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Everything posted by Broker

  1. Never targeted specks through the ice, but I always throw a tip down with a worm about 20 feet from my hut when hunting for crappie. Usually produces on otherwise slow days.
  2. Got me itching for an outing for some crappie... nice report, thanks for sharing!
  3. My secret lake should be good to go by the weekend... time to break in the new hut!

  4. Anyone want to fish Whitemans Creek? PM Me...

  5. Unbelievable report, Thanks for taking the time to write that up!
  6. They pulled up to me too, headed in after a long morning by myself in my motorized canoe. All they did was say hello and check for alcohol, gosh it was only 11am lol. Anywho they were very polite an I was on my way after that
  7. Hey guys, Haven't been on much lately, been really busy with work and whatnot. Amongst the bussy-ness, I have still been able to get out for some fishing! All start at the day after Bass Opener when I landed a PB bucketmouth. This is at a local lake, that is not named, and know one knows about it, yet it is on public property. Kinda weird how isolated it is from the nearby civilization, I haven't even seen signs of other people around the area (garbage etc) so its a nice getaway close to home. Caught this guy close to dusk, flinging a fly (egg sucking leech) and it was quite the fight on a little 5wt, with a 4lb test leader. Especially when it goes straight into the slop and you gotta pull it out LOL. Anyways here is the picture of this big fella. Didn't have a scale or tape measure on me, or even my OFC sign, Team 3 would've had a nice boost! Next up, was a little brookie trip on a cool day. Woke up late but still managed to be on the stream by 8 am, water temp 68, perfect, walk down stream a bit, and what do I see.. 20-30 cut up brookies, Bigger sizes to, quite a few 10 inchers. Disgusting that people would think this is okay on these small streams, considering the legal limit is 5 per person, I couldn't imagine 6 people fishing in this stream together at the same time.. Anywho, after seeing that I decided that the stream had seen enough pressure, and I moved on to another, less productive stream. This is my first year of targeting brookies and I enjoy every minute of it, From crawling through thick bush, to seeing them dash out from underneath the bank to smash the spinner, its all a thrill. I went 6 for 9 in 2 hours, and even found a spot with enough room to toss a fly. Had to keep one due to an extremely deep hooking, but all other were released unharmed. Here's a quick picture of the first one of the day.. Now, I recently have taken up fly tying. I just want to give a quick thanks to a local guy who gave me some great materials at insanely low prices. He has tons of extra material and he's always looking to sell some, so if your interested lemme know and I will give you his contact info. Anyway here are my first few ties, if people could chime in that would be greatly appreciated, need to know what mistakes I'm making or any suggestions. First Tie Cone Head Wooly Bugger #2 Clouser Minnows. (Been slaying Grand River Smallies with these) #3 Foam Ant? Didn't really follow any pattern just tied up mquickly before a panfish outting. Sunnies smashed it all night. #4 Little Minnow Imitation, Don't really know a name as i just tied off the top of my head. #5 Bass Popper (so far only sunfish been hitting it.) And that's all for now, in the mean time I will be on the water, and tying flies. If you have any tying recommendations for my flies, or even suggested patterns that I might wanna try I'd love to hear em, Thanks! PS I am changing my username from shasta, to Snaggy to match the other forums I am on to keep it consistent, just a heads up!
  8. We just bought a new truck and gave in a very similar car. We traded in 04 GMC ENVOY XL fully loaded as well pretty much in same condition as yours and we got $500 from headship ford dealer. Figured its best to just get it outta the driveway.
  9. Looks like an awesome trip. Thanks for the post.
  10. Tons of good fishing between Caledonia and Dunnville. Pretty much anything you could think of too, Smalllies, Largies, Pike, Walleye crappie, I could go on for a long time. I'll outline some of the things I find most important while fishing this stretch. 1) Tons of access points, take the opportunity to get down to the river that way, However.... 2) Explore those areas. Your success rate will skyrocket if you don't fish where everyone else fishes. 3) Wear sandals, old shoes, crocs, waders or anything you feel comfortable with and get in the water, that's how you find the fish. 4) Those shallow areas, they will eventually get deep. Fish the deep areas as they will hold fish. But don't forget about the shallow areas too, Most fish will come in at dusk and dawn to feed. 5) Until you find what you want to catch, use white twister tails on a 1/8 oz jig head to cover lots of water, and also big un weighted dew worms. Both will catch you tons of fish Lastly, I would try to get out to Binbrook at some time. It really is a fun day there with a crazy amount of crappie to play with and even some good size bass. (even the pike are getting larger now) Good luck!
  11. Just McKenzie creek by York. Haven't ventured any further down yet. If you do lemme know
  12. With water clearing up there was much more activity tonight. Had one follow in a quick 15 mins fish before dark. Maybe the warmer weather is a good sign.
  13. Yeah I know, I've just heard it from 3 or 4 people that's all
  14. In past conversations I've had on the river, many people have told me how great of a spot McKenzie Creek on the grand river is for pike come spring time. I know its killer for other species and I've gone out 3 times for pike now getting nothing but OOS bass and catfish. I'm using a minnow under a float right where the creek meets river current, as well as further up creek. Had no luck at all and was just wondering if anyone could chime in as to why I'm having no luck. Could it possibly be the wacky spring we've had? Thanks.
  15. Nice fish and good read, thanks Chris!
  16. Hey guys I'm taking my 2 little cousins fishing tomorrow night but I'm not sure where to bring them. They don't do much fishing and are used to the fish at the cottage off the dock, the dink sunfish and perch that bite plain hooks every cast. I will need a spot with constant action for the little ones to keep them occupied. Don't really care about what species, preferably little panfish as that is what there used to catching. Any spots on the grand within half an hour of Caledonia? I would want to go to Binbrook, but they don't want to go in my canoe. If you have any suggestions let me know! Maybe I could direct you onto some of my special Grand spots for Wally's and big bass come summer Thanks fellas
  17. That'll come in handy, thanks!
  18. Usually buy out the floating blue and yellow rapala-like minnow. When drifting down the grand river in shallow water with that behind your boat, You catch quite a few fish, and lose even more lures on rocks. They worked just as well as the rapala's for me, so why not? Considering its like $8 for a rapala
  19. Hey Christopher K, Clear your inbox so I can get the submission to you :)

  20. Thanks guys, ill try this tomorrow on round 2. I am going barbless as I'm not keeping them.
  21. Find a stream that has brookies..... check Find the brookies in the stream... check Intice them to bite... check Land the fish... daaaah That pretty much sums its up. They're small specks, roughly 6 or 7 inches, and they flip off the hook right at the surface. I've been using the smallest hook I have as I thought maybe they were just grabbing a hold of the worm but the smaller hook did nothing... any suggestions what I'm doing wrong ? I'm setting the hook like I normally would for any other fish. I probably missed about 10 fish today
  22. Looks like a beautiful creek holding some nice fish, Thanks for the read
  23. Nice trout, probably felt great to finally land him
  24. I play both, but play Box in Simcoe this year.
  25. I believe they are migratory... this creek becomes very very shallow in summer, Land owner said some fish get stuck in some parts of the upper creek and takes them back to the river in buckets.
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