5 - Fireline - Pros - It's not a braid, smooth, little strech, no memory at all. Cons - Very brittle, more of a mono cut point (teeth), pricey, If using light line and you crimp a split shot, it might break on fist fish. (happend to me on 2 casts). 6 - Rapala Briad - Pros - very nice line Cons - never tried it. My favorite is Stren
  16. Can you really use a live perch for bait , I thought that was illegal . I mean i thought you can't use a perch, I think I read it in the regulations.
  17. When I already used them, I cut them into peices and jig for panfish.
  18. Thax for the info Gerritt.
  19. Is there carp in there?
  20. Sorry about the vid, I posted a pic
  21. Auto set tip up. Check out vid and let me know if it would work. This works in my shop, you can make so sensetive that you touch the line it goes off, and vise versa. Click image EDIT: Can figure out the vid thing. Here is a pic
  22. Find a scientist freeze yourself and tell him to unfreeze you when the time comes. LOL, I am not making fun of u, because if I could do that I would be first in line. LOL
  23. The people have spoken. Let there be photoshoped pics
  24. Let start this, so no more posts are ruined by others with there opinion on no or yes for photoshoping . As you notice I really don't care about the photoshop work. In my opinion I don't see the use of giving a report and tactics, if you are at the Ganny and I am up at Meaford, the report is useless. Just my opinion. Anybody else..........
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