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Everything posted by Broker

  1. Looking for some areas to hunt down some fish but only have the coordinates for the areas.. Could anyone help me as to how to put these into google maps?
  2. I would but I'm not really sure where to go about that. The only place I know is almost all private property.
  3. Hello folks, Looking for someone to point me in the direction of a place for me to go fishing this upcoming weekend. I want to try and target something new and different then the normal bass and crappie. Not really interested in carp or cats either. If anyone knows a place within 2 hours of caledonia that you could suggest it would be greatly appreciated! I have waders and a canoe with a motor, so Lake Erie and ontario are not an option.
  4. Got into some bass on the outlet river and just into east lake, nothing huge but some decent 2 pounders. Other then that didn't get out as much as I wanted as the whole family came down with big sinus colds and the beach was shut down due to E.coli, to sum it up the trip stunk
  5. I was about to suggest sail Brian, but just flipped through the catalogue and didn't see one so now I'm unsure.
  6. Parros to Habs, gives them size and some muscle on the fourth line, takes some pressure of Prust aswell... However still not what they need. Need size on 1st 2 lines...
  7. Habs need to use there last bit of money on size!!!! Need someone big on the top 6
  8. Briere to the habs
  9. Tyler Seguin traded to Dallas!
  10. Not much of a bird guy, but those are everywhere in haldimand county! I can't even cut my grass or have a fire without a nest being in the way
  11. This one from Gbay... It was supposed to be my PB largie from the slop .. http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m639/Ratz2/HPIM4061.jpg
  12. This one would be the one off Mclung! Saw this guy right by there.
  13. Will also be interested to see where Tim Thomas heads too.. I can see him becoming a starter in Colorado or Philly. But also better options IMO for a starting goalie like Ray Emery who was an unrecognized brick wall for the hawks this year
  14. Quite rare to see one out this way, and wasn't expecting to get that close to it either!
  15. Went for a little ride on the canoe in the Grand this afternoon tossin around some new lures to see how well they work. Further on, I saw something off in the distance, puttered on over there and to my suprise, what it was... was the first Bald Eagle I've ever seen! boy these things are huge. Got some photos of him quickly not the best because i had to zoom in, but you get the idea. Made my week for sure, even caught a couple fish after he left Here's the first Picture from when I was approaching...(did some editing to make it more clear) This one just as Mr Eagle was ready to fly off, must've got to close for his liking And lastly one of him skimming across the water before he left me in his dust... hope you all enjoyed!
  16. That would be HUGE for the habs in my opinion!
  17. The habs need to make a couple signings this Friday. They need some players to get them through the playoffs.. Prust was one heck of a player, hopefully they make more smart moves like him.
  18. Looks like a great spot and fun time! The deer fly trap is crazy!
  19. Hi all, got into crappie at binbrook conservation and been hooked ever since, but instead of paying fees and driving to binbrook I live right on the grand and can get my canoe inbetween York and Cayuga. So my question is, is there many crappie in this area? I wouldn't mind eating some either. I've heard there's some in the Cayuga area, but can't remember where I heard it. Any tips also greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  20. I just used scrap wood from a deck project.. Then used c-clamps to keep the mount on to the gunnels. Bolted a thicker piece of wood to mount the actual motor on. Works great, no problems, cost me 0 dollars all stuff I had around the house. http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m639/Ratz2/null.jpg
  21. Don't have any, yes they'd be great for ice fishing but what I have found with a few friends is they spend too much time fiddling with electronics with less time with their rod in the water!
  22. Those are some really nice stabilizers, I want to keep mine as low budget as possible so I would use pool noodle,I'm just unsure how to clamp them on without drilling holes into the canoe. Frank could you explain how to put those clamps on ? I'm slightly confused LOL
  23. Long point Provincial park has a fantastic beach. Nice shore fishing for perch (send me a pm) at a certain area and great bass fishing in a boat
  24. If you make a photobucket account, then upload your pictures there, then when you want to post a picture copy the direct link on photobucket and insert into into the image drop down. Then your done! Hope that helps!
  25. Broker

    New Toy

    Looks like a great time, have fun!
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