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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. I still use that same model for basic use....Like bread crumb trails and compass...
  2. OK, WOW, glad I asked... Will not put a heater in the tent overnight... Thanks for all the suggestions, I will stick to my sleeping bag.. Thanks again..
  3. Aside from knocking the heater over and burning everything down... Anyhow, I have this heater and was thinking of using it in a tent overnight, my worry would be not waking up due to carbon monoxide.. Is my worry a valid or can I go ahead with the heater in the tent without worries???
  4. Check out True Canadian Outdoors in Vaughan...they have ice fishing stuff at good prices...
  5. I have the Irish Setter's and love them.. 4 year with no issues..
  6. I like the Guest chargers,, I have a 3 bank for 10years now..
  7. 5 guys grouse hunting..Walking in the bush, grouse jumps up dad shoots his son in the head..Very Very sad story...Make sure of your surrounding before you pull the trigger... I hate these situations that can be prevented..
  8. Great info thanks..The post is there I can see it..
  9. I have to go see this place, I always buy from small business before going to the big box stores..
  10. Well said Brian!! Good luck!!
  11. Few of my favorites from 2013 First Carp Of The Year Brown Goldfish personal Best 32lb 4oz Weird Catch
  12. USPS will only charge you taxes and $9.50 if over $20.. With UPS the sky's the limit over $20... I always use USPS and many times get lucky and don't get charges..
  13. First Carp Of 2013..
  14. I use the Dinsmore shot in all sizes with match fishing for carp and never had a problem with it.. I even use it on 2-3lb test line and doesn't kink it at all..Anchor is another good one, but I think it's only available in the UK. To answer your question on sliding issues, just for an example bigger carp in the weeds move the shot occasionally.. JMHO I use it and like it.. EDIT: There is a divot in the shot which makes removal easily, I use my thumb nail.
  15. Well done Brian!!
  16. You will need data to refresh the map, just like Google navigation.
  17. Happened a few time to me...
  18. I'm looking to get a new point and shoot camera. The one I have now resets the time, date and setting whenever the battery dies. So I'm looking for a new camera either plain or waterproof as long as it doesn't reset itself every time the battery dies. I know it's the camera my dad has the same one with the same issue. So any opinions would be great...
  19. Great thanks all. Will go CTC tomorrow...
  20. Thank. Both ideas sound like what I need. Thanks for the link and photo. Now I have a new winter project.
  21. I make floats by hand at the moment. I would like to build a lathe for turning floats. Problem is I searched online and can't find how to build A lathe. So I here. Hopefully someone can lead me in the right direction??
  22. Carp Fishing Canada (mostly match fishing) and Carp Anglers Group.
  23. wOW the Daiwa looks amazing, you have some skills. Wanna do my reels
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