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Everything posted by Black_Blade

  1. If your handy with tools and its not under warranty anymore, you might be interested in The Marine Doctor. He has gave me great advice in the past. If not handy though...I agree with others posters and take it to a certified mechanic for sure!
  2. I really didn't have an engine size in mind when making the post, just wanted a general discussion on the merits of the old die hards vs the newer models that have yet to stand the test of time. My budget right now is such that I have another year planned with the sportspal and my little '74 4 HP Seahorse, which is an excellent little motor (which may be what inspired my thread). But I always cruise the ads and do my drolling...I mean dreaming....lol.
  3. Could also look at that move by the companies as a great opportunity for them to force people away from the old ones that just don't die. Companies that stand by and watch how Microsoft continually forces its customers to keep on buying the latest and greatest and try to figure out a way to get in on that action as well...
  4. While browsing boats for sale on kijiji, I got to wondering. Would it be better to pick up and older motor and have it refurbished and tuned up or buy something new or a few years old? It is not uncommon to see old motors in excess of 30 years old, still running like a top. They were built to last. Not many newer products are built quite that rugged...companies being more interested in making money from either sales of parts or completely new units. You would have to weigh the pros and cons I guess of old motors being harder on fuel than the more fuel efficient modern ones...would the savings in fuel outweigh the costs of motors having to be serviced more often because of the parts not lasting as long? I thought this would be an interesting topic for discussion and look forward to hearing opinions.
  5. Nope....just need to take a course and get your knife operator certificate...
  6. I think the biggest reason for it being illegal to refill those little tanks, is simply because if you do, the government can't charge you more tax on it. If they could make a few bucks off you every time you refilled your little tank all would be good in their books. This is similar to many other things that are 'illegal' or that you need a license for...(boat operator card comes to mind)
  7. We should start up a little design contest and have some voting on the entries by September...wouldn't that be a hoot!
  8. Reading your post was like watching a rerun of Old Yeller, tears welling up and everything...pretty soon I will be in the same boat, have an old guy who's pushing 13 and is having rough days with arthritis in his front paws and his hearing playing tricks on him. So I'm bracing myself...got two other younger ones to take the edge off it, but hey, he's got the seniority! You'll remember all the good times and who knows maybe another little guy will step into your lives. Nothing like a few chewed up shoes and slippers to keep you distracted
  9. Finally managed to get my old beater of a laptop to get online...originally were gonna stay at the Hampton but they were booked solid, so managed to get a room at Algo Inn and their internet is hit and miss. Yep, working at the Shoppers..putting metal capping on the parapets. ( Awesome view of the lake from there..wish had a camera). Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow and will be able to get a good day in. Be great to get out on the water, thanks for the offer Fireman. Usually work till 5 but looks like tomorrow will be the only nice day, so may work longer to take advantage of that. Will tour over to that boat launch and check it out. Other spots to try as well?
  10. When traveling, you often see stores that herald "Trading Post" "Olde Trading Post" etc...and today I got to wondering...has anyone went in and actually tried to trade an item they have for something in the store? I imagine the person behind the counter would be dumbfounded...
  11. Going to be up in Elliot Lake next week, working, but was gonna bring my rod and some tackle. Was wondering if anyone has fished that lake right in town, Horne Lake. Will only be shoreline fishing (couldn't convince the boss to leave a ladder behind so can throw my canoe on the van )
  12. Figures...get tomorrow off and rain for next two days!

  13. Cleaning them away from campsite is one thing, but wouldn't cooking them at your site be almost as bad? The cooking odours in the air etc, and if you don't get your cooking gear perfectly clean as well...
  14. Congrats on the walleye! I'm still trying to catch my first one.
  15. Always meant to try out that PP, but after driving thru, wife didn't like many of the sites. We always went to Silver Lake, just down the road...nice park and great fishing!
  16. LOL...was just looking at the bear spray can offered at Canadian Tire. Good for 8 seconds spray time at approximately 25'. Interestingly, there don't seem to be any product reviews...that may be a bad thing...nobody that had to use it made it back to write a review Agree that best deterrent is a 30.06, but have to get PAL license, etc etc.
  17. The last couple of outings I have marked fish about a foot off the bottom, of course no way of knowing what type of fish it is but I have tried jig worming, a bottom bouncer with a spinner harness, an original Rapala on the bottom bouncer as well...if its walleye down there...not sure how else to get their attention. These fish are in anywhere from 25 to 40 FOW, marking a foot off the bottom. Usually at a spot where the bottom has just taken a dive from 8-10 FOW down. If they are walleye, would sure like to be able to catch my first one! BTW...all I am used to is either bass or pike taking a lure...how do walleye usually hit a lure or bait? Who knows maybe they could have nibbled at some time and I didn't realize it as a bite...
  18. Small update...I pulled off the old Fireline and respooled with Berkley Vanish floro 12 pound test and I didn't mind this line. Twice during the day some coils popped off the spool and made a bit of a mess (good thing fish didn't bite at that moment), but other than that worked nice...pulled in two nice sized smallies but didn't find that hog from the other day for a rematch...
  19. I have two similar Piranha models and have attached both of my transducers by first attaching the transducer to a small 1x2 piece of wood that is long enough to be clamped onto the transom and be at the proper level to get the best reading. I have attached pics of the one unit that broke off when was pulling my canoe up onto shore (had the 1x2 screwed into place on my Sportspal at that time). Went fishing with an old buddy so I rigged the broken transducer up to a stick with wire...c-clamped it in place on his boat and it worked like a charm. I use one of those rechargeable batteries that are for 12 volt riding toys. The battery, screen and cable all fits nicely into a insulated lunch bag. The set up I have on my Sportspal now is using at length of t track, so that I can just loosen wing nuts and slide the transducer up out of harms way before pulling canoe up onto shore etc.
  20. Went out at end of Trout Lake for an hour or so last night after work. I had made a previous post complaining about the breaking of my line (10 pound Fireline Crystal), well instead of changing the line and move on...noooo, had to lose an incredible smallie that liked my offering of a Gulp crawler drop shot. :wallbash: I got a spool of 12 pound floro that is going on before next outing! In all fairness to the FireLine tho, I think it has been on the reel for 3 seasons now, so is past due being changed...I'm just being cheap
  21. Would you use back to back uni knots to attach the floro to the braid?
  22. I have to find out where they are located, the caulking is wearing to the rivets (not leaking yet) in one area of my 14' flat stern.
  23. Was curious what others do with their fish wastes when out camping for a few days. With the increase in bear population, cleaning of the fish should be done as far away from the campsite as possible, but what do you all do with the carcass? Bury, toss into the lake (away from shore)... Have left carcasses in the water before and seen gulls a few minutes later down the shoreline a ways having a feast.
  24. Hope the landing net was big enough
  25. When you find yourself going back to the basic hook and worm most times...why the huge tackle box?

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