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Everything posted by Broker

  1. My morning started off rough... I didn't wake up to 7:30 because i forgot to press the power button on my alarm, which then didn't put me on the stream till 8:30 Now this will be my first trout opener I've made an attempt at, and also hopefully the first day I finally catch that trout that has been elusive to me in all of last years efforts. I was granted access to a stream off of the Grand, so I didn't have to worry about those opening day crowds, which was very pleasing having miles off free space with no one around but wildlife I started off with a half an hour of scouting the creek, it was a small creek in some areas But then it grew wider in some stretches... I saw lot's of activity, but mostly it was from fish that were still spawning from what I understand, so I veered away from them. Decided to start upstream and fish my way down, never fished steelhead before i just went with a plain old worm under a float. It worked great as within my first 5 casts BOOM, fish on. Great fight with a few jumps. Hard to land by myself and even harder to take pictures of. Sorry for putting it on the bank to take a picture, but I really wanted a picture of my first trout and it was the only way i could do so. This steelie was 26 Inches. (Picture looked a lot better on my phone ) I realized the fish safely back into the water and my line didn't take long to get back in the water either... 15 mins later another fish, this one a tad smaller, but no pics as I believe this one was still spawning as I could see eggs popping out of her, I tried to touch her as little as possible, so I left her in the water and rested my hand underneath her and popped the hook out and she swam away with full power. Didn't want to hurt her if she's still spawning. I had 2 more takes today that I missed, and then as the heat of the day came on, the bites dissappeared and I wandered off to my crappie lake I found this winter.. Quite the trek, I was drenched in sweat and was never so happy to finally see lake. Nothing but dink crappie to show for however, but I did have a very enjoyable day getting my very first trout, as well as a nice entry for Team 3!! FISH- 2 Steelhead.. landed 2 out of 4 Animal Spottings- 2 Turkley, 3 Coyotes, 1 Deer. Next up for me is brookie hunting before lacrosse practice on Tuesday in Norfolk County. First time attempting that, so if you have any beginners tips for me I'd greatly appreciate them! Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed my day! Can't wait to read some more opener reports!
  2. On the mens side, do not agree where they have Duchene, top 6 guy.
  3. Those are some nice fish! Good Job on those whities
  4. Sorry, thought I quoted fish farmer, the shimming worked surprisingly.
  5. Thanks! This worked very good and the blades are cutting again getting through ice in about 20 seconds. Thank you again
  6. Backcountry Crappie today!!

  7. Thanks Costa, but that's too far for me to drive just to get it sharpened, I think ill just buy new ones from around here. Thanks again.
  8. Ok I get it, no more banging it off the ice to get ice shavings off of it, can't think of anything else I've done wrong but I'll take more precaution from now on. Thank you guys.
  9. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think cootes is worth fishing as it is too shallow, If you were catchin fishing a couple weeks ago, I would head back to where you had success instead of cootes. Or try Binbrook for some crappie.
  10. Will try and keep better care of the blades from now on, self teaching ice fishing, theres a lot to remember and you learn a lot of new things through trial and error
  11. Excuse the last post, didn't go through as I wanted. Anywho yes I have admittedly bashed the blades of the ice in order to get chips off of it, my bad! haha so I guess I need these replaced. Can I possibly sharpen them on my own by chance? Heres the picture, most likely backing you guys up on the bashed up blades idea... sorry for my stupidity
  12. Didn't notice anything out of the usual, maybe it will help if I post a picture, will do that after dinner, thanks.
  13. Hey guys, Fairly new to ice fishing, started last year and my auger worked fine all year and worked fine for my first outing this year. Its a low end Rapala Nordic (probably my first problem) However today it just wasn't grabbing on my local creek for sunfish, when trying To start a new hole it would just spin all over the ice and make a very wide awkward hole and what normally takes me 30 seconds was taking me 10-20 minutes. Somethings not right just not sure what exactly it is haha. New blades, sharpen blades, new auger I have no clue. Just wanted some experienced input before I made an unnecessary investment. (Ive Maybe drilled 20-30 holes with this auger) Thanks guys!
  14. Thanks for the input guys!! I will look into all of your suggestions, I appreciate it!
  15. That double eye is something I've never seen or heard about, looks interesting and effective. Good job!
  16. Right on, nice reward for the rough morning!
  17. North of TO, willing to travel 3 hours from there. I like the northern country the best haha.
  18. Hello, my family is looking for a seasonal site to keep our trailer at for the season because lugging it around to PP's is getting tiring, as great as some of those parks are. However were having a hard time finding a good park, some of the websites don't have info etc. We have found that a lot of the nicer quiter parks don't even have a website. Anyway back to the point were looking for suggestion for a campground, preferably have waterfront sites, water/sewage/electricity, and personally one that has GREAT fishing haha. If you have any suggestions you can on me or post on here. Any tips are greatly appreciated thanks!
  19. However haven't seen as many people out this year as last year, could be the colder temps though haha.
  20. http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m639/Ratz2/fisjhin/503C3F9C-52F3-4104-8666-8D187A1B07BF.jpg Having a hard time getting the picture up off my phone, not sure if everyone can see it haha
  21. Me and my buddy headed to Lake Niapenco yesterday and it was a chilly one. Ice was about 10-12 inches and it was about -30 on the lake with windchill. Both new to ice fishing (his first time, my 3rd) we didn't get much for the first hour, a couple takes but nothing to show for it, moved spots and bingo, he's got his first fish through the ice, and the picture basically shows it all.. http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m639/Ratz2/fisjhin/503C3F9C-52F3-4104-8666-8D187A1B07BF.jpg
  22. There was maybe 2-4 inches on snow on the ice id say, and only saw one slushy spot, the rest was hard ice.
  23. Walked out onto the lake on the 3rd, was a good 6 inches in the spot I was on.
  24. Unless its a big boat I wouldn't launch at rock point, most likely to big of waves. If you plan on fishing the river itself there is a launch at fishmasters, one at the pier and one up towards the Dam. Have launched once at dam and I believe it was $5, that's the only one ive used.
  25. Figured it out, was having some technical difficulties and all of the areas that I wanted were apperently in china! Haha all figured out now though
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